Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 739: Xiaobao Breakthrough

Chu Qianye took a deep breath. How long was this to look forward to. I originally thought that only by drawing dragon blood can advance, but I didn't expect other brutal beasts to do it.

After carefully feeling the operation of the exercises in the body, Chu Qianye suddenly smiled.

Come on, the speed of the current exercise is twice as fast as before. In other words, his current cultivation efficiency is twice the original, so he should step into the extreme realm of the earth just around the corner!

Chu Qianye continued to absorb the last essence of refining, while the energy between the heavens and the earth quickly swept in. Such a speed made him secretly surprised.

Could it be that my martial arts cultivation has reached a bottleneck?

There was a trace of surprise in Chu Qianye's eyes. He had just absorbed and refined the Primordial Essence and Blood not long ago, so he was about to break through again?

Chu Qianye carefully felt the profound energy in the Qi Lake, and couldn't help but frown.

No, his blood energy in the Qi Lake now only fills up four-fifths, and there is still some distance from the bottleneck period.

Chu Qianye opened his eyes and felt the direction of energy flow. He couldn't help but be surprised secretly. Little Treasure didn't know when he had already quit from Naling and swallowed all the brutal beasts he had killed. With no hair left, it is hard to imagine how terrifying this little guy's appetite is.

It was also refining the energy, the operation of the exercises, making the energy between the heavens and the earth rush toward him quickly, the speed was like three thousand thunder, sneered, and then sank into Xiaobao. Of the body.

Chu Qianye sighed secretly in his heart. He continued to protect Little Treasure and let him cultivate with confidence. The gathering of profound energy around made the world gradually warm up.

The profound energy between heaven and earth is like three thousand thunders.

Little Treasure, the little fellow, is now surrounded by a halo of blood, and the rich energy and profound energy flow out frantically.

After another half hour, Little Treasure still did not move.

Just when Chu Qianye was about to comprehend the **** pattern, the space trembled suddenly, and a monstrous wave of power suddenly formed around Xiao Bao's body.


Xiaobao broke through smoothly.

Feeling the breath of Little Treasure carefully, this little guy has already stepped into the third level of the polar realm unknowingly. The speed of this cultivation is so fast that he can't keep up with it.

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What kind of background does this little guy have? It must be quite extraordinary to be able to obtain inherited memories, but what he doesn't quite believe is that the blood and aura of this little guy seems to fluctuate a little.

Xiao Bao opened his eyes.

"Boss." Xiaobao said, "After I refined those things, I felt a breakthrough when I was sleeping, so I came out."

Chu Qianye waved his hand and didn't care.

"It's good to break through," Chu Qianye said, "Let's go, it's time to go back."

Little Treasure returned to Na Lingjie, and Chu Qianye lifted into the sky with his palm on his back, feeling the aura of Yingyue Dominator, his figure suddenly moved and rushed out to Yingyue Dominator.


Seeing the figure of Chu Qianye rushing over, Yingyue's dominating beautiful eyes was a little surprised.

"You have understood the magical power of stealing heaven and earth?" She looked at Chu Qianye with a little surprise in her heart and said.

Chu Qianye smiled secretly in her heart. If you want to know that you have given me magical powers, I have already learned it. Wouldn't it be more surprised? But in the end Chu Qianye didn't say anything.

"Well, I was lucky. When I went in to kill, I deliberately cultivated this supernatural power, but I didn't control that power, so I almost interrupted my martial arts a few times at the beginning, but fortunately they all escaped." Qianye said lightly.

Hearing that, Yingyue nodded slightly.

"It's about to break through. If you spend more time on cultivation, you should be able to break through the eighth stage of the Profound Extreme Realm this time." Yingyue spat lightly, "It's time to go back."

Yingyue waved her palm, and the time within one hundred feet returned to its original state again.

Chu Qianye's eyes flashed a glow. If he had such strength, on that day, he would come to the Li family and take away Li Ling. Thinking about it, he would feel passionate, he would definitely do it. Row!

Within three to five years, I must reach the extreme celestial realm. With my current martial arts cultivation level, I should be very close to the extreme realm of the earth, and the cultivation technique has broken through, and I can practice well in the next moment. The extreme realm is just around the corner.

Followed Lord Yingyue back to the palace, it was still night again.

"This is my token. Seeing things is like seeing people. If someone wants to embarrass you, this thing can help you out. When you have a crisis, I can smash it and I can get there in time." Yingyue will be a white jade The token was handed to Chu Qianye, and the hand was very warm, with a gentle light from time to time.

Chu Qianye accepted the jade order. This is a good thing. With this thing, it can be said to have left sideways in the Great Wilderness of Xizhou. Who would dare not give Yingyue control of face?

"When you step into the fifth stage of the polar realm, I will take you to another place. It may be a good fortune for you. After you go back, you can cultivate well. As for the Holy Flame, I will also I will inform you." Yingyue said.

Then he thought about it, turned his head and said, "You have the aura of the Li family, you should have cultivated their family's martial arts."

Chu Qianye's expression was stunned. The strength of the ruler was really terrifying. He was worried about being detected by the people of the Li family, and he had never performed "The Seal of the Lord", but the ruler of Yingyue had an insight at a glance.

"Don't worry, other people don't know. But if you have to practice this seal technique, I am afraid it will be a little difficult. This martial art can only be practiced by people of the Li family's blood. Although they don't know how you got it, if they notice If you go to a foreigner to practice, you will be investigated for this matter. Alas, how did you think of practicing their Li family's martial arts." Lord Yingyue showed a dilemma, and Yu pointed forward, and a ray of light fell into Chu Qianye's body .

"It can only help you suppress your breath for five years. After five years, regardless of whether you use martial arts or not, the Li family will feel that you have to become stronger quickly in five years."

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Qianye nodded gently.

After leaving Yingyue, Chu Qianye returned to the inn again. Ba Tian and the others were still there. Seeing Chu Qianye's expression, Ba Tian knew he had agreed.

"I believe you can. If you carry it over, you will also benefit a lot." Ba Tian patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "I was too stupid at the beginning. I wasted such a good opportunity. Dominate, I really don't brag with you, brother, this talent is really not covered."

"The past is old, you cherish this opportunity, I am optimistic about you."

Chu Qianye: "..."

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