Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 268: Good luck

Then Ling Xu also left, and quickly went back to the dynasty to find the palace lord to report the matter.

As for the others, they can only show envy and jealousy.

The Seventh Prince looked pale. Chu Qianye received an answer from the palace lord of the Lingxiao Palace, and his position as the crown prince might not be guaranteed. Even for his mother's reasons, Liuyunzong did not dare to stand up and support him.

Lingxiao Palace, that is a first-rate power, and Liuyunzong is only a second-rate power. Facing this giant, dare you say anything?

No, even the Sect Master of Flowing Cloud Sect would not dare to speak like this, otherwise he would be devastated!

This matter must be told to his mother as soon as possible.

The seventh prince was upset about this matter. He didn't expect that Chu Qianye would have attracted the attention of the four major sects, and made such a jealous condition.

The current Chu Qianye has already left him far behind, and his eighth brother has used the right person, and he has lost the power in this game of the crown prince.

If Chu Qianye marries the three princesses of Qingyun County, he will lose power completely, and his father will only make the eighth prince the prince.

No, he cannot be successful!

In the eyes of the Seventh Prince, a cold light burst out suddenly.

Chu Qianye didn't care what the seventh prince thought.

He and the Eighth Prince, and will plan to leave.

"Master Chu, please stay."

Wen Zhenbei lifted his robes with his hands and walked towards the two of Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye turned her head to the side, revealing a puzzled look.

He hadn't seen the person in front of him, so he was a little bit face to face.

However, for the uncle Wang next to him, he and the Eighth Prince are no strangers.

"In the north of the town below, Wen Ruoxi, the inferior son, clashed with Lord Chu that day. I was negligent in discipline. I also asked Lord Chu to look on his face and drink two Gus at the house. In order to apologize to the three in person." Wen Zhenbei Said.

Uncle Wang told him that when the conflict broke out in the city that day, Chu Qianye and the three had merged into the inn. Although he hadn't seen the young man now, he didn't dare to offend him.

Uncle Wang didn't tell him that Little Treasure was not a human being, but a profound beast, only appeared in form.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly.

He really didn't take this matter to heart.

However, since Wen Zhenbei had brought it up, the matter should not be settled. Although Yun Feiyang shot him, although there is a big reason for it, Wen Ruoxi must have tried to persuade him.

Therefore, this matter still needs to be resolved. He is a person who loves and hates clearly, and was conspired by others. Although this matter is small and small, it can actually be regarded as a serious sin when it goes up.

"Yes." Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"At sunset, I asked Uncle Wang to pick up the three." Wen Zhenbei said.

Chu Qianye gave a hum, and then left with the eighth prince, Xiaobao Pidian Pidian followed.

When he arrived in the palace room, Xiao Bao transformed himself and returned to his beast state.

"It's still comfortable like this." Xiao Bao sat down on the couch and said lazily.

Chu Qianye laughed secretly, the profound beast had to transform into a human being, isn't it a living suffering, and it is consuming profound energy all the time.

"Boss, you have to make up for me when you go back. These two days are really tiring," said Xiao Bao.

"Okay, no problem." Chu Qianye answered vaguely, closed his eyes and entered the state of cultivation.

Seeing Chu Qianye practice, Xiao Bao stopped disturbing him.

In today's five-seat contest, Xiao Ling and Ao Tian helped each other out, otherwise he would not be able to fight one against four, especially the other party is the genius of the county.

However, Long Aotian consumed quite a lot of soul power this time, and he fell asleep after World War I, and the cold flame of the bone spirit was still swimming slowly in his body.

He entered the sea of ​​knowledge.

At this moment, the bronze sacred tree has grown sprouts, looking up, it is full of lush and lush state.

What surprised him was that this sacred tree exuded a rich profound energy and some good fortune aura.

Looking at the bronze sacred tree that was earthshaking in front of him, Chu Qianye was stunned.

The bronze sacred tree in the past was not like this at all. At that time, there was a dead silence, but now it seems to be so lush, it still uses profound energy and good fortune. What is the situation? What kind of sacred tree is this? !

What caused this change in Shenmu?

Good luck, the most difficult gas in martial arts, has a great effect on martial arts props. It is said that it can make the martial artist's cultivation and strength increase by leaps and bounds, and is more rare than profound energy!

It’s just that although this sacred tree is in his sea of ​​knowledge, but it is very little known. Only when he finds his father can he get the answer. Even his father knows it. Only his mother can understand what this is. what happened.

His martial soul was regained by his mother.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye moved his perception into the martial soul space, the peerless holy sword still floating there peacefully, without the slightest sound.

However, Chu Qianye soon discovered the difference.

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In the current peerless holy sword, there was an extra dragon pattern on the sword, and it was very clear. The last time he saw Martial Soul, there was only one dragon pattern, but now he has an extra dragon pattern.

Such a change made it easy for him to get in touch with the bronze sacred tree. The earth-shaking changes have also taken place. It was originally a dead silence, but when he came in, it turned out to be much more verdant and magnificent.

Could it be related to entering the blood pool?

Long Xing Yupei, what liquid is inside? After I absorbed it, I re-awakened my spirit, and there were more bronze sacred trees in the sea of ​​knowledge. Could it be that bronze sacred trees are really related to blood?

Moreover, this kind of blood is not ordinary, and the two times have explained this problem.

First of all, the blood in Long Xingyu Peni, what his mother left him, he never believed that it was ordinary blood.

Secondly, this time he entered the blood pool of Chishui County. The blood in it was the blood of a savage beast in the Middle Ages. It was extraordinary. Although it had been baptized for thousands of years, it was still so rich. He entered the blood pool to cultivate. In those three days, something must have been missed.

All these can only be waited for when Long Aotian wakes up again, and then asked him personally, and he has not seen him speak about the essence of the dragon race he said.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly, exited the state of perception, and continued to practice for another hour.

As the sun slanted west, Uncle Wang followed the chariot to pick him up and the Eighth Prince. As for Xiaobao, the servant didn’t know where he was going. Chu Qianye didn’t worry about its safety. Chu Qianye was more refined than humans. It didn’t count others. That's pretty good.

Following Uncle Wang, he soon arrived at the mansion of the city lord.

At this time, the lanterns were on, the surrounding fluorescent stones illuminate the mansion like daylight, and the guards patrolled back and forth, looking extremely strict.

Chu Qianye slowly followed Uncle Wang with his hands on her back.

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