Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 947: one stone two bird

Therefore, these people are very excited now, and they also hope to get the guidance of Venerable Withered Bones.

Too powerful, can the blood ancestor step into the ranks of the nobles with just a few fingers? They don't know such important news at all, so now that they hear it, they can't help but look forward to it.

"Now you know what a strong man is, little rubbish." The black-faced old man had almost seen him, and his words had already given his words to Chu Qianye and others, and it should be almost finished.

Thinking of this, he said lightly.

The people behind the blood clan were all surprised.

This wave is very strong.

‘It’s amazing, I’m afraid I’m scared to pee after adding these. ’

‘Hey, there is still a future with Venerable Dry Bones. ’

‘If I can get his reward, then I’ll make a lot of money. ’


People of the blood race are thinking in their hearts at this moment.

Naturally, Chu Qianye didn't know what these guys thought.

This Venerable Withered Bones had good strength.

If he meets other people, there may be no problem at all, but he meets him with a divine body.

‘Hehe, he is just a half body, and dare to pretend to be a big boss in front of me? ’

Chu Qianye sneered secretly in her heart.

"Oh, this is the strong one?" Chu Qianye stood with his hand in his hand, showing a faint smile, but his face was calm and calm, and he didn't care at all.

Everyone was stunned by Chu Qianye's words. The black-faced old man's smile solidified. He originally thought that Chu Qianye would be scared, but who knew that Chu Qianye didn't have it, and not only was he not scared, but he was not scared at all. If you don't take it to heart, it's as if Chu Qianye took a nap with the words she had just said.

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This kind of behavior is very irritating. After hearing it, there was a burst of fire. I didn't expect this guy to dare to do this. It doesn't matter if he doesn't put his words in his ears. It's different. He was flattering Venerable Withered Bones, hoping that Chu Qianye was afraid of fear. In this way, his flattering effect would be achieved, instead of being completely ignored by Chu Qianye.

Moreover, Chu Qianye's negligence has reached the extreme, that kind of calm words, that kind of innocent expression, as if the words he said before were just facing the air. This is simply a shame. what!

If Chu Qianye is more frightened, then his flattering will be louder, and the easier it will be to get the praise of Venerable Withered Bones, but now it’s different. Chu Qianye didn’t put his words at all. In his eyes, it seemed as if he had fart.

Uncle, I'm so angry, you didn't even listen to Lao Tzu. You didn't understand what I said at all, but deliberately pretended not to hear, Qisha and me!

The old man in black, his face became very gloomy and ugly.

This kind of thing happened unexpectedly, and it still happened in front of Venerable Dry Bones. If it were in front of other people, everyone would just smile at best, but now it is completely different, Venerable Dry Bones is right in front of them.

Not only was the foreshadowing of his own talents useless at all, it was quite counterproductive, and he would never imagine this kind of thing anymore.

He now hopes that Venerable Withered Bones is not irritated to the extreme.

Unfortunately, he turned his head, and immediately saw the face of Venerable Withered Bones, his smile had gradually disappeared, replaced by a very gloomy to extreme expression, and his eyes were all squinted. It was Venerable Withered Bones exploding. Signs, he knew this best.

After taking a deep breath, he decided not to speak any more.

"Hehe, what a kid with sharp mouth and teeth." Venerable Withered Bones said faintly: "I have seen a lot of boys like you. They are all self-righteous boys who don't know the heights and heights. It feels very powerful if you think you have a little background behind you. It turned out to be nothing shit."

Haha, is this a sign of becoming angry.

Chu Qianye narrowed his eyes.

Very good, since it's irritated, that's right, this is the effect he wants, leading you into the vortex of anger.

Don’t you really enjoy being flattered? Then I will completely irritate you, make you irritated and lose your senses, and then I will take the opportunity to take action. It’s not that people like Venerable Dry Bones have never seen him. He naturally understood the other party's arrogance.

"Really, it's the first time I have heard people say that I don't know how high the sky is." Chu Qianye said with a surprised expression, "But some old things don't seem to be very good. He likes to listen to people flattering, and thinks it's very powerful. In fact, it's just that some caring people deliberately use your vanity, really thinking that they are very powerful, and they are so awesome? Actually, you are nothing at all, at least in front of powerful venerables, you have to bow your heads. "

Seeing standing with his hand, his eyes revealed a touch of arrogance, which made the Venerable Withered Bones and the old man in black look gloomy.

Chu Qianye's words simply exposed his intentions in person.

Some things are clearly known but not broken. This is a very high level, and there are other things that you can’t understand, so they can’t be broken.

But Chu Qianye was different. Not only did this guy understand, but he also pierced his mind in front of him. This kind of person is quite hateful, I can't hate it!

When everyone hears such vicious words as a junior, everyone knows that it is going to go bad. This is Venerable Bones, eldest brother, if you say things like this in front of others, don't you trouble yourself?

Old stuff? Not very good, you also have to bow your heads?

How such words hit the heart.

The face of Venerable Withered Bones suddenly became gloomy, and the gloominess was at its extreme, like the ice of the abyss, which made people feel horrified.

Chu Qianye's behavior was spineless and disturbed.

"what did you say?!"

Venerable Withered Bones's face was finally gloomy to the extreme.

Even if he is a strong man on one side, but facing the endless vicious words of a junior, can he not be angry? That kind of cold deep into his bones, he can endure it is not easy now.

"Old thing, don't you have ears? I said, you let some roe-headed rats slap you, you are so proud, you think you are invincible, but in fact it is not the case. In my opinion, no matter how strong you are, it is just It’s just a half-step Venerable. The Venerable can’t help you, but you can kill the Venerable? It must not be possible, but the Venerable can kill you. If they are the same, you are also called invincible? Not enough qualifications!"

Chu Qianye spit out again, sarcastically irritated, and hid the sword with the box, which made people feel jealous. It can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

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