Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 258: Please for the country!

"A genius who has never met in a thousand years!"


"It's terrible, dual purpose."

"You don't know how terrifying the strength of such a warrior is. Among the people I know, only a peerless and powerful person like Huangquan Yao Sheng can do both. Well, there is also the supreme war of destroying a dynasty with bare hands. king."

At this moment, everyone's heart has formed a huge wave, looking at Chu Qianye in surprise, startled.

Wen Ruoxi looked dull.

He never imagined that Yun Feiyang, who had almost won the first prize, was so vulnerable in front of Chu Qianye that he would pay a large amount of money to bribe this person.

What Wen Ruoxi didn't know was that Yun Feiyang made the move because Chu Qianye was his opponent. They competed together for the chance to become a concierge, but they just had a personal affection.

Unexpectedly, Chu Qianye's talent was such an enchanting evildoer, which was beyond his expectation.

Wen Zhenbei, the lord of the city, has a dumbfounded look. He is just a city lord, that is, a first-class martial arts hall. His family background has a little bit of background. He thought he could train Wen Ruoxi to become a strong man. Mud in the wall.

It's alright now, his son's character can be guessed from just a few toes. Look at him standing behind Yun Feiyang and the cruel words Yun Feiyang said.

It must have a great relationship with him!

"City Lord, Xiaoxi..." Uncle Wang was also shocked.

"This evil obstacle, I have to intercede with the Lord later, only he can solve it." Wen Zhenbei said weakly.

In fact, Chu Qianye didn't take this matter seriously.

Wen Ruoxi? Such a small role. Although it is very annoying, but can't get over any storm, it is probably just a humble passer in life.

No matter the details, it's not that someone has to take a lesson by himself, just smile and laugh.

The boy in black, his hair dancing wildly, showed a faint smile.

He was not aggressive, and he went on again.

"Hmph, the realm of profound soldiers does not represent everything, it only means that you have spent more time on it, so you are a little better than me." Yun Feiyang sneered.

Chu Qianye laughed. Some people, indeed, really love face, and they have already lost to him, but they want to find themselves a step down.

Well, such a person is called—


Anyway, everything you say is right, and others are wrong. Isn't this the same virtue as the Seventh Prince and Xue Jiansheng?

"If I spend more time, I can also achieve such results. I just want to say that this does not mean anything." Yun Feiyang said lightly, "The next item is a strength test, trust me, it will definitely crush you. !"

Hehe, it's a confession.

"Boss, some people's faces are really thick, but what's the use of this? It's not you who get beaten up in the end?" Xiaobao said with a knife. "Some people in Qingyun County are not as skilled as they are. Hard mouth."

There was a fierce light in Yun Feiyang's eyes.

"It's a strength test soon, trust me, I'll crush you right away!"

Chu Qianye didn't care.

Soon he was on the test stone, standing in the middle of the martial arts field, two people tall, emitting a faint blood glow.

"This is a test stone, which can withstand the mighty power of a thousand dings at the most." The national teacher said lightly, "With a full blow, there will be ray of light, one blood awn is a ding, two blood awns are two, and so on. At the end of fifty dings of great power, the blood beams will merge into a beam of colorful light. In other words, if a hundred dings of great power burst out, there will be two colorful beams of light. Do you understand?"

This is very easy to understand, but fortunately the fifty tripods merge into a multi-colored beam of light, otherwise the great power of the hundred tripods would be a hundred blood ray, dazzling, beyond count.

The talents who participated in the test all nodded slightly.

"So, the previous test will eliminate the next eight warriors, namely Liu Hu from Wuyun County, Li Hong from Taiyun County, and Zhang Xuan from Chiyue County,..." the national teacher continued.

Of the 32 warriors, eight were eliminated, leaving only 24 contestants, and the next round of strength testing continued to eliminate eight warriors.

There were nervous expressions on everyone's faces.

Those warriors who were eliminated earlier are very strong, but they are eliminated after all. After all, they are bottom, but also very terrible opponents.

Now, the test of strength, this level cannot be ambiguous, because the strength of the physical body, the test stone can't hide anyone at all!

The people who participated in the contest to recruit relatives were not ordinary people. They were the leaders of various counties and geniuses who had the chance to win the first prize. But here, they are all geniuses gathered, very strong.

Therefore, in this round of competition, they have to burst out unreservedly.

"This round of strength testing can only be bombarded with fists and can use martial arts, but can not use any mysterious soldiers. Once discovered, they are eliminated on the spot!" The national division subsequently announced the rules and the judgment in the case of the same strength.

"In this way, if the strength is the same, then you have to refer to the realm of the mysterious soldier, if it is the same again, then you have to fight in public." Someone said.

"Under normal circumstances, it rarely appears."

"The second round, I am looking forward to it!"

On the viewing platform, everyone stared at the martial artist on the martial arts field, their eyes burst out with a light, and muttered.

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"Now, start testing the strength!" the national teacher said, "Next, I will draw the order of appearance according to everyone's previous names."

Everyone's eyes condensed.

The order of appearance is also very important. You can learn from others to exert such force and improve your explosive power.

Strong and fearless!

The order of these appearances is vulnerable to absolute strength.

With a flick of the national division's finger, twenty-four spiritual papers, suspended in mid-air, were completely separated by the martial art barrier.

"Now, ask a head teacher to help draw the lottery."

After a while, a head teacher of an institution landed in the air and stood against the national teacher.

As soon as he grasped his palm, a piece of spiritual paper appeared in his hand.

Everyone's eyes shrank suddenly.

Taking things out of the air is not a rare method. They are more concerned about being the first warrior to appear.

"Xuanyun County, Fourth Prince, Yin Shangpiao!"

"Lingyun County, Zheng Chu."

"Chiyue County, Wang Fangtian."


As the number of people dwindled, eventually everyone's eyes fell on Chu Qianye and Yun Feiyang.

"Qingyun County, the clouds are flying."

"Chishui County, Chu Qianye."

Everyone was secretly surprised, was this arranged deliberately? The two of them actually went to the finale behind.

Yunfei raised his eyes and shot cold light.

Chu Qianye just said he was scum, he was very angry.

In this round, he must beat the crowd and stand out!

Chu Qianye didn't care.

The first warrior finally walked towards the test stone slowly.

"Is it finally going to start."

Chu Qianye smiled slightly, this feeling was so similar that he had also undergone tests in the outer palace of Jianhou Mansion that year, and he burst out with dazzling light.

So this time, in Qingyun County, he wants to let the world know the style of their Chishui County national warrior!

This time, please for the country!

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