Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 899: Fight four

Four shots at the same time!

The surrounding warriors all showed excited expressions.

This is an extremely rare opportunity.

When the Venerable takes action, they can also observe and learn, and see the methods of the Venerable, and perhaps they can comprehend some kind of mysterious martial art.

Chu Qianye stood with his sword, his eyes on the square.

There is no way, after all, we still have to use the clan pattern.


Chu Qianye raised his head indifferently, the clan pattern on the center of his eyebrows suddenly began to squirm, and the lines formed fast like lightning, and Chu Qianye's power roared out in vain.

Are you dying and still care about his stagnation?

Can't control so much!

The clan pattern began to sneer and twist.

In the body, a force rises in the wind.

With the passage of time, this power became more and more fierce, and his hair was like ink, dancing wildly along with it, and the hair tie was cracked open.

Strength rises like the wind.


Around Chu Qianye's body, a breath of blood energy suddenly appeared.

He glanced around lightly.

"Huh? Clan pattern?"

Seeing the marks formed on Chu Qianye's brows, Wu Ji, the old monster of Celestial Silkworm, and the sixth night, it was obvious that Chu Qianye used the clan pattern.

Qing Xuan looked ugly.

The last time, Chu Qianye used the clan pattern and fought him to death for many rounds, and instead of falling down, he cut his arm. At that time, his clone possessed 40% of the power of his own deity. It should be very strong, but in the end it was lost.

This fellow Chu Qianye used the clan pattern again this time.

But the situation was a little better. This time it was not that he was facing the enemy alone, but that the four were teaming up at the same time. This kid was like a turtle in the urn, and he definitely couldn't escape.

Chu Qianye stood with a sword, his eyes fixed on the front.


"Hmph, even if it's a clan pattern? Do you still want to escape from under the eyes of the four?" Qing Xuansu said with a sneer.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

"Who said I want to escape?" His gaze was awe-inspiring, full of the taste of preferring death to surrender, like a war sword in his hand, rather than surrendering!

"Last time you were beheaded by me, now my martial arts cultivation base breaks through two levels again, my strength is improving, but your strength is declining." Chu Qianye stepped on the palm of his foot, his robe flew, expression Indifferent, as if not putting people in the eye.

Hearing Chu Qianye mentioning this again, Qing Xuan's expression suddenly became extremely gloomy. This was a big stain in his life, and he wanted to kill Chu Qianye.

"Boy, today, this is your burial place!" Qing Xuan said with a sneer.

Chu Qianye didn't care.

"Everyone, go ahead." Qing Xuan's eyes jumped slightly.

The other three statues also showed a vigilant look on their faces.

Qing Xuan's strength is also very strong, did not expect to be cut off by this kid in front of him?

The other warriors who caught up with each other secretly took a breath.

Venerable Qingxuan, his strength is very strong, and he unexpectedly cut his arm by Chu Qianye? How much strength is needed for this.

Bai Yaojiang, who had originally held a grudge against Chu Qianye, his expression changed slightly after hearing these words.

Venerable, was this kid also cut his arm? !

Bai Yaojiang looked at Chu Qianye's figure, his eyes filled with incredible expressions.

Qiu Qianren was quite surprised.

Both Ke Zhenye and Ke Zhenye were equally surprised.

In the capture of the Wu Ji Demon Saint God Zang, Chu Qianye's strength at that time was very scum, and he had just stepped into the extreme realm of the earth. When we met for the second time, he had reached the seventh stage of the extreme earth?

Such an increase in strength is really quite terrifying, and I think it is impossible to think about it. If I change to myself, I am afraid it will be difficult to improve so fast.

How long is this? In less than half a year, I have been promoted to the seventh step in a row. What is this concept?

It is almost impossible that those martial arts experts who are hailed as geniuses also do not have such a terrifying increase in strength. The strongest genius, it took a total of one year to upgrade from the first to the seventh in the polar realm, and with a lot of resources to help, it can almost be said to be smooth.

But Chu Qianye was different. This kid could almost be said to have grown up in adversity. He was intercepted and killed by so many people, and his strength could be improved so enchantingly. Such a difference in strength made them feel fearful.

Chu Qianye was only in his twenties. At this rate of strength improvement, wouldn't he step into the celestial realm in two more years? Venerable, even half-step dominate? !

Thinking of this possibility, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

It's terrifying, this kind of improvement in strength is not a little bit.

Such a person will either not be an enemy, or he will cut the roots!

"This guy is the kid of the family you are talking about?" The woman beside Guan Qiantong stared at Chu Qianye with a greedy look, her tongue licked her lips.

"Well, it's him, the trash in the Nanzhou Branch Hall." Guan Qiantong nodded lightly, his eyes flashing with a strange light.

Chu Qianye's strength increased speed, even he was a little frightened.

The above had already ordered him to obliterate this child in the cradle anyway.

Of course, the most important thing is to collect his blood, this is the most important thing.

"So, does this guy have the blood of that clan in his body?" The woman asked casually, passing a touch of strange light.

Guan Qiantong couldn't help but frowned.

This woman, if it weren't for the power behind her, she wouldn't have to fear her at all. Thinking of the power behind her, Guan Qiantong felt a sense of powerlessness.

Seeing Guan Qiantong's expression, the woman seemed to know the answer.

"Since it is him, then this time I have to take action anyway. We can do without the other gods, but we must take away his body and soul equally." The woman said seriously, her words almost crazy.

"Remember, no matter how much it costs!"

Although he was very dissatisfied with the woman's tone, Guan Qiantong also knew the importance of the matter.

At this moment, Chu Qianye was standing with a sword, his eyes faintly scanning the surroundings.

"Go ahead, everyone." Qing Xuan couldn't help frowning when everyone didn't do anything.


With a move, Qing Xuan moved to the front of Chu Qianye, the warhammer in his palm burst out with dazzling light, and slammed Chu Qianye's head and face, wherever he reached, the void was shattered and twisted.

Chu Qianye's expression shrank.

After all, it's the venerable. This kind of power gap is not something he can resist now, but there are figures in all directions, and now he has nowhere to escape, he can only fight to the death!

Although trickling to the sea, sincerity has been exhausted; the light dust gathers the mountain, the skill is weak.

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and he quickly used the martial arts sword technique.

Six-epee sword aura, mixed with **** energy in vain, slashed out frantically.

Trickles, rivers, lakes, rivers, ocean tides, waves, all superimposed!

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