Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 920: Torture you!

"It's impossible!" Wu Changqing didn't believe it, and the sole of his foot slammed again. When the sole of the foot fell, the hard blue rock instantly shattered, like a crack like a spider web, spreading to the surrounding...

Everyone saw this scene with a look of horror. Is this the real power of the eighth rank of the polar realm?

This time, Chu Qianye should not be able to stop it!

"call out!"

Wu Changqing's entire figure was thunderous, producing super sonic boom speeds. In the blink of an eye, he swept to Chu Qianye's front, and this time he changed into a fist.

"Sacred Blood Yin!"

After the words were over, everyone saw Wu Changqing’s fist, wiping the air and blasting forward fiercely. Wherever the power reached, the void collapsed and shattered, and the shadow of the fist resounded endlessly. And echoed in the world.


A shocking sound of blood screamed loudly, and everyone looked at the punch in amazement. The profound energy was vast and the earthy aura meant that Wu Changqing's profound energy was an earth attribute.

Earth means incomparably hard, invincible, and invincible!

"It's so strong, it turned out to be the profound energy of the earth attribute, this time no one can save Chu Qianye!"

"This kid is too arrogant, so I should let Elder Wu fix him."

"Agree. Hmph, the brat boy!"

"With more than 20,000 tripods of great power, it will definitely die!"

Everyone stared at Chu Qianye.

Longmen several people held their breath, staring at the young man in black.

The founder of Longmen, this talent has repeatedly created brilliant geniuses.

I don't know if he can create brilliance again this time, and can he reappear in front of everyone again with a powerful posture?

These thoughts of everyone happened almost in an instant.

But at this moment, Chu Qianye was urging the blood in his body, still carrying his hands on his back, standing there proudly, motionless, like an evergreen pine, regardless of the wind from east to west!


Wu Changqing's punch hit Chu Qianye's chest fiercely.

Chu Qianye's blood energy quickly condensed on that chest.


Chu Qianye took six steps back, and every time he stepped on, the hard blue rocks shattered and collapsed, and Chu Qianye didn't have the slightest injury!

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help being shocked again.

Wu Changqing's proud and calm face couldn't help but tremble slightly. What's the situation? Why doesn't he have any time? !

"It's impossible, how could you..."

Wu Changqing stared at Chu Qianye, dumbfounded, and said in disbelief.

Longmen several people saw this scene, and there was a flash of fire in their eyes.

He did it, he really did it!

Qin Hu, Yu Ting, Wang Yiling, Xie Xiaoyong, Yang Donglai, Bai Qiuye, and other Longmen elites, their complexions flushed slightly, as if they had blocked Wu Changqing's fist, and the feeling of joy emerged spontaneously.

This is the master of Longmen!

This is Chu Qianye who was once famous in the dynasty!

This is the source of their long-term follow and all beliefs!

At this moment, everyone in Longmen felt excited.


This means that Chu Qianye will once again lead them to glory, crush the invincible myth, and pull out the bullying fangs of Scarlet Cloud Sect!

"So strong!"

At this moment, Wang Yiling was also surprised.

She stared roundly.

She also has the strength of Tier 4 in the extreme realm. Her talent is no worse than Chu Qianye. At least before Chu Qianye entered the High Heaven Palace, she was already known as a little demon girl, second only to Zhang Tianqi. Talented girl.

But now?

She couldn't see Chu Qianye's shadow at all, because Wu Changqing's fist had already explained the strength gap between the two!

At this moment, the hearts of the Scarlet Cloud Sect and the members of the patrol law enforcement team were filled with horror and shock. They did not expect that after Wu Changqing had completely erupted, they would not be able to kill Chu Qianye. This guy's physical body Tyrannical, doesn't it have reached the rank of the nobleman?

These elders of the Scarlet Cloud Sect, after all entered the Sixteenth Wilderness, their knowledge is wider than ordinary people, and they know that this is the only possibility.

But how could Chu Qianye be compared with the Venerable when he was only in the eighth stage of the extreme realm?

Chu Qianye slowly raised his head, and with his hands on his back, he shook his head lightly.

"Everything you think is impossible, does not exist with me."

When the voice was over, the soles of the feet also took a sudden step.

"I stood and fisted your fist, and then it's time for me to shoot."

Everyone heard these words and saw that Chu Qianye took a step with the soles of their feet. They had a very absurd feeling. Under the foot of Chu Qianye, the entire void was faintly distorted.

Hearing this, Wu Changqing's face suddenly became very ugly.

Being ridiculed by a junior in person, his face couldn't hold back.

"Boy, don't be silly, my seat back then,..."

Just as Wu Changqing wanted to mention his glorious history and achievements back then, Chu Qianye frowned.

"It used to be rubbish, now it is even rubbish."

When the words were over, Chu Qianye's figure formed countless phantoms, and they flew in front of Wu Changqing in the blink of an eye.

"Zhuzi, Hugh is rude!" Wu Changqing was furious.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly.


Chu Qianye vomited lightly, his palm was also lifted, and without fancy punch, he slammed out in front of Wu Changqing's face.

A chilling force of killing immediately surged across the world.

All the pupils suddenly shrank.

Under the blow of a punch, the void was distorted, and then instantly collapsed and opened, and Chu Qianye's fist hit Wu Changqing's face fiercely.

Wu Changqing was surprised secretly in his heart, Chu Qianye's punch, speed and strength were so amazing, he raised his palm at the crucial moment, blocking his face.


It slammed up with a punch.


At the same time, everyone heard a crisp sound of broken bones.

Everyone couldn't help but change slightly.


Wu Changqing was severely smashed by Chu Qianye 30 meters away. He tapped the ground several times before stopping his figure.

And where he stepped on, one and a half meters of footprint pits suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at Wu Changqing again, the palm of his hand has been broken, his face is pale, he vomits blood and he retreats, clutching his chest, his face is unbelievable.

Seeing this scene, everyone showed shocked expressions.

If this punch hits his chest or face, he will be immortal and disabled.

Now it is also disabled, but the situation is a little better, after all, it's just a broken bone in the palm, as long as you find the master to plead, you can recover.

Wu Changqing's face changed slightly, and the soles of his feet hurriedly swept into the void.

"Huh, come back!"

Chu Qianye said lightly.

Thunder's big suction palm immediately formed a huge suction force crazily, and his figure teleported into the air.

The two hit the ground from high altitude, and then hit high from the ground.


Chu Qianye spit lightly, and the dragon elephant fist slammed out.


Wu Changqing was smashed to the ground.

The whole popularity is sluggish.

Chu Qianye didn't fully use his power, because he didn't want to let Wu Changqing die easily.

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