Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 247: Jianhou Mansion Under Attack

After returning from Wu Shi, Chu Qianye went into seclusion to practice.

On the third day, when a touch of white belly appeared in the east, Chu Qianye's eyes also opened, shooting a sharp glow.

Today, it is Wuxun Palace empowerment!

Chu Qianye left his independent courtyard and went to Wuxun Palace.

"Is this news accurate?"

On the east side of the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty, the boundlessly extending position was an area filled with black energy, where blood was violent, and very few people walked through this area.

A gray-robed young man walked out slowly, standing under the moat of the Chiyun Dynasty, looking at the mountains in the distance, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, revealing a beautiful arc.

"My son, this matter is absolutely true. The kid said with great certainty. Later, when I tested the tower with my perception, it really smelled like bones and cold fire." A graceful woman next to her showed a shallow smile. .

The muscles are like snow, the waist is like a girdles, the teeth are like shells, and there is a charming charm between the brows.

"Haha, the bone spirit is cold, and only my blood can be worthy of this kind of profound fire!" The gray-robed youth said lightly, "In this case, today the palace lord of the four university palaces will give an initiation, and it happens to be us. The best time."

When the words were over, a strange blood burst into the pupils.


With a touch of his foot, his figure swept forward, and several figures behind him also followed closely, and disappeared into the gate of dynasty in the blink of an eye.

At the place where the figure disappeared, some strange black air suddenly gushed out. These black air lingered in the sky, seemingly spiritual, like a ghost, permeating the place where it was standing, and where it disappeared, there was a looming black mark along the way...



However, Chu Qianye only found the Wuxun Palace at this time. There were many palaces of the Chiyun Dynasty, and they were extremely similar. It was difficult to find them. It took him a while to find them.

The seventh prince and the eighth prince were also waiting at the Wuxun Palace at this time. Seeing Chu Qianye's arrival, the eighth prince greeted them quickly, but the seventh prince pretended not to see them.

Chu Qianye didn't care, as long as this guy didn't look for death, on the battlefield, if it weren't for the presence of the king and the concubine, I'm afraid he would have killed this guy long ago.

When the three waited for a while, the four palace masters appeared in Wuxun Palace.

The palace lord of Xuanzhu Mansion glanced at the three of them lightly, and then left the Martial Arts Palace.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, what's the situation?

"Every year for Wuxun Palace initiation, there must be someone sitting in town. This time it is the palace lord of Xuanzhu Mansion." The Eighth Prince explained, Chu Qianye suddenly realized.

"Huh, no knowledge, don't even know this?" The Seventh Prince sneered.

Chu Qianye ignored it.

The corners of the seventh prince's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

Chu Qianye's attitude made him want to run away very much.

"Chu Qianye, follow me."

A kind-faced old man turned his head to look at Chu Qianye, and said lightly, Chu Qianye knew that this person was the palace master of the imperial family academy. According to Old Man Jian, his strength was unpredictable, even if Old Man Jian completely broke out. , May not be the opponent of this person.

Therefore, when Chu Qianye saw the old man, his face suddenly showed a respectful gesture, and he quickly followed behind the old man.

"Sit." He pointed to a round futon on the ground and said lightly.

Chu Qianye looked startled, and quickly stepped forward, and then sat cross-legged on the round futon, looking a little restrained.

"Hehe, you don't have to be so restrained." The old man said lightly, "Your master has a very close relationship with me, so you can call me the old man Guan, and you have to give you little guys a handful of old bones."

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised, the palace lord of this imperial school has a close relationship with Old Man Jian?

The lord of the imperial academy is named Guan Chenyuan. It has been three hundred years since sitting in the imperial school, Liu Batian must be respectful and cautious when seeing him.

"Relax, just as if you were cultivating normally, just close your eyes and concentrate. It may take half an hour for empowerment. During this time, don't have any distracting thoughts." Guan Chenyuan said.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, then put aside the distracting thoughts, closed his eyes and got into a state of cultivation.

Seeing that Chu Qianye had entered the state so quickly, Guan Chenyuan's eyes suddenly flashed with surprise.

Chu Qianye’s martial arts talent, he has witnessed, especially his talent for fighting, is really very strong, and according to the palace lord of Jianhou Mansion, this young man entered the inner mansion for less than half a year, but he started from Huang Ji At the first level, he advanced by leaps and bounds, and entered the ninth level of the Yellow Pole.

He thought that Chu Qianye pursued speed, but when his perception touched Chu Qianye's body, he felt the monstrous profound energy in Chu Qianye's body, that kind of terrifying oppression, even he had never seen it.

Such a young man is by no means an ordinary person, or an ordinary person who blindly pursues speed?

In fact, this is also true. When he started to empower Chu Qianye, he became more convinced of Chu Qianye's martial arts talent.

There are many martial arts geniuses, and there are also many warriors that have been rare in a century, but warriors like Chu Qianye are really rare.

Spitting sharp swords, dual-purpose minds, and the sword intent of Dzogchen and Great Perfection are completely unheard of. Among the geniuses he has contacted, those geniuses that are incomparable with Chu Qianye, even dare not to compare, because the gap is so real. The disparity is too great.

Chu Qianye entered a state of emptiness. After a while, Guan Chenyuan's palm was placed on the top of his head, and a pure profound energy suddenly entered his body, directly passing through his veins, and he began to Run your own practice to refine these profound energy.

Half an hour passed quickly, but Chu Qianye was surprised to find that the profound energy in her qi pool, which was originally empty in the shape of a lake, had been filled by half, half an hour, on top. One and a half years of hard work by others.

The empowerment is really terrible!

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And the most important thing is that the empowerment has no major side effects. As far as the impact is concerned, Chu Qianye thinks it should be the length of time to adapt.

It may really take a while to get used to the profound energy in the body.

Imagine that you usually cultivate a little bit of profound energy, then refine, absorb,... the whole process is quite difficult. Suddenly someone empowers themselves, and the mysterious air flows into their bodies, and they are "gulped." Absorption, it would be weird if it is said to adapt.

In this way, he is very close to the first stage of the Profound Realm. After half a year of cultivation, he should be able to officially enter the first stage of the Profound Realm, which saved him about half a year.

"Thank you Palace Master Guan." Chu Qianye said respectfully.

Guan Chenyuan gently shook his head.

When he and Guan Chenyuan returned to the outside of the Wuxun Palace, they suddenly saw the palace lord of Jianhou Mansion, his expression suddenly changed, and he tore the space with his bare hands to form a martial gate, quickly stepped into the martial gate, and disappeared before his eyes.


what's the situation?

Everyone looked dumbfounded.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

Jianhou Mansion, it's difficult!

An idea jumped out of his mind madly.

The yin and yang tower is under attack, and the bone spirit is cold and hot, and it will soon be seen again!

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