Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 276: Are you really a genius?

"call out!"

Feng Ping's soles of the feet are touched, and the mysterious body technique is unfolded.

Everyone had never seen such a mysterious body, and they were full of praise immediately.

"This kind of posture is powerful."

"Dzogchen in the extreme position!"

"As expected to be a disciple of Scarlet Cloud Sect."

"The strong man on the second tier of the Profound List is really strong!"

The crowd onlookers talked.

Feng Ping shot.

Three fingers suddenly poked towards Chu Qianye.

"Chiff chick."

The terrifying murderous aura was permeated, but the three fingers burst out terrifying vigor in vain, and went straight to the door of Chu Qianye.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and they actually used three fingers!

Chu Qianye's face was expressionless, the soles of his feet were a little bit, his eyes flickered, and he retreated violently, calmly and calmly, with his hands on his back, without any intention to move.


Everyone was a little surprised at this scene.

Feng Ping saw that Chu Qianye was so calm, and he dodged his offensive with his hands on his back, a cold glow shot from his pupils.

Damn it, this kid didn't fight back, and he avoided his offensive in full view.

Feng Ping snorted coldly, his posture quickened, and he approached Chu Qianye's side, poking three fingers at Chu Qianye again.

Fingerprints suddenly burst out with a terrifying killing intent, and the power of destruction instantly burst.

"At least one hundred and twenty ding's huge power!" Someone's eyes flickered, astonished.

The faces of other onlookers were full of shock.

This kind of power literally killed the leader of their Qingyun County in a second, and this kind of power against the sky only used three fingers!

"This martial skill is at least the middle rank of the Profound Rank!"

"Terror, I can't stop this blow with all my strength."

The disciples of the imperial academy have shocked expressions on their faces, and their eyes are full of lingering fears.

Chu Qianye felt this power, but still didn't make a move.

The ghost shadow thunder body was used to the extreme, avoiding Feng Ping's fingerprints.


Fingerprints missed, hitting the position where Chu Qianye had stood before, and the void was distorted, and the terrifying energy spread to the battlefield, and several irregular cracks, like a spider web spreading open...

"Haha, the strength is good," Chu Qianye said lightly.

Feng Ping's face turned purple with anger.

When he failed the second time, he didn't expect Chu Qianye to be so flexible, like a loach, he couldn't catch his figure at all. He knew that his physical skills were slightly inferior to him, but he just avoided his offensive.

Everyone was taken aback, Chu Qianye's body style surprised them very much.

"Trash, you can only hide?" Feng Ping's face was slightly dark, and said coldly.

"Of course not." Chu Qianye stopped with her hands on her back.

Hey, this silly boy, is he finally irritated by himself.

Very good, next is the nirvana!

Feng Ping urged the profound energy in his body, and the martial soul locked Chu Qianye's figure, and the soles of his feet stepped out again, rushing towards Chu Qianye.

"Three Souls Yuzhi!"

Feng Ping yelled violently, the blood in his body suddenly thundered, and his figure hurriedly shot towards Chu Qianye.

"Long Xiangquan." Chu Qianye yelled in his heart and slammed a punch indifferently.

This punch seemed calm and calm, but Feng Ping's expression instantly became very ugly.

The fighting power that Chu Qianye broke out was also not weaker than him. He actually possessed a huge strength of one hundred and thirty ding. With such a punch, he would only lose both.

Before he could think about it, he slammed his fingerprints fiercely, and immediately put his five fingers together, slapped out a palm, and slammed into Chu Qianye's fist.

With some of the power that fingerprints blocked Chu Qianye, his palm suddenly knocked Chu Qianye away three feet away, and he also took a few steps back.

"Haha, three fingers?" Chu Qianye smiled faintly.

"I'm talking about three fingers defeating you, not just three fingers all the time." Feng Ping quibbled.

Chu Qianye didn't care.

The crowd onlookers suddenly showed surprised expressions. Chu Qianye's combat power could actually block Feng Ping's offensive. Who was this man, and his talent seemed not weak.

"call out!"

Feng Ping shot again, rushing towards Chu Qianye, blasting out his fist like a violent wind.

Chu Qianye's eyes narrowed.

Haha, did you kill me?

The power of the blood in his body began to surging, swiftly rushing through his body.

At the same time, Chu Qianye urged the ghost shadow to avoid Feng Ping's ultimate move.


The power of horror erupted continuously, and the fierce clash of fist palms continued to erupt. Chu Qianye was chased by Feng Ping and could only passively resist.

"It's terrible, is this the strength of the Scarlet Cloud Sect disciple?"

"After all, he is a warrior on the second ladder of the Profound List."

"This kid is also stiff, blocking so many ultimate moves."

"It's a pity, the end of the crossbow."

The head teacher of the royal academy also sighed secretly in his heart.

The strength of the white-clothed man is even better, but when you think about it, he is relieved. He is a disciple of the Scarlet Cloud Sect and a powerhouse in the Profound Ranking. It is not surprising that he possesses such fierce combat power.

Chu Qianye was brewing. It seemed that he was falling into the wind, but in fact he was safe, except that his palm was numb.

From three fingers to full shot, you are really shameless.

The blood qi was still boiling, and the cold fire of the bone spirit burned with it, and the power of the soul enveloped the cold fire of the bone spirit.

He had to make sure that no one in the room noticed the cold and fiery breath of Bone Spirit before daring to make a move.

This Feng Ping is really stronger than the geniuses of those counties, at least twice as powerful as the Seventh Prince. If he hadn’t practiced by sucking the blood of brutal beasts in the blood pool, and his physical body hadn’t been strengthened, I’m afraid this hand is now. Has been abandoned.

"Jiejie, rubbish, what kind of **** genius, just this strength?" Feng Ping sneered.

Chu Qianye's complexion was calm, and there were finally some fluctuations in his bright black eyes.

Bone Spirit is cold and hot, completely enveloped by the power of his soul!

Now, it's my turn!

"Have a good fight?"

Chu Qianye said blankly.

Looking at Chu Qianye's cold eyes, Feng Ping was suddenly surprised.

But at this time, of course he could not retreat, let alone be timid.

"It's me."

Chu Qianye said faintly, the voice fell, his black clothes were like ink, his hair danced wildly, exuding an aura that crisscrossed the world.

Around the body, a violent blood burst out suddenly.

A little on the sole of his foot, the speed suddenly increased, and his breath rose in vain, killing the aura, suddenly filling out of his body.

One finger jerked forward.


The horrible energy fluctuations suddenly vibrated.

Feng Ping's expression changed drastically, and Chu Qianye actually retained the strength!

With this finger, he dared to feel a strong sense of crisis.

It was too late to react, so I had to block it with my palm.


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A finger immediately pierced his palm, and the terrifying force knocked it out, and was knocked out of nine feet away.


Blood flowed from his palm.

"You said three fingers beat me, but in the end all fists were used. And I only use one finger!"

Feng Ping's face suddenly became very ugly.


Everyone stared at this scene in amazement.

The head teacher of the royal academy was shocked again!

Those disciples of the royal family tuition had their eyes widened and petrified.

The Eighth Prince was also extremely surprised, Chu Qianye was so strong? !

"The second tier martial artist of the Profound Ranking? The most outstanding genius of the Scarlet Cloud Sect? Ha ha, I don't think so."

Chu Qianye said lightly.

Wang Yuyan showed a small smile.

The teenager did not disappoint her.

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