Sure enough, I guessed right, these guys really came from the Soul Hunting Palace.

In this case, he has already met his guess.

Soul Hunting Hall!

Clean up the blood race first.

A flash of light flashed in Chu Qianye's eyes.

"Start the bloodbath!"

Chu Qianye said lightly, and the soles of his feet slammed into the main hall, and the dragon gate crowd followed behind him.

Soon he entered the main hall and killed people when he encountered them. The void here suddenly fell into a dead silence, and the main hall of the blood clan had already flowed blood.

Everyone in the various branches of the blood clan soon responded, because almost all the blood clan people left behind were weak.

"Something is wrong." Third Brother Zhao frowned and said, "No, we rush to the main hall as soon as possible. The blood family should have moved the tiger away from the mountain, leaving the two to stay here. If something happens, immediately crush the soul. Yu, we will be back in time!"

Yang Donglai, Wang Yiling, Zhang Tianqi, all the members of the Dragon Gate, seemed to have noticed something wrong at this moment, and quickly evacuated from the branch hall and swept towards the main hall.

At this moment, Chu Qianye and others entered the main hall of the blood clan.

Countless shadows appeared, blocking the path of Chu Qianye and others.

"You really have some abilities."

At this moment, a figure appeared. I didn't believe it before, but this time I finally understood.

Chu Qianye raised his head and suddenly saw someone standing there.

Blood ancestor!

The last time he fought with Jun Qing, he was only the strength of the ninth rank of the Earth Polar Realm at that time, but now it is different. The aura exuding from him is very tyrannical, no different from Qingxuan and the others.

And the number of blood races here is almost ten times that of Longmen.

Chu Qianye at this moment had already understood.

Haha, this blood ancestor is really easy to calculate, he is not alone in the calculation, this guy is also calculating.

However, my strategy was a little compromised. I believe that Sange Zhao and Yang Donglai will soon wake up and they are already on their way. They just need to wait more.

"Chu Qianye, right?" The blood ancestor looked at Chu Qianye and asked lightly.

Chu Qianye stood with her hand in her hand, looking around, thinking in her heart.

There are a lot of these guys, and he has no problem, but what can we do if there is a crowd of Longmen?

He frowned.

"Your brother is in my hand." Without waiting for Chu Qianye's response, the blood ancestor said lightly: "Hehe, this traitor, with such a deep scheming, he wanted to attack me when I broke through. Fortunately, I kept one hand. ."

After speaking, the blood ancestor raised his hand to signal, and asked him to push Chu Qianri out of the stone pillar with a few thick chains on his body. At this moment, Chu Qianri's body was stained with blood and his face was pale, and those chains were absorbing what was in his body. Profound energy, and his life aura disappeared a little while the blood was flowing.

Seeing this scene, Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly became red, and he did not expect that his brother would be subjected to such torture.

Everything that happened before his eyes was no different from what happened to his father. The same thing happened again, and he couldn't do anything about it!

"If you want to save your brother, do what I said." The blood clan said lightly: "If you do anything unusual, then I will let your brother die."

Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

The blood clan walked towards Chu Qianri step by step, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe, your brother is still a tough guy. After being interrogated for so long, he is unwilling to tell me your whereabouts from Chu Mansion and you, but it doesn't matter. The organization has already grasped your whereabouts, from where you returned to the Chiyun Dynasty. One day, your every move fell under my nose." The blood ancestor vomited softly: "Hehe, the pain of the skin, you should be very clear, but the most important thing is the torture of the soul. In these two or three months, Your brother's screams even made me infatuated for a while."

After finishing the words, he saw that he took out a short blade engraved with weird lines and cut it at Chu Qianri's body abruptly, while Chu Qianye clearly felt that his brother's soul power was fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is an extremely cruel method.


Chu Qianri was forced to endure the severe pain at first, but afterwards, he couldn't support it gradually. The severe pain on his body made his uncontrollable body tremble, and then he let out screams.

With the passage of time, the screams became louder and louder. Although they were gritting their teeth, they eventually screamed uncontrollably. The screams made people feel numb.

This method was so cruel that the many dragons behind them couldn't help but change their expressions when they heard the scream.


This kind of severe pain that ordinary people can't bear, they all feel the scalp numb.

But when they looked at Chu Qianye, they saw that the latter's face was extremely gloomy, and he didn't speak at all, and there was a strong aura of power constantly pouring out of his body.

"I said you do it, otherwise I cut it with one cut and your brother will completely disappear. I don't think you can bear to do this." Blood Ancestor vomited lightly.

"Good!" Chu Qianye's face was gloomy, but he was extremely calm, and said every word, "You—say—I—do it!"

To Chu Qianye who clenched his teeth, the blood ancestor showed an expression of disapproval.

"You should know what I want, so don't play with me." Blood Ancestor said blankly.

Chu Qianye's nails were embedded in his palm, and the blood dripped gently on the ground along his fingers, but he didn't care about it.

"I want Sumi Shenzhu, you give him to me." Xue Ancestor said coldly.

Chu Qianye was not eager to give it to him.

"It's okay to give you the Sumi sacred pillar, but the evil spirit of this sacred pillar has been suppressed by me, so in return, I hope that there is no one within ten meters of my brother." Chu Qianye added, "including you. ."

"Huh, do you still have room for discussion?" Blood Ancestor grinned and said, "Yes, I can satisfy you."

Immediately waved to the people around, those subordinates all evacuated.

"Okay, now hand over the Sumi Pillar, remember, don't play any tricks for me, otherwise your brother will die in my hands." He vomited lightly.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath and moved in his heart, calling out the Sumi God Pillar in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. When the Sumi God Pillar appeared in his hand, the whole world seemed to be suppressed, a terrifying oppression. Sense, swept from all directions.

An astonishing breath of power, rolling out frantically, the formation of a monstrous breath of power, makes people feel a sense of fear.

Everyone was secretly surprised. They didn't know what Chu Qianye was holding. Only a few people knew about it. Among them was the Bloody Wutian.

When the blood ancestor saw the Sumi sacred pillar in Chu Qianye's hand, an expression of ecstasy suddenly appeared in his eyes. This is a divine object that can participate in the creation and obtain the dominance. If it can be obtained, it must be an excellent thing.

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