Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 910: Back to Xizhou

Chu Qianye was startled.

It turns out that these eyes are the magical eyes of his previous life.

Now he finally understood.

So, why didn't the dragon dare to accept his luggage? What is the big game it said? What is it afraid of? So that you can't even say it?

All this seems to be a puzzle.

The next time he meets, maybe he will know the answer, or he won’t know the answer until his memory is completely unblocked.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye didn't think too much.

He glanced at the refining formation, and had refined the star stone to the end, and the power of the stars had gradually weakened.

It has only been two hours since he entered this cave, arranged the formations, and felt the situation in his body.

From the realm of the soul, to the psychic eyes, and the body, these are the three most significant changes he perceives in his body.

The Xingchen Stone was almost finished refining, and his next step was to return to the Great Wilderness of Western Continent. The Lord Yingyue hadn't told him the movement of the Holy Flame of All Souls until now. He didn't know if he had found it, and where he was already.

Chu Qianye closed his eyes and practiced, and after another two hours, the star stone was completely refined, and the meritorious water in the jade bottle had already been filled with a small half bottle, roughly estimated to be three hundred and fifty drops.

Looking at the three jade bottles, Chu Qianye couldn't help showing a faint smile.

Feizhou is here.

"It's almost time to return to the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty."

Chu Qianye put the three jade screens into the Qiankun Ring, and put them away together.


Chu Qianye walked out of the cave, withdrew from the Tiantu Zhu Immortal Formation, and said to the guardian half of the puppet, his figure moved and he returned the same way.

Leaving the Nujiang Grand Canyon, Chu Qianye hurriedly called out his light flying boat. Amidst the roar of the beast, the flying boat was carried forward, so fast, it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

On the flying boat, Chu Qianye Jieyin entered the secret space.

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The three women are all very well, and Xiaobao's injuries have recovered somewhat.

Seeing Xiaobao's injury, Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly flashed a shadow of darkness.

Qingxuan, an old dog, only killed his clone last time, this hatred will inevitably let him drink hate when he meets next time!

These dogs in the Four Continents are bullying others. This time I have a divine body, and my martial arts cultivation level has broken through again. It is completely worthwhile to meet the Venerable again.

Chu Qianye looked at the refining formation, the jade bottle was already filled with profound strength liquid, a large bottle full, Chu Qianye was quite surprised.

From the beginning of the deployment of the formation to the present, a total of less than ten days before and after, has it been refined into a large bottle? Such a speed is a bit scary, so in a month, there will be three full bottles. Then he will be afraid of the Lord?

Not to mention four, even if there are five, there is no problem. These profound liquids mean that he can use extraordinary sword aura madly without worrying about the embarrassing situation of running out of lights.

At the eighth level of the extreme earth, if it broke out completely, there should be no problem with fifty extraordinary sword qi, and his cultivation technique could continue to absorb profound qi.

It would be perfect if the skill of cultivation broke through again.

However, his current state is very good, and he doesn’t have to rush to absorb these profound liquid breakthroughs. After all, with his current strength, his martial arts cultivation base shouldn’t be improved too fast. After the twin souls and the recast body are completely integrated. , This will be more secure.

"You cultivate, everyone takes half a bottle." Chu Qianye said, and then the jade bottle in the refining formation was replaced with a new jade bottle, and then the profound strength liquid in the bottle was channeled out and filled into four. Inside the bottle.

Zhang Tianqi, Qiu Wei, and Chu Nuan were all divided into half a bottle. Little Treasure was injured and needed to improve his strength, so Chu Qianye gave it a bottle.

In this case, there is only half a bottle on him. However, he knew that he could not overly rely on such things, otherwise it would be difficult to improve his martial arts cultivation in the later stages.

When you encounter a bottleneck, you can use it to shock, or occasionally absorb part of the refining, but if you refining all these profound liquids like a cow, the result is not very good.

"Thank you, boss." Xiaobao took the profound strength liquid and entered the Naling Ring to absorb refining.

Last time I double-cooked with Qiu Yu and Zhang Tianqi, the two niu'er's current martial arts skills have improved quite quickly, and they have already reached a bottleneck again.

Qiu Yu was about to step into the polar realm, while Zhang Tianqi hit the third level of the polar realm.

As for Chu Nunnan, this girl is already at the level of the seventh-order of the polar realm, but her strength is really not complimented. He used to be in the gods' realm before. At that time, he was a **** emperor of ten thousand people, but in this life he is just reincarnated and rebuilt. , So he was still very worried about Chu Nuan.

Let her stay in the secret space?

This is definitely not a solution, unless he can stay in the secret space all the time, but the girl panicked when she couldn't see it, if it wasn't for Zhang Tianqi, the girl might have left the secret space outside.

"Nanny, do you want to practice with your brother?" Chu Qianye asked.

"Is it fun?" Chu Nun asked, turning her head.

Chu Qianye: "..."

This girl is really hard to convince, she is totally helpless.

"Well, it's fun," Chu Qianye said.

There is no way, it really takes a lot of effort to let Chu Nuan increase her strength, so in the next few days, Chu Qianye has been accompany Chu Nuan to practice, let her improve her martial arts cultivation.

Feizhou was moving forward, and soon left the Beizhou region and entered the Xizhou region.

He has to change his face. Now that his relationship with Takeshi has broken, these guys must be inquiring about himself. If these guys know his whereabouts, why don't you fight with yourself?

Chu Nannan finally cultivated, which saved Chu Qianye a lot of heart.

He closed his eyes and settled into a state of cultivation, and his perception quickly entered the sea of ​​consciousness. The piece of green copper was still there, and the ten-thousand-foot sacred tree was emitting a faint green light at this moment, and it seemed to have taken root.

He still couldn't figure out this sacred tree.

What kind of sacred tree is this? Why is it all withered?

It's impossible for the Dragon Clan to defend this sacred tree to the death like this. Long Aotian is no longer there. He still has a lot of questions before he has time to ask.

No matter, let’s ignore this sacred tree for the time being. Let’s clarify this green bronze first. His mother told him the importance of this green bronze. You should almost try to get in touch now. Look at the gods and the masters. Access.

Chu Qianye's heart moved and swept away his perception towards the green copper.

"Chiff chick."

The green copper radiated a faint green light, and when Chu Qianye's perception approached this green copper, a restraint bounced his perception away. Chu Qianye tried several times but failed.

"It seems that I can only unlock it when I step into the celestial realm." Chu Qianye sighed hard.

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