Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 897: Four shots (five shifts)

I'm afraid you won't do it!

Swallow the seal of God!

In Chu Qianye’s mind, a thought flashed quickly, and his body quickly swelled, swelling to a height of nine feet and nine feet in the blink of an eye, and around his body, there are people in the blood area of ​​Huangquan. Energy, frantically condensed towards his body. . .

The sky and the earth shook suddenly, and under this turbulence, Chu Qianye's whole body actually formed a ray of light, as if the lead was washed out, and around the ripples, there was an invisible figure of thousands of feet.

Today's Chu Qianye, like the demon saint of Huangquan, descends.

Everyone felt the surging of this power, and raised their heads in surprise.

Chu Qianye had already disappeared, but he did not expect to come back again!

And the huge figure stepped on in an instant.

Chu Qianye now has endless aura of Huangquan Demon Saint's power surging in his body.

Everyone felt a terrible force roaring.

A strong celestial realm?


In front of the half-step dominating power aura, everyone felt what it meant to be vulnerable!

Chu Qianye's mouth opened, and a syllable containing ancient auras immediately opened from his mouth, in vain, like a thunderous calamity that exterminated the world, showing its magnificent appearance!

Chu Qianye's nine feet and nine feet body shattered and collapsed.

Everyone felt their pupils suddenly shrank, and everyone looked up in surprise.

"Huang Quan Tian is angry!"

Feeling this breath of power, everyone's complexion suddenly changed.

The four statues all reacted slowly and retreated quickly.

As for the rest of the strong, they also showed fear.

Under the impact of this invisible sound wave, they have no chance of defense at all!


The powerful breath is like roaring mountains and rivers.

Wherever he went, the void shook, and a large area collapsed.

Chu Qianye didn't look back at all, but with a move in his heart, he called back the Nine Profound Desolate Pagoda.

"Boom bang bang!"

All the strong who had not had time to react and retreat were almost blasted out fiercely by this invisible sound wave, and the weaker ones died suddenly on the spot.

Guan Qiantong's face changed slightly.

He knew there was nothing good!

Looking at the Hunting Soul Palace, the fifteen strong men who followed him, the warriors below the third level of the celestial realm, were completely bombarded under this invisible sound wave, and there was no chance of defense.

As for Guan Qiantong, he also suffered from it. This invisible sound wave shocked his soul suddenly.

The woman who followed Guanqian's head was horrified.

"This kid is so scheming." The woman's eyes were full of chill.

The front of the view is silent.

Now it's finally suffering. It's no use telling you anything. Anyway, you let it go this time. After going back, the people in the main hall still have something to say?

This time, the woman asked for a shot.

The people who I bring now have lost 50% of them.

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As for the other sects, they also suffered heavy losses. Obviously, they did not expect that Chu Qianye had such a deep plan, and they had not had time to make a move.

Those sects were all surprised, and obviously they didn't expect Chu Qianye to design such a trap.

The four faces are very ugly.

Thinking that their dignified venerable was actually embarrassed by a junior from the extreme realm, so embarrassed, how annoying it is!

Although they had guessed that Chu Qianye would not be able to hand over the Nine Profound Desolate Pagoda in this way, they did not expect that Chu Qianye would have left behind.

Almost all the four sages retreated and evacuated from Huang Quan Tian's attack range.

Chu Qianye recalled the Nine Profound Desolate Pagoda, staring at the crack that might exist in the Little Thousand World and rushed away.


Chu Qianye's speed had almost reached the realm of ultrasonic waves. On Kunpeng's wings, the rays of light flickered, and Ling Tian's steps formed countless ghosts, which quickly swept forward.

The Four Great Venerables swept towards the direction where Chu Qianye had fled, and suddenly snorted coldly.

The four of them didn't stop, and the soles of their feet turned into a stream of light, and they hurriedly pursued them, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Those warriors who have been seriously injured have no choice but to give up the idea of ​​chasing them down, but there are still some people who are unwilling to give up.

The venerables fight, they also want to take advantage of the fisherman's profit, if it really hits them, wouldn't it be sent?

Therefore, people with this kind of fluke mentality did not neglect either. With a little sole, the figure followed the storm and chased up.

"Let's go, let's take a look!" Guan Qiantong's face was dark, and a sharp expression flashed in his eyes.

Chu Qianye was overcast for Venerable this time. With Venerable's personality, these guys would definitely not stop there. Chu Qianye was mostly in a disaster.

If you chase it down, there may be a chance!

"Ma De, this kid is really bad." Qiu Qianren of Dongyun Pavilion said in a deep voice.

Bai Yaojiang was expressionless.

He almost couldn't retreat from that insidious trick just now.

"Go, he can't escape. There are four venerables who take action. If there is no expert to take action, it will be difficult for him to fly!" Bai Yaojiang said blankly, "The other disciples of Dongyun Pavilion just turned back!"

After the conversation, the two rushed out and chased them down.

Tiangang Valley.

Ke Zhenye and Ke Zhenye looked at each other, and followed him.

Xue Changqing, the supreme elder of the Tiansha Sect, sent out other people to stand by, and he chased up with the three elders.

Other strong sects also rushed out, disappearing in a few blinks of an eye.

Chu Qianye didn't stay in the slightest.

He continued to run for his life. He had no choice under the current situation. Huang Quantian's wrath almost consumed his remaining profound energy. If he didn't run for his life, there would be only a dead end.

That slit is all his expectations. If there is no Little Thousand World, then he intends to enter the secret space, and at that time, as long as he waits quietly for a few days, it will not be too late to go out.

But he didn’t want this kind of choice to happen. After all, Gao Lihong’s sister was still waiting for his pill. Now a lot of the materials are already in hand, only the Holy Flame of All Souls is left, and this profound fire is like this to the Lord Yingyue For the strong, it should not be difficult to find.

"call out!"

There were already a few broken wind sounds behind him, and he didn't need to look back to know that it must be those four venerables who were chasing over.

Chu Qianye's eyes flashed with surprise.

Go on, it's almost there!

Feeling that the slit is getting closer and closer, Chu Qianye couldn't help showing an ecstatic smile.

"Boy, you can't escape!"

Qing Xuan's voice resounded.

When he finished speaking, Chu Qianye only felt that the surrounding void was suddenly distorted, and it was very powerful. The void where he was advancing had been crushed by hand martial arts, and the void energy was looming. He definitely couldn't move on. Otherwise the energy of nothingness will swallow him.

Four shots at the same time!

Chu Qianye could only cry secretly.

Is he going to die here?

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