Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 287: Sword old man giving gifts


After Xiaobao finished speaking, after a while, he saw its figure, but the golden hair on its body was gone, and the new hair was snow white.


Now it seems that there is no trace of the golden beast, and it looks more like a cute white cat.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised.

"Little treasure, do you recognize yourself now?"

Little Treasure shook his head lightly and rejected it.

Chu Qianye didn't care, Shenyin was given to the eighth prince, and he returned after a while.

"Yuyan, I'm back to Chishui County."

He spread out his perception and came to Qingyue Palace.

Wang Yuyan, who was practicing, opened his eyes slightly.

"Okay, we are in the Chiyun Dynasty. Let's meet by chance." Wang Yuyan replied.

Chu Qianye should be, and then the two left Qingyun County.

When they left, they didn't alarm too many people, but they all felt Chu Qianye's breath. At the moment when they disappeared from the formation, everyone unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

This evildoer finally left.

When Chu Qianye was there, the head teachers and disciples of the academy were tense and had not let go.

Chu Qianye's martial arts talent is too enchanting. If he stays any longer, it is estimated that these disciples will lose their fighting spirit to pursue martial arts.

People say that they are poor and strong, and do not fall into the blue sky.

However, Chu Qianye's existence was even more terrifying than this, and it was hard not to fall into the blue sky.

When two people and one beast appeared on the land of Chishui County, they suddenly felt much more at ease.

He is not at peace in his heart in a foreign country.

Facing the familiar breath and looking at the familiar buildings and streets, Chu Qianye also showed a faint smile.

This trip to Qingyun County was very rewarding, at least it was close to his goal.

Then, the final promise is about to be fulfilled.

Seventh prince, concubine, do you have the consciousness of death?

Haha, think about it, there should be none.

But it didn't matter. For this marriage, the edict was quickly passed to Liu Batian, and he didn't need to do anything now, so he returned to Jianhou Mansion and waited.

The position of the crown prince must be explained.

He believed that Liu Batian would definitely give him an answer.

Now that he owns the big tree of the Lingxiao Palace, I believe that Liu Batian doesn't have too many worries. There is only a Flowing Cloud Sect. Compared with the Lingxiao Palace, the gap is almost tens of thousands of miles!

"His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince," Chu Qianye said lightly, "What are your plans in the future?"

The Eighth Prince shook his head slightly.

"Inherit the blood of the emperor first. After my strength improves, maybe I will enter the Chiyun Dynasty, Chishui County, after all, it is just a small place." Then the Eighth Prince said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Chishui County is too small in size. If you want to grow quickly, you will get such a vast world as the Chiyun Dynasty.

After two months, he will enter the dynasty, enter the High Heaven Palace to practice, and then inquire about the whereabouts of his father in the dynasty.

However, there are still some things he needs to deal with before.

His eyes flickered, shooting a sharp glow.

The eighth prince seemed to understand.

"Thank you."

After a while, he said.

He knew that what Chu Qianye did was actually not all for him, it was just fulfilling a promise, but Chu Qianye helped him a lot. From the Crane Tower, to the Throne of Raging Flames, and then another half-year appointment, and then the Four University Palace Tournament, to the current situation, and what Chu Qianye will do next, he is the one who will ultimately benefit.

Therefore, he really thanked Chu Qianye.

In addition to the convenience provided by the bookstore, and the snake skin of the Profound Extreme Realm, he didn't seem to have helped Chu Qianye much, but Qiu Yu did a lot of effort.

He actually wanted to be a brother with Chu Qianye very early, but he understood that his identity gave him an invisible gap with Chu Qianye. It would be too difficult to break this gap. And his original intention was to let this barrier completely block the two of them.

Therefore, in this life, I am afraid that Chu Qianye will not be able to become brothers.

"My friend, the road ahead is very rugged. If you have difficulties outside, don't forget that Chishui County has an ally." After a long while, the Eighth Prince said.

"Okay." Chu Qianye nodded gently.

He understood that the Eighth Prince meant something, and he regretted it, but this was life. The Eighth Prince had his own choice, and he also had his own way to go. Maybe there will be no intersection in the future.

"Leave," Chu Qianye said.

The eighth prince nodded gently.

When Chu Qianye returned to Jianhou Mansion, Jian Batian felt his breath.

"You bastard, you disappeared during this time, where did you go?"

Chu Qianye's expression was stunned, looking at Jian Batian with a dark face, his heart suddenly stunned, could it be that he had discovered the cold fire by taking the bone spirit by himself?

Immediately, Chu Qianye shook his head lightly. It's impossible, he hides so well that no one notices.

"I went to Qingyun County with the Eighth Prince." Chu Qianye said.

This time it was Jianbatian's turn to be stunned.

"Qingyun County invites relatives, and we are involved in Zhaoshu," Chu Qianye said.

After listening to Chu Qianye's explanation, Jian Batian's expression eased a little.

"Here, this is the **** pattern I refined for you with the profound fire. The fire attribute sword aura can block the ultimate move of the profound extreme realm powerhouse for you when it is critical. You will go to Chiyun in a while The dynasty is over, and I have been guilty of teaching you as a teacher." Jian Batian said, "When you arrive at the High Heaven Palace, give me a good practice and don't lose my face."

There was a warm current in Chu Qianye's heart. He didn't expect that Old Man Jian was looking for him to give him a big gift, and it was a **** pattern made with bone spirit cold fire.

Although the flame of Bone Spirit Lenghuo was in his body, the breath and flames of Bone Spirit Lenghuo still had its aura and flames under the ground where Bone Spirit Lenghuo was, so it still had a significant effect.

After Chu Qianye left, the leaders of Jianhou Mansion teamed up to seal the place again. Although Jianhou Mansion's disciples practiced, the effect may be much weaker, but it is safer.

Of course, they sealed it again, hoping that after tens of thousands of years, a new mysterious fire would be spawned again.

"Do you have a face?" Chu Qianye muttered.

"Smelly boy, what are you talking about?" Jian Batian said angrily, "I was a romantic and suave, cross-border dynasty. At that time, I also paid homage to the demeanor of the Lord..."

"Well, I know, in a word, you were awesome back then, right?" Chu Qianye smiled.

"That is necessary." Jian Batian said triumphantly, and then leaned forward, "Apprentice, let's discuss something."


This old man has his eyes flickering, so he has no intentions?

"Let's talk about it," Chu Qianye said in surprise.

"Can you show me the three types of "Sky Breaking Spear" you created?" Jian Batian only felt that his old face blushed, but in order to suppress Tang Zhangjiao, he had no choice but to make a move.

"Okay, no problem." Chu Qianye smiled.

Hearing Chu Qianye promised so decisively, Jian Batian suddenly sighed in relief.

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