Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 904: Reforge flesh and blood (seeking fruit)

Long Aotian looked around blankly.

The first thing he saw was the nine dragon corpses.

The terrifying power aura made Long Aotian's expression drastically changed.

"Junior, you are the heir of the Dragon Race."

The dragon said.

Long Aotian's expression changed, and at this moment he saw clearly that there was something even bigger in front of him.


Feeling this terrifying aura, Long Aotian's expression changed, and he knelt on one knee.

"Junior Long Aotian, see the ancestor of the 460th generation Long Yu deputy commander!"

The dragon sighed faintly.

Full of vicissitudes.

The Dragon Royal Army, the product of the dragon clan's heyday, was unfortunately lost in the end and fell to the foot of the mountain and suffered an extermination.

"You can own this dragon corpse, and I will help you restore the dragon body." The dragon said lightly, "With the stroke of the dragon's claws, a slightly weak dragon corpse slowly appeared in the void."

At this moment, Chu Qianye was also quite surprised when he heard the conversation between the two.

"Long Aotian."

Chu Qianye's consciousness spread, and her voice resounded in her mind.

"Chu Qianye?"

Long Aotian turned his head, and when he saw the martial arts heart palace was shining brightly, he couldn't help taking a breath.

"Ancestor, this is..." Long Aotian was shocked.

"His physical body has been swallowed by void energy." The dragon sighed quietly: "I don't know if we can stop this time, we can only expect him."

Long Aotian's face was shocked, staring at Chu Qianye's direction.

"You enter the dragon corpse first. After I help you recover your body, you will absorb the power of the stars in the nearby space. You can show up again when he needs you, so as not to branch out." The dragon vomited lightly: "go in."

Long Aotian nodded lightly, and then drifted into the dragon corpse.

The giant dragon breathed out a breath of dragon breath, and the surrounding dragon corpse suddenly emitted a colorful light, and as time passed, Chu Qianye actually felt the breath of life.

This time may be one year, maybe ten years. In short, Chu Qianye has forgotten the time, and he also forgot the time in the end, and his consciousness has entered the dragon jade road seal.

"Go, don't stay, don't go back to the Profound Qi Continent easily. With your current strength, once you return to the Profound Qi Continent, it will only cause trouble and disrupt the martial arts. He will show up when he needs you most. Remember, don't go. Too far away, you can practice in this boundless void, the power of the stars is useful to you." The dragon said lightly.

Long Aotian turned into a giant dragon and glanced at Chu Qianye.

"Ancestor, then I will go first." Long Aotian said.

The dragon nodded slightly.

Long Aotian's figure moved and disappeared into the boundless void.

The giant dragon swept in the direction where Chu Qianye was, and shook his head lightly.

With a move of his body, he turned into a human being, and with a wave of his sleeves, the dragon corpse was torn apart, formed into flesh and blood, and quickly swept towards Chu Qianye's direction.

At this moment, Long Yu Dao Yin suddenly burst into bright rays of light, and the power of the stars under Zhou Tian rushed toward Chu Qianye as fast as lightning.

Chu Qianye was in the Longyu Dao Seal, and only felt that in the state of chaos, some nectar suddenly penetrated, and gradually felt light and heat, and gradually gained a sense of texture.

The nine dragon corpses are all crystal clear with dragon horns, and the purple light flashes, but the whole body is shining with black light, and the scales are in the dark void, revealing a mysterious brilliance.

In the lonely space, nine dragon corpses revealed terrifying power.

At this moment, on the Dragon Jade Dao Seal, strange and vague ancient patterns shone, full of the vicissitudes of life.

One after another, the gods radiate out.

With the passage of time, in Chu Qianye's martial arts heart palace, suddenly felt that a powerful vitality burst out, that is the aura of Longyu Dao Yin.

The way of eternal life.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised. Without this dragon jade seal, I'm afraid he would have died and disappeared. He didn't expect that it was this unremarkable little thing who saved his life at the critical moment, and he didn't understand it. How it appeared.

The indestructible dragon corpse, accompanied by a wave of the old man's palm, turned into flesh and blood, and moved closer to Chu Qianye's martial arts heart palace.

"Don't think too much, quickly calm down and recast your flesh and blood!" The old man drank lightly, and Chu Qianye calmed down quickly.

The flesh and blood of the dragon corpse gathered little by little, and under the colorful rays of the dragon jade seal, a powerful breath of life force enveloped the flesh and blood.

With the passage of time, the breath of life becomes stronger and stronger.

One year passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.


Chu Qianye gradually looked at the time. There was only one thought in his mind, to recast his own flesh and blood, because he knew his own situation well, the veins, the internal organs...he still remembered everything.

The warrior knows his own situation very well, after all, he perceives and interacts with it every day, and he is even so familiar with it without thinking about it.

Maybe it was a hundred years, maybe a thousand years, or even thousands of years, Chu Qianye was feeling the return of the body a little bit, and the breath of power was even more terrifying.

The muscles and veins were completely restored, the internal organs were all restored, and his original appearance was formed again, and as time passed, Chu Qianye finally fully recovered his body.

He moved his fingers and finally had some reaction.

"Congratulations on reforging the flesh and blood."

At this moment, an old voice resounded in his ears, Chu Qianye opened his eyes and saw an old man looking at him lightly, Chu Qianye knew that he was transformed by a giant dragon.

"Thank you senior." Chu Qianye was about to thank him, but a soft force held him up.

"I can't bear your worship, just recast a flesh and blood body." The old man said lightly: "But your martial arts and martial arts cultivation base has not yet returned. You hurry up and recover."

Chu Qianye quickly closed his eyes and moved the martial soul of the martial arts heart palace into the martial soul space.

And his soul realm actually broke through again.

Seven Stars Consummation!

From the middle pole position to the great pole position, and then from the great pole position to perfection, did he actually complete two leaps?

Chu Qianye continued to return to martial arts.

The so-called return to martial arts means to use the power of profound energy and nine dragon flesh and blood to cultivate and re-elevate martial arts cultivation.

"You don't have to worry, it's only two thousand years, and you can use it for another five hundred years, and you can almost completely return to your martial arts cultivation. This is a very long process, you have to be patient." The old man said lightly.

Chu Qianye closed her eyes tightly, and her heart was no longer disturbed.

Two thousand years have passed, can he not afford to wait for five hundred years?

The energy between the heavens and the earth converged crazily, and the flesh and blood power in the body also circulated. In the Martial Dao Heart Palace, the Dragon Jade Dao Yin exuded a strange light.


There was a shock in the Qi pool, and the martial arts cultivation base suddenly broke through.

First is the Qi Chi, then the Qi Lake, and then the Qi Hai.

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When he stepped into the seventh-order of the polar realm, the dragon jade seal in his body trembled suddenly.

"Chiff chick."

The energy between the heavens and the earth dissipated like a tide, while the Dragon Jade Dao Yin exudes a faint colorful light.


I thought it would stop there, but he didn't expect his anger to be shocked again.

The eighth level of the polar realm!

Feeling the improvement of martial arts cultivation, Chu Qianye was startled.

Unexpectedly, because of a blessing in disguise, martial arts even broke through.

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