Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 914: Immediately

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The Chiyun Dynasty.

The Longmen base camp was besieged by the Scarlet Cloud Sect at this moment.

"What to do?" At this moment, a beautiful girl in a red dress walked in hurriedly.

Seeing Longmen Shuqu's expressions gloomy, they couldn't help asking.

"Sister Qiuye, come with me. Let's go to the Lingxiao Palace to mobilize other fellow juniors to see if they are willing to help our Longmen tide over this difficulty." Wang Yiling said.

The girl in the red dress is Bai Qiuye.

"Okay." Bai Qiuye's red dress flew, has grown into a beautiful woman, and the childishness on her face has gradually faded.

Her eyes sparkled with brilliance.

"Brother Qianye, the Dragon Gate is your painstaking effort, no one can destroy it!"

Bai Qiuye's eyes passed a touch of firmness.

She followed here from Chishui County, trying to make herself strong. In Chishui County's four-university hegemony competition, she won the first place and entered the Lingxiao Palace with a proud result.

Chu Qianye is her role model and her source of strength.

It has been two months since she has been in the Lingxiao Palace. Later, all she heard was Chu Qianye's achievements. The object of admiration was to set the Dragon Gate. She also joined the Dragon Gate and was proud to be a part of it.

Unexpectedly, Wu Changqing deceived people too much, not only forcing the third princess Wang Yuyan to marry her disciple Ye Tianjun of the Scarlet Cloud Sect, but also forcibly closing the Dragon Gate in an attempt to take advantage of the Dragon Gate and obtain this precious resource.

Especially Dragon Blade's intelligence acquisition ability has made many people covet it.

This includes the Scarlet Cloud Sect, the Lingwu Sect and the Reincarnation Gate, but the main one is the Scarlet Cloud Sect. After all, there is the backing of the Lord of the Dynasty.

Very angry, very angry!

In the past three days, Bai Qiuye didn't sleep well, and Lingxiao Palace had helped in the early stage, but he didn't dare to take action later.

Now her mood is burning again.

Longmen, she admired the creation of her elder brother. After the painstaking management of many predecessors, she finally developed. Now these **** are actually trying to steal the fruits of victory!


"Let's hurry up." Bai Qiuye said.

Wang Yiling was also quite heavy.

"Enter the teleportation formation and return directly to the Lingxiao Palace." She said.

The two of them walked towards the teleportation formation and returned to the High Heaven Palace.

The elders opened one eye and closed the other as if they hadn't seen it, letting them encourage the students of the Lingxiao Palace.

However, there are not many people who are willing to take action. After all, this time they are going to work hard with the Scarlet Cloud Sect and the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty patrol law enforcement team. If there is any mistake, they will have to be buried.

"Chu Qianye has some friendship with me, so naturally I won't just sit back and watch this matter."

A hearty voice resounded.

Wang Yiling raised her head, and when she saw it, she suddenly smiled with joy.

"Brother Liu!"

The person who came was Liu Baqing, who had now stepped into the fifth level of the polar realm. This time he came back under the command of the palace lord of the High Heaven Palace and was ready to accept the elders who were trained to become the High Heaven Palace.

"But Senior Brother Liu, this may affect you. You have to ask Mu Yi for instructions. Otherwise, the Lingxiao Palace may not dare to ask you to be an elder, you..." Wang Yiling said worriedly.

Liu Baqing waved his hand gently.

"It's okay, why do I need to do anything else? And I am not the elder of the Lingxiao Palace in the strict sense. Let's go, let those old dogs succeed one step later." He looked at Wang Yiling and Bai Qiuye, and said lightly .

"it is good!"

The three of them took the Lingxiao Palace students who were willing to take action, stepped into the formation, and once again teleported to the Dragon Gate.

Seeing Liu Baqing, Qin Hu was stunned.

"Brother Liu, you..."

Liu Baqing waved his hand gently.

"It's okay, Junior Brother Qianye is the most talented guest of my Lingxiao Palace. Now that your Dragon Gate is in trouble, how can I just ignore it?" He said lightly.

Longmen members secretly sighed in their hearts, this is their senior, who was also a cultivating madman in those years. He has disappeared for a long time in these years. Now he has returned to the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty again and has been appointed to become the new Lingxiao Palace elder. They also sighed over time.

See the truth in adversity!

Where are the people who used to ask their Dragon Gate for help now?


At this moment, a few figures quickly swept over.

Seeing those figures, the members of Longmen, their expressions were slightly darkened.

The patrol team of the Chiyun Dynasty joined the crusade team at this moment.

"Longmen don't struggle anymore. With your current strength, it's like hitting a stone with an egg. The Lord has been kind enough to you and gives you the opportunity to choose, as long as you agree to be merged by our Scarlet Cloud Sect." Wu Changqing stood in the sky, looking down from a high level.

"And this is not a good development for Longmen. As long as you listen to the Lord's instructions, you can make Longmen the outer gate of the Scarlet Cloud Sect, and you will be the head teachers and elders."

At this moment, members of Longmen walked out of the conference hall.

All members of the Dragon Gate, wearing black robes, the blood dragon danced lightly, their eyes swept towards the void.

"Old dog, shit, do you think we don't know your dirty thoughts and ideas?" Yang Donglai said in air.

"A bully dog. Without the support of the Lord, would you dare to bring Scarlet Cloud Sect to suppress my dragon gate?" Yu Ting also cursed.

Looking at the indignant Longmen members, Wu Changqing smiled lightly.

"It doesn't matter, you can say what you like, the king and the loser have been like this since ancient times. Let me ask you again, are you willing to be included by my Scarlet Cloud Sect?" Wu Changqing said with a sneer.

"You guys are not enough to look at them. I have a few elders of the Scarlet Cloud Sect. It will be enough for you to come out by yourself. Just behave, otherwise the Dragon Gate will be bloody."

The dragon gate was crowded with anger on their faces.

The two hundred elites behind him were faintly bloody.

The members of the outer dragon gate were also standing behind them at the moment, staring at the front, and the battle was about to start.

"Hehe, do you still expect Chu Qianye to come back and save you? As far as I know, Wu Shi is currently banning him. He is now irritated, and there is no time to come back and save you!" Wu Changqing grinned and said, "My infatuation His nephew wanted to wait for him to come back, and dared to disobey her master’s orders. Humph, now her master Wu Changdan should be about to drink the tea she offered. Marrying a genius like Ye Tianjun is so promising. Thing."

"I tell you, defiance will not end well! Either it will be taken by my Scarlet Cloud Sect, or we will step on your dragon gate today and let your blood flow!"

There are many dragon gates, and the eyes are cold.

"Then let the horse come here." Qin Hu said in a deep voice, "Longmen listens to the order, today is a matter of life and death for my Longmen. People are here at Longmen, and people die at Longmen!"

"If the sky crushes my dragon gate, and on the day it splits my dragon gate, if the ground restrains my dragon gate and smashes the ground, I wait for my life to be free, who dares to stand high?!"

The morale of all members of Longmen was greatly boosted.

Wu Changqing showed a touch of coldness.

"Hmph, then don't blame me for being impolite!" Wu Changqing's words fell, vomiting softly: "Kill!"

Chiyunzong and the people who patrolled the law enforcement team of the Dynasty shot one after another.

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