Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 927: Merciless killing

Chu Qianye wiped away tears for him.

He looked at Zhang Tianqi.

Zhang Tianqi giggled, then stepped forward, took his arm, and softly relieved.

Chu Qianye slowly turned around and glanced lightly at the elder of the Scarlet Cloud Sect.

"Today, there is no Scarlet Cloud Sect in the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty."

He said lightly.

Hearing this sentence, everyone showed a touch of horror.

Chu Qianye didn't say much, and took out his war sword.


Chu Qianye took a step forward on the soles of his feet, and the amount of violent violence in his body instantly surged out, and there was a sudden tremor in the world, and everyone felt a breath of terrifying power surge out frantically.

"Hugh is rude, this is Scarlet Cloud Sect, it was created by the Lord of Scarlet Cloud Dynasty, a bold thief!" The Supreme Elder said coldly.

Chu Qianye raised her eyelids slightly.

"Don't worry, I will settle this account one by one, and you will count it first!"


When the words were over, Chu Qianye's figure had disappeared before his eyes, and when his figure appeared again, he was already standing in front of the supreme elder.

Black clothes are like ink, long swords are like snow!

The speed of teleportation.


Chu Qianye vomited lightly, the war sword burst out in vain with a dazzling divine light, and the violent breath of the sword, wherever it went, the void trembled and twisted!

Like a dragon swallowing the sky!

"Extraordinary Kendo!"

Feeling this violent aura of power, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank, and the overlord elder knew that Chu Qianye was going to take action, so he took out his profound soldier in the first place.


There was a horrible explosion of metal.

The Supreme Elder was severely knocked out.

"Boom bang bang!"

Around the hall, the walls collapsed, everyone was shocked, and quickly fled around.

As for that elder, the whole person was shocked, his eyes swept towards Chu Qianye, full of gloom.

Extraordinary Kendo!

I didn't expect it to be an extraordinary swordsmanship. With the strength of his third-order celestial realm, he could only be able to block a sword, but his palm was already numb, the blood in his body was boiling, and his heart was difficult to calm for a long time.

The wedding banquet hall collapsed, and many people evacuated one after another and appeared on the ruins of the hall. After all the people fled from the hall, their eyes swept toward the black-clothed youth.

Chu Qianye's sword breath is horizontal and vertical, and he is smashed across the world.

Everyone felt very horrified. The power of this extraordinary sword aura completely exceeded their imagination.

"Extraordinary swordsmanship, only four people have stepped into this realm in the Sixteenth Wilderness." Someone said in surprise.


Hearing these words, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

In this way, isn't the black-clothed young man in front of him the fifth person in extraordinary kendo?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

Then the elder Taishang swallowed the pill and quickly absorbed and refined it.

Chu Qianye didn't give him a chance.

The soles of the feet stepped out again.


The sword in his hand slashed out again.


The great elder was cut and flew 100 meters away again, and the soles of his feet slammed on the ground, and the cracks like spider webs spread out immediately, and deep pits appeared, with eight footprints.

However, as soon as the soles of his feet stood firm, Chu Qianye's figure appeared like a phantom, and his expressionless face was another sword.

The great elder was going crazy, he was completely helpless to fight back.

He really wanted to fight back, but he didn't have the slightest chance.


The sword flew again, but the upper elder's chest was shattered by the sword qi, pierced his body, and finally fell unsatisfied.

All the elders of the Scarlet Cloud Sect suddenly felt cold on their backs.

Too strong, is this extraordinary sword energy?

Chu Qianye's kendo skills were already quite good at that time, but it was only then that Dzogchen reached the extreme position, and it was only half a year later, and Chu Qianye stepped into the eighth stage of the extreme earth realm, and realized the extraordinary. kendo?

how can that be? !

But what happened right now made them have to believe.

Chu Qianye does possess such strength!

Extraordinary kendo, they dare not even think about it in this life.

The dragon gate was crowded, their complexion flushed at this moment, full of deep shock.

"Hey, it seems that I can't catch up with him in this life." Ruan Kui looked at Chu Qianye, secretly crying.

When he was in Chishui County, there was a huge gap between him and Chu Qianye’s strengths. Later, Chu Qianye also passed on his kendo. He thought he would be able to narrow the gap with Chu Qianye from now on, but after half a year, he will look again. When Chu Qianye showed his sword skills, he finally felt how naive he was.

He had just stepped into the great position of Dzogchen, and Chu Qianye was already in an extraordinary realm.

Can you catch up in this life?

In the Sixteenth Wilderness, there were only four people who stepped into this realm, and Chu Qianye became the fifth person. This warrior is tens of billions. Why can he become the sixth person?

This goal is too far away!

Maybe he won't be able to catch up in his life.

As for the elders of other sects, they were already deeply shocked at this moment.

This kind of strong, Chiyun Dynasty could not keep.

Chu Qianye said a word back then, which has been criticized by these people.

The sentence is: one day, it is not that I cannot tolerate this dynasty, but that this dynasty is no longer qualified to tolerate me.

That was what Chu Qianye said when he was besieged by the strong of the Scarlet Cloud Sect at the martial arts event. In their opinion, this was too blind and arrogant, and now it seems to be the case.

It's not that Chu Qianye could not accommodate the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty, but that the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty was no longer qualified to accommodate him!


Ye Tianjun's face was shocked.

Chu Qianye's current strength has reached the existence he can only look up to.

In front of Chu Qianye, he was as small as an ant.


Chu Qianye didn't know everyone's thoughts.

He slowly turned his head and looked at the scared elder of the Scarlet Cloud Sect.

"It's you guys."

Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

After he finished speaking, he saw his figure swiftly forward, showing his extraordinary swordsmanship, his tyrannical sword aura was like a dragon, tearing the void fiercely, and those elders raised their palms to resist.

"Clang clang!"

The collision of various metals resounded violently.

One, two, three, four...

The extraordinary sword aura surging out like a rush of raindrops frantically, one wave after another, and the elders of the Scarlet Cloud Sect can only carry it hard.

But the good times didn't last long, and some people gradually fell to death.

The entire Scarlet Cloud Sect flows into a river of blood.

But no one had time to fight back.

In a flash of time, no one of the elders of the Scarlet Cloud Sect in front of Chu Qianye could stand firm.

Ten elders died!

Seeing this scene, everyone was horrified.

At this moment, several streamers swept in quickly and landed one after another.

"Vice Sovereign!"

Seeing those who came, the disciples of the Scarlet Cloud Sect seemed to have seen the savior and said quickly.

Chu Qianye's eyes narrowed.

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