Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 939: Martial Arts Heritage

Chu Qianye took a deep breath and put the scroll into the Qiankun Ring.

This picture scroll is like a scar. He must always remember and warn himself, when he is proud, don't forget the pain easily.

There are no more than three things, and I definitely can't do this again.

Therefore, in this life, I choose to kill. Only the way of killing can give me a stronger power and return to the realm of God to let the empress go down to the Yellow Spring!

Chu Qianye clenched his fist, then released it again.

Although the matter has passed for thousands of years, this kind of memory is now emerging in his mind, and he still feels extremely angry, the feeling of burning with anger, quite hot.

He took a deep breath, then stopped thinking about it.

Swept the surrounding ancient temples.

The throne on the ancient temple looks very unique, surrounded by gilt awns.

Is this throne different?

Chu Qianye's thoughts moved, and his figure swept away quickly.

"Zi Yue, do you see anything wrong with this throne?" Chu Qianye asked.

"Master, this throne seems to be a bit different," Zi Yue said.

Then Chu Qianye asked again, but Zi Yue couldn't tell at all, just feeling very unique.

Knowing that he couldn't ask a question, Chu Qianye simply sat on the throne.


In the ancient temple, a mighty air surged crazily from the heavens and the earth, and then poured into the top of his head from above the void, and there were golden glows around his body, that kind of soul power breath, it is tolerable Can't help feeling suffocated.

Chu Qianye felt an earth-shaking change in her body.

"this is…"

Chu Qianye's face was shocked.

"Master, this is the inheritance of martial arts." Ziyue explained, "different from martial arts cultivation, this is the perception of heaven. If you step into the celestial realm, you can begin to enlighten the way and have the opportunity to become respected in one fell swoop!"

Respect in one fell swoop?

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised in his heart, but he didn't continue to think about it anymore. Instead, he let go and let the aura of awe-inspiring continue to pour into his body.

That feeling of power has become more and more ethereal.

This inheritance of martial arts comes quickly and goes quickly.

Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation has not changed the slightest, but his martial arts aura has begun to have some qualitative improvement.

The martial arts inheritance that appeared in his mind was almost all the martial arts insight he had cultivated in his previous life, including the supreme divine way he had understood, which was the way of chaos.

In martial arts, as long as you obtain one of them, you can become a peerless powerhouse, and if you can obtain two, you will be truly immortal.

One is destroyed and one is regenerated, and the other regenerates two. In the end, the nine avenues are unified and become an existence beyond the **** emperor.

At that time, he had already thought of this. The grand and purple energy he had obtained was originally planned to open another one, but he did not expect that something changed.

Since the previous life is not completed, then this life must be completed!

Countless thoughts flashed through Chu Qianye's mind.

Then, the Tao of Chaos recognizes to continue to comprehend, and now there is a martial arts inheritance, as long as you step into the celestial realm, you can begin to comprehend the Tao and enter the sacred, and when you open another one, you will have two powers.

The way to kill, this is the real power.

Budo has completed the inheritance!

Then, you can go back to the house, and when the affairs of Chishui County are properly arranged, you can immediately return to the court and lead the dragon gate into the dark blood territory.

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It's time for the blood race to be solved.

Chu Qianye moved in his heart, and put the temple into his body.

There was nothing else in the depths of Lei Chi.

Chu Qianye's eyes flashed with strange brilliance.

Is this in the dark? Or is it already arranged?

Forget the Nine Profound Desolate Pagoda, the current temple, including the martial arts inheritance he has obtained, does not feel like an accident.

He shook his head slightly, not thinking about it anymore.

Now that the memory hasn't fully regained, he still doesn't understand these things. Instead of spending so much effort thinking about these clueless things, it's better to take time to cultivate and improve your strength.

According to the memories currently possessed, after the martial arts cultivation base breaks through the celestial realm, it may be possible to awaken most of the memories, and now it is not necessary to spend so much time and energy thinking about these.

With a move in his heart, Chu Qianye left the depths of the thunder pond, and then returned to the area where the puppet was suspended.

Now the puppets are already shining with deep silver shimmering colors, and some even have a red glow, which seems to have advanced to the ground level, but seeing that there are three or five rays of light, which makes him quite surprised .

The power of thunder here is very strong, and all of them should be able to advance to the ground-level puppets within half a month.

Chu Qianye removed the bone spirit coldly.

The terrifying thunder suddenly surged in crazily, and slammed on the puppet's body fiercely, but the puppet's body was very strong, and the power of thunder rushed into the puppet's body like lightning.

With the passage of time, the power of thunder tempered the puppet's body.

Chu Qianye knotted the seal, and thirty strange handprints flew into the puppet's forehead.

Immediately, Chu Qianye was not staying, and left Lei Chi.

Outside Lei Chi, two of the Dragon Gate elites in the extreme realm saw Chu Qianye appear on Lei Chi, and they immediately greeted him.

"Thanks for the two of you. Three months later, the four universities will reopen this area. Then you will bring the puppets back to the dynasty and hand them to the deputy master." Chu Qianye said lightly.

The two nodded.

Chu Qianye then told the two of them how to control the puppet seal.

"Drink the profound strength liquid and you can enter the thunder pond for cultivation. With your current strength, you can go deep into nine feet. Don't go too deep." Chu Qianye thought for a while and said, "These two bottles of profound strength. You take the liquid. Three months later, I will ask the head of the Longmen Guards to get a bottle of mystery liquid. I told you to take it."

"Thank you, master!"

When the two heard this, they were immediately ecstatic.

This is a good thing, so that their strength can be quickly improved, and in these three months, the power of thunder here is so strong, it can also improve the martial arts cultivation.

Chu Qianye didn't stay there after that, and moved away from this area.

He then went to Hao's house. Hao Juan had never returned. Hao's house was intact. Chu Qianye didn't stay anymore and met with the Eighth Prince.

Now the Eighth Prince has become the monarch of Chishui County, but in the face of Chu Qianye, he can only be extremely respectful. After all, Chu Qianye is now the lord of the court, he is just an inferior monarch of the county.

Chu Qianye also sighed quite a bit. He didn't expect this time to be so fast, and when he came back again today, he felt like everything was wrong.

Chu Qianye was not staying, and returned to the Chiyun Dynasty.

I found Qin Hu and left him a flying boat, which can then be used to enter the Sixteenth Wilderness.

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