Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 924: One by one, or together?


At this moment, Wu Changqing coughed violently.

He is a martial artist. He has been tempered by profound energy and treasures of heaven, material and earth, and his physical body is very powerful. Although his spirit has been shattered at this time, his life is hard and he will not die so easily.

But this is also the most painful place, because you can't die if you want to die.

Chu Qianye's eyes swept away, her figure flickering.

"Thanks." His palm rested on Zhao Sange's back, and his powerful profound energy entered his body, warming his tendons and body, while he quickly swallowed the pill and quickly recovered.

Brother Zhao's ribs have been broken, and he must quickly treat it with pill, otherwise he will be left with a huge dark disease in the future, and the phenomenon of stagnation will occur, and it will be very difficult at that time.

Ruan Kui was slightly injured, and the rest of the Longmen were elite, losing more than half of their strength.

Seeing the Dragon Gate's elite break, Chu Qianye's liver and gallbladder were split.

These **** are really nothing!

Chu Qianye's face couldn't help being gloomy.

He glanced lightly, and finally stopped on the woman with the red hijab.

Ye Tianjun!

Chu Qianye's face was gloomy and scary.

"Boy, do you dare to step on..."

When an elder of the Scarlet Cloud Sect was about to scold him coldly, Chu Qianye teleported and appeared in front of him, kicking him out with one kick.


The elder of the eighth rank of the extreme earth was kicked and exploded before he could finish his words.

Seeing this scene, everyone secretly took a breath.

What an overbearing power!

It was just a kick, and even kicked the elders of the eighth rank of the extreme earth realm. That elder only breathed, not far from death.


Seeing the tyrannical power displayed by Chu Qianye, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

Chu Qianye, of course, they recognized that the martial arts, alchemy, and Shenwen all won the first place in the dynasty grand event that year. At that time, he only had the strength of the fifth and sixth ranks of the Profound Extreme Realm. Only half a year of kung fu and martial arts cultivation. He was even promoted to the eighth rank of the polar realm? !

Moreover, the same strength of the eighth rank of the extreme earth realm, was Chu Qianye kicked and exploded the elder of the Scarlet Cloud Sect?

This simple logic, of course everyone here will associate it.

Thinking of this, all the spine suddenly rushed to his forehead with a chill.

It's too bad, isn't it such a combat power, a kick?

They simply can't do it.

Not to mention a kick, even a hundred kicks can't kick a warrior in the same realm.

But what does Chu Qianye can do?

Chu Qianye's current combat power completely surpassed the warriors of the same realm, and was far above the eighth level of the extreme earth realm!

This is not a good phenomenon.

The Scarlet Cloud Sect wanted to get closer to the Dragon Gate, but others disagreed. Wu Changqing took someone up to forcibly collect it. Now Chu Qianye is returning as a king, and his power is still such a great disparity, Scarlet Cloud Sect is afraid that there is nothing good to eat. There were countless casualties in Longmen, and now that Chu Qianye stepped onto Scarlet Cloud Sect, there was no need to guess about the following matters.

At this moment, the other sect martial artists were all hiding from a distance. Of course, they didn't want to be related to this kind of excitement. After all, Chu Qianye's current combat power was not that they didn't help Scarlet Cloud Sect, but they couldn't provoke them.

Chu Qianye is now furious, if they help out, it would definitely be a disaster.

Among the disciples next to the Scarlet Cloud Sect, a few of them couldn't help showing a shocking expression on their faces when they saw Chu Qianye's figure.

"Senior Sister Su Yi, it's him!" Qin Qianmo whispered in surprise.

Looking at Chu Qianye, the woman with skin like holy snow and white dress also showed a touch of astonishment.

When entering the Icecrown City fortress, Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation level did not even look at her, but now she kicked the elder of the Scarlet Cloud Sect, which made her full of extreme shock.

If the starting point was similar to that of Chu Qianye before, then Chu Qianye is now a giant, and he is just a soft persimmon that anyone can handle.

A tall and **** pretty woman with a cold face stared at Chu Qianye's figure, her mouth wide open, she couldn't believe it.

"Xue'er, do you recognize him?" An elder of Ling Wuzong asked, with a touch of uncontrollable ecstasy in his eyes.

This person is Lin Hanxue who Chu Qianye saved his life at first.

"Well, he saved my life back then." Lin Hanxue said.

"Xue'er, when the dust settles down, you will come to visit at that time." The elder Shenyin said: "No, I will personally visit at that time."

Lin Hanxue knows what her master's idea is. Although such behavior is criticized, the Profound Qi Continent is a world of the strong. The weak and the strong eat the strong, whoever has the right to speak.

Obviously, Chu Qianye's kick had already shocked all the sect powerhouses.

Of course Chu Qianye didn't care about these people's thoughts.

He tilted his head slightly.

"Kill my dragon gate, you all have to be buried!"

There were countless phantoms in Chu Qianye's figure, and she appeared in front of a Scarlet Cloud Sect elder.

Punched through his chest.

The elder held his chest with an incredible expression on his face.

He has half a step into the celestial realm, but in front of Chu Qianye, he has no power to fight back. Chu Qianye's speed is too fast, and his power is so violent, especially his angry blow, his power is doubled. Superimposed and swept up, the crit power produced by this is quite amazing.

The rest of the Scarlet Cloud Sect elders woke up one after another.

"Zhuzi, Hugh is rude!"

Several celestial elders quickly woke up and stood together, staring at Chu Qianye, and yelled.


Chu Qianye took a look at these elders with her hands on her back.

"One, two, three, four,..."

He ignored the astonishment and confusion of everyone, and continued: "A total of seven celestial realms, this is the total strength of the Scarlet Cloud Sect? Is this your courage and courage to step on my dragon gate?"

Everyone was secretly surprised.

The seven celestial realm powerhouses are not strong enough?

This young man is too arrogant. This is the celestial realm, which is completely different from the earth extreme realm. How can it be so calm and calm?

"Are you going to go together, or go one by one?" Chu Qianye said lightly, "Although I really want to kill you all, I am sorry to the Longmen brother behind me, so I definitely can't let you die so easily. "

Chu Qianye said lightly as if slaughtering pigs and sheep.

Hearing this sentence, everyone showed a strange expression.

One by one and together?

This is too far away from others.

Your strength is indeed very strong, but in the final analysis it is only the eighth rank of the polar realm.

The elders of the Scarlet Cloud Sect screamed with anger when they heard these words. This is Chi Guoguo's provocation, and it is a great insult!

"Elder Tai, leave it to me to deal with this, I want to see what he can do!" Wu Changdan said with a gloomy expression.

"it is good."

The elder Taishang next to him nodded gently.

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