Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 941: Clean up the blood

Catch the thieves first!

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

The flying boat quickly entered the dark blood domain.

The blood race has been delayed for a long time, and it's time to solve it.

Landmark: Main Hall of the Blood Race!


The flying boat quickly swept across the dark blood domain. When the strong below saw the giant flying boat, he couldn't help but breathe in a slight breath. This place came from the peak of the Profound Realm and the early and middle stages of the Earth Realm. Martial artist, everyone couldn't help taking a breath when seeing such a fetish as Feizhou.

On the Profound Qi Continent, the flying boat has the most status and strength, so seeing this flying boat, the warriors in the blood realm can't help but boil.

"Wow, Feizhou!"

"It's the overlord of one side again."

"What a strong force."


When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but talk.

Longmen counted a number of people, with a touch of pride on their faces.

I felt the special treatment for the first time.

Chu Qianye spread out the map, revealing a faint smile.

In the dark blood territory, the blood race has ten sub-halls and one main hall.

"Everyone, now we have to punish the blood and the rest, but we have to make a complete plan. I now have a plan. You only need to implement it as I said." Chu Qianye said lightly, looking around.

The members of Longmen sat in the room, listening with bated breath.

"Brother, you take fifty elites and go to the branch hall in the western part of the blood domain. This is the position marked on the map. If I guess right, their branch hall power should not be strong, at most they are their messengers, heaven, earth and people. Level messenger, the strongest Heavenly Level Guardian belongs to the early days of the extreme earth realm. The brothers you bring with you are enough to crush the branch hall in the western part of the blood domain." Chu Qianye said lightly.

"Okay, I will do it now." Zhao Sange immediately took the order and left with the fifty elites of Longmen.

The fifty essences of the Dragon Gate, after the profound strength liquid absorbed in the past few days, the lowest level of martial arts cultivation has reached the second stage of the polar realm, and the highest is the sixth and seventh stages of the polar realm. Of it.

…D most ◎new chapter-section h√上*

"Wang Yiling, you take fifty elites and go to the branch hall in the eastern part of the blood domain, marked on the map." Chu Qianye said.

Wang Yiling nodded lightly, then left.

The corners of her mouth rose slightly.

She was tired of staying in the small place of the Chiyun Dynasty. Now it is a great honor to be able to follow Chu Qianye into the Sixteenth Wilderness, so she is looking forward to the next journey into the Sixteenth Wilderness.

"By the way, remember to bring those life-saving pills, and remember to keep those armor close to your body." Chu Qianye suddenly remembered something and said.

During this period of time, he searched a lot of things. Among them, brutal beasts have the most skins. These brutal beasts have extremely powerful and domineering defensive powers. After all, they are the collections of strong celestial realms, so these things have strong enough defense. With his **** pattern, the defense is even stronger.

Although he has confidence in Longmen, he does not want Longmen to suffer casualties, so this reminder is still to be said. Wang Yiling also nodded lightly.

After that, Chu Qianye gave another voice to Third Brother Zhao, and said the same thing.

Countless phantoms swept towards the west and east of the blood territory.

The location where the flying boat stayed in the air was exactly in the center of the blood domain.

"Xie Xiaoyong, you take fifty elites to the branch hall in the southeast area. There are also marks on the map. However, you should pay attention to that there is a strong blood clan in this place, whose strength is probably the seventh level of the polar realm." Chu Qianye Said.

Seventh order of the polar realm?

If you put it in the past, he really didn't dare to pack the ticket, but now his martial arts cultivation level has also improved, and he has also run in during this period of time. His strength has stepped into the seventh stage of the polar realm, dealing with warriors of the same level. He doesn't think there is any problem.

"Don't worry, boss, promise to complete the task!" Xie Xiaoyong said.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, and then asked him to be more cautious.

"Yang Donglai, you take fifty elites to the branch hall in the southwest. Remember, there is a strong man of the eighth rank in the extreme world. You need to be more cautious." Chu Qianye said: "Let my brothers prepare. So full, keep your mind sober. By the way, this extraordinary sword aura can save your life at a critical moment. Although this ground-level seven-star puppet is not a god, it can also help you contain the strong."

When the words were over, Chu Qianye flicked his fingers, and suspended two things in the air in front of Yang Donglai.

"Boss, promise to complete the task!" Yang Donglai said loudly and forcefully, and then two things were brought into the Qiankun Ring.

With extraordinary sword aura and seven-star puppets of the earth-level, he is a warrior of the seventh-order of the earth, it is not easy to kill an eighth-level of the earth? At least it can be restrained. The other Dragon Gate elites have completed the sweep, and then they will come out empty-handed and jointly kill the powerhouse of Tier 8 in the Polar Realm. It is completely enough.

Immediately, Yang Donglai also exited the room, and then clicked the general, leading fifty elite dragons, swept towards the southwest of the **** area, and disappeared before his eyes in a few blinks.

"Ruan Kui, Mo Rufeng, come in."

Chu Qianye frowned, then Ruan Kui and Mo Rufeng walked in.

"Boss, Hu Zi asked us to come and help, there is no problem with the dynasty." Mo Rufeng said.

Chu Qianye couldn't laugh or cry at once. It was better than the wind that he was afraid that he would blame him, so he threw off the burden in person and made Qin Hu take the blame.

"Okay, you are here just right, and there are the branch halls of the Northwest and Northeast of the Blood Territory. You two will bring fifty Dragon Gate elites to clear the blood race. Remember, you must be fast, so that they don’t get in between each other. Tell the news and let the remnants of the blood family escape. Chopping the grass to get rid of the roots." Chu Qianye said lightly.

Ruan Kui and Mo Rufeng, the two of them also led the orders immediately, and then left the flying boat quickly.

"Xiaobao, you brought fifty elites to clean up this branch hall." Chu Qianye turned his head and said while looking at the little book boy playing with crystals.

The little book boy is impressively a human form formed by Xiaobao.


The other Longmen members in the room were secretly surprised.

They had always been curious about this little book boy, and when they heard that Chu Qianye asked him to take the elite to clean up the blood race, their complexion suddenly changed slightly, and they were secretly surprised.

This kind of thing is really unwieldy.

Of course Chu Qianye knew what these people thought.

"Don't worry, even the Primordial Legacy Seed may not be able to beat him." Chu Qianye said lightly.

When everyone heard these words, they couldn't help taking a breath.

Primordial Legacy Seed, that is an ancient-level monster beast, powerful, and even those existences can't beat Little Treasure?

When Xiao Bao heard Chu Qianye complimenting himself, he immediately raised his head and stood up.

"Smelly little treasure, why don't you go if my brother wants you to go, don't be stinky here." Chu Nannan said.

Xiao Bao immediately shrugged his face, and left the room dingy.

Everyone was surprised.

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