Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 901: worst plans

At this time, everyone has an illusion: Chu Qianye is absolutely uninjured now, he is still at his peak!

But they didn't understand, because the four smashed the soul jade that he was going to give to Qiu Yu, he was completely angry, and the power of all the fronts and all the souls in the body was completely exploded.

This strength even exceeds the state of its heyday!

Chu Qianye laughed loudly.

"Haha, kill, kill!"

The war sword in his hand burst out terrifying combat power in vain, and the thunder in the sky suddenly surged wildly, and the war sword gathered at him. The overwhelming power burst out with brilliant sword power.

Jian Guang rushed towards Qing Xuan fiercely.

This sword shows the king, like all the people in the world are ants!

This sword is full of swordsmanship, take it and destroy it as you like!

A sword slashed out, the world was eclipsed, and Qing Xuan's face changed abruptly. With this sword, he actually felt that his soul was trembling, and the sword's might was conceivable.

Qing Xuan immediately recognized counseling.

No way, he has already lost a clone. If the deity is holding or dying, he will definitely lose out, and the other three have not taken any action. Why should he kill himself?

Presumably, he quickly urged the profound energy in his body and quickly retreated away.

Chu Qianye suddenly showed a sneer.

You can leave now!

Chu Qianye's heart moved, Kunpeng's wings flashed for a while, Ling Tian Shenbu also swiftly moved up, several phantoms appeared, and Chu Qianye swiftly swept towards the slit.

It was nothingness, endless energy surged out frantically.

The world is eclipsed.

When he got here, Chu Qianye also began to hesitate. He didn't even know whether there was the so-called Little Thousand World in this slit. If he just went in so hastily, it would be a dead end.

But does he still have a way out?

Are there any more?

No more!

He was completely blocked by the four masters and the powerhouse of the celestial realm!

Dead end, complete dead end!

Chu Qianye stopped his figure.

When he turned around, the four venerables and other celestial realm powerhouses had already caught up, and this time he had no retreat.

Either dive in, or fight to the death with these guys here!

But in any case, the result is not ideal.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Qianye tremblingly stretched out his palm, lightly touched the void, and felt the magical sunlight in the **** territory of Huangquan.

"Hehe, see where else you go!"

Seeing that Chu Qianye had no way to go, Qingxuan suddenly smiled.

"Hand over the gods, bless you!"

Wu Ji, Boss Skyworm and Sixth Night also had their eyes flickering at this moment.

The celestial extreme realm powerhouse who caught up behind him, everyone's eyes flashed with strange light.

This means that Chu Qianye has no retreat, and after using the clan pattern, the strength will begin to burst all the way, and in the end, the strength will completely leave the body and let them kill.

But this means that they will face the problem of dividing the gods.

Therefore, everyone is dealing with and caring inside.

Chu Qianye sighed secretly in her heart.

The world in the thunder pond, because of the divine pattern that pierces through the air, if Qiu Yu and the others leave the secret space, they might be able to travel through the thunder pond.

However, this would be quite dangerous. After all, the space was terrifying. Once they entered the depths of the thunder pond, they couldn't handle it with their current strength.

The half puppet may be able to deal with the situation deep in the thunder pond, at least it can buy him time.

If Little Treasure's body recovered, there shouldn't be much problem.

In addition to that formation has his defensive **** pattern, the impact of thunder force should not bring them a fatal blow.

If the crack in the back is the door of death, it doesn't matter if you die, but you can't let them disappear with your sea of ​​consciousness. That would be too irresponsible.

"Little Treasure." Chu Qianye said in a divine voice: "I don't have much time. Before they take action, I hope you can go back to that space and take them through the air and return to the thunder pond. Then I will Signing a friendship contract with you will not affect you because of my death. Secondly, if I am not dead, you can tell them the news."

Little Treasure inside the Naling Ring trembled suddenly.


"Don't talk nonsense, it's too late to talk about other things. It's Chu Qianye's blessing to meet you in this life. I owe you too much. If I can live this time, I will open up the frontiers and expand the land in the future and dominate the profound energy. Mainland, I will give you a title, you leave the soul to practice, and the body will continue to enter the realm with me." Chu Qianye said quickly.

"Now you come out of Qiankun Ring, take the Nine Profound Desolate Pagodas after the seal, and enter the secret space together. Naling Ring has my blood, and when it comes time to penetrate into the depths of the thunder pond, if you can't block the void, use it. The blood energy opened the Nine Profound Wild Pagoda and entered the second level of space. If I can return, I will enter the depths of the thunder pond to bring them out, otherwise you will continue to practice and come out after the martial arts cultivation reaches the celestial extreme realm. Remember, That puppet can help you resist the power of thunder."

"Boss, why don't we fight with them!" Xiaobao said with red eyes.


Why doesn't he want to fight?

But he is not strong enough, after all, he is facing the Venerable.

"Little treasure, don't talk nonsense, and don't use emotions. I have let down my daughter and your sister-in-law. It doesn't matter if I die, but it's unfair to them. You first quit from Naling, Jieyin enters the secret space, according to Do what I said, if I expected it well, I should be able to go back to the depths of Lei Chi." Chu Qianye said softly.

Xiao Bao was drunk by Chu Qianye and woke up from his sad state.

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The current situation is indeed like this. If they really want to fight with these people, the worst result in the end is that they all die. Chu Qianye has these worries in his heart, indicating that he has made the worst plan.


Xiao Bao came out of Na Ling.

Chu Qianye cancelled the original contract and signed a new contract again.

"I, Chu Qianye, would like to be friends with Xiaobao and never betray!"

"My little treasure, I would like to be friends with Chu Qianye and never betray!"

The breath of a martial art descended, and a chain of spirits that seemed to exist and shook on the imprint of the two souls, which meant that the contract was formed.

"Little treasure, go!"

At this moment, when everyone saw Xiaobao appearing, they didn't pay much attention at first, but when Xiaobao got the seal, they knew it was not good.

"Hurry up!"

Chu Qianye handed the Nine Profound Wild Pagoda to Little Treasure, and stepped out on the sole of his foot.

The profound energy in the body surged out frantically.

Extraordinary sword energy, the situation is sweeping out.

Xiao Bao entered the secret space.

Chu Qianye suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

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