Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 704: Rush alchemy

"The half-year-old auction event of the Great Wilderness in Xizhou is still worth looking forward to." Ba Tian said lightly, "If you are lucky, maybe you can get all the medicinal materials you are looking for."

When Chu Qianye heard him say this, his heart became slightly warm.

If he can really get all the medicinal materials at once, it may save him a lot of time. After all, it is quite difficult to find all eleven medicinal materials, and there is also the final alchemy fire, no matter how much you say. The land is difficult. If you don't have any adventures, you can't find this kind of alchemy fire.

Fortunately, Dan Ta is also looking for it, otherwise, don't even think about this kind of alchemy fire.

I don't know how the Dragon Gate is developing now. If you follow the nihility training method, there shouldn't be a big problem. Now only the martial arts cultivation base needs to be improved.

There is really no other way to improve martial arts cultivation. He had thought about building a huge gathering and attracting spirit formation to absorb the endless profound energy in the secret space, and then use the proportion of time, It can quickly improve martial arts cultivation, but the secret space is his secret, let too many people know, it will not benefit him.

Therefore, he was stranded by the idea of ​​enhancing Longmen's strength through the secret code.

)More)? The newest Zz is up to 0

Chu Qianye took a deep breath and stopped thinking about these questions.

"Qianye, you participate in the auction. I suggest you don't go in this way." Ba Tian thought for a while and said, "You said on the flying boat that you are Chu Beixuan, this kind of thing may be able to hide some people. But for some powerful people, you can't hide it, and Yingyue dominates..."

Speaking of this, Ba Tian suddenly stopped.


Chu Qianye turned his head and looked at Ba Tian with a touch of surprise in his eyes.

"Master Yingyue looks down on this kind of behavior the most. If she is stared at, you will feel better." Ba Tian said.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised. As expected, Tyrant and Lord Yingyue still have some relations with each other, and they are still the kind of unbearable looking back, otherwise, with his temperament, he would definitely publicize it.

"What is the relationship between you and Master Yingyue?"

Chu Qianye asked casually.

Tyrant was silent.

"You still have to prepare first. It's best to refine a few good pills. Some people want to barter things. The few heavenly soul blood shaman pills you previously refined should be good, but you think There are too many things to exchange, so I suggest you refine more pill."

After that, Ba Tian ignored Chu Qianye and left immediately.

"Oh, by the way, you only have one night. The auction will be tomorrow noon. Don't be late, otherwise the good stuff will be robbed by others. I can lend you merit points, about 5 billion merit points. , I can’t take out the more. You can return it to me when you have merit points."

When the voice is over, the person has disappeared.

Chu Qianye looked at the direction where Ba Tian was leaving, startled.

With 5 billion merit points, Tyrant is also bold enough, so he just took out so many merit points, how many merit points this guy has.

Chu Qianye’s Pharmacopoeia actually only had more than 3 billion merit points, and he gave Qin Hu back to develop Longmen. His current merit points are only 1.5 billion, which is similar to the five of Batian. Compared with a billion merit points, it's almost a trivial one.

Fortunately, he still had the eighth-rank nine-pattern pill in his hand, plus the marks of the three gods, which should also have two billion merit points, and the other two pill, combined were also worth 200 million merit points.

It's a pity that such merit points are still too few to speak of. The most profitable is the drug alliance and the blood moon dominator. When one day he becomes a strong player on one side, he may not consider these merit points anymore.

According to Batian, these merit points are all the power of stars, which is of great benefit to the warriors of the polar realm. They collect these merit points to absorb and improve the martial arts cultivation.

These star points, from the stars in space, the fallen star stones, contain more merit points, and even the stellar power in the air can be absorbed by itself, and the merit points can be extracted, but this gains merit points. The speed is too slow, not many people are willing to do it.

There are also some treasures of heaven, material and earth, and the star power contained in them is richer. A small stone may contain tens of billions of merit points, or even hundreds of billions.

It is a pity that this kind of stars is very difficult to find, and almost all are monopolized by the master.

Chu Qianye is no longer thinking about this.

I'm really scarce of merits at the moment, so I should quickly refine some pill to come out, otherwise I will be really helpless when I see that I can't get what I want at the auction.

Chu Qianye Jieyin entered the secret space.

"Seeing you are quite tired, or take a rest?" Zhang Tianqi said with a soft heart when he saw that Chu Qianye was about to do alchemy soon after he came back.

Chu Qianye turned around and looked at her.

"No, I have to quickly refine the pill in exchange for more merit points. There are still people waiting to use the Nine-turn Golden Body Pill. I must not let down the expectations of others." Chu Qianye said, and immediately followed the pill. Take it out of Qiankun Ring.

Zhang Tianqi was moved a little and kept him from behind.

Feeling the soft touch coming from behind, Chu Qianye felt a little restless in his heart, but he could separate the occasion, knowing that he could not touch his children at this moment, and he had to finish the business as soon as possible, and then touch his children.

"You little girl, don't hook me up." Chu Qianye said, and immediately moved in his heart, summoning all the medicinal materials in the Universe Ring. He won a few pill recipes before, and he hasn't refined it. Now it's finally the point opportunity.

"Little bastard, I didn't hook you up. You think too much." Zhang Tianqi scholar Chu Qianye walked to the side with his hands on his back, watching with bright eyes that Chu Qianye chose medicinal materials, the corners of his mouth raised, and he smiled faintly. .

After these two days of moisturizing, this little girl became more and more hydrated. He looked a little surprised. He didn't expect that Shuangxiu could achieve such an effect. When he was washing his face in the tub, he also found that he had become a lot more handsome. Most of the appearance is related to this double cultivation of Dafa.

His mother gave him this pair of practices.

It seems that it is certainly nothing ordinary. Parents all over the world give the best to their children.

Sure enough, it's a mother, this kind of double cultivation method, in the future, you have to continue to practice together with your heart, and you will definitely get a lot of benefits.

Chu Qianye forcibly endured this inner restlessness and began to refine the pill.

During the whole night, Chu Qianye was refining the pill. Even if the pill pattern was formed in this secret space, it didn't seem that the pill thunder would be lowered immediately. He was also very surprised.

However, after all, it is too hard to drop. After leaving the Secret Scripture Space, those Dan Thunder will come.

He glanced at Jin Luan and Zhang Tianqi practiced cross-legged.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly, and hugged him from behind.

Zhang Tianqi frowned.

"Why bastard, you..."

Before he could say the next words, his mouth was gagged, and Jin Luan made a creaking noise soon after.

"Ah, bastard, I can't do it anymore."

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