Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 969: Of the Animal Dragon (four more)

"Haha, brother, you are really a local tyrant, it has become your exclusive auction." Ye Yue teased.

Chu Qianye shrugged her shoulders.

"This is almost all of my belongings. Now that the family has a big business, I have to get some good things." Chu Qianye said.

Ye Yue nodded gently.

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After the auction ended, Chu Qianye asked casually: "Find a place to drink two cups?"

"Okay, just walk." Ye Yue smiled.

Then the two individuals went out with the crowd, planning to leave the Wushi auction.

At this moment, the senior officials of Wushi seemed to have noticed Chu Qianye.

"This person is a bit abnormal. He has so many merit points, why sit on the ordinary auction table? Also, who is the invitation letter, have you found it out?" At this moment, an old man in Takeshi has a piercing eye, blinking Yimang asked.

"It hasn't been found out yet." The people around him answered truthfully.

"What's the matter? It's been used for so long to check a person? Our ability to obtain information is really bad. You take a few people to guard at the door. After that person comes out, you find a chance to visit him. You must pay attention to your attitude and don't easily conflict with him." The old man said.

The people under him nodded quickly, and then left with a few others.

At this moment, Chu Qianye didn't even know Wu Shi's plan.

As the crowd went out and left the auction.

When they arrived at the door, they were about to leave. Chu Qianye and Ye Yue were both stopped. Several extraordinary warriors were pulling two dark flying wolf beasts. They looked like dogs, but they were bigger and more powerful. Meng, grinning, seems to bite at any time.

When other people saw this scene, how dare to stay, they left quickly.

Chu Qianye couldn't help but frowned. These people had no good intentions. It should be the people from Wu Shi who made the move. It was really fast. Although he already knew Wu Shi would strike back, he didn't expect it to be so fast.

But what do these guys mean, holding a dog-like flying wolf beast, are they going to give themselves a slap? It's a good calculation.


Flying wolf beast grinned and roared.

Ye Yue introduced to Chu Qianye in a low voice: "This is the guardian beast in the forbidden area of ​​Wu City. The speed is extremely fast. One is called Zui Qingfeng and the other is called Dragon. It is really not easy for these two little beasts to speak. Even if they are regarded as watchdogs by the people in Wushi, their backgrounds are also very poor."

"Their mother was forcibly defiled by more than a dozen chaotic beasts and almost died. Finally, she was pregnant with them. After they were born, they were extremely ugly. They were called monsters. Everyone scolded them, saying that they are inferior to pigs and dogs. , It’s a small miscellaneous, Zui Qingfeng and Longzhi were named after two wastes from Wushi. Later the names spread, and everyone just called them that."

"Their mother couldn't bear the pressure. Later, the rabid dog insulted Drunk Qingfeng and Longzhi for three days and three nights, saying that they are wicked animals, garbage, and waste. Pigs and dogs are inferior to their children."

"Later, their mother died, and was forcibly defiled by those Chaos Beasts. In the end, Qi died, which is a shame."

"These guys in Takeshi are still a bit human and let them be watchdogs. But that doesn't change their identity and status. Some unscrupulous monks hit them when they see them, pee on them, and force them to eat shit."

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised. He didn't expect these two watchdogs to have such a bleak background and terrible background.

"Although they look very cruel, you only need to throw a lump of **** to them, and they will obey you after eating, and be more loyal to you than their master. If not, you can add a bar of soap. Fortunately, the palace thrown into the stinking ditch, mixed with shit, the heavier they are, the more they like it. It will definitely solve the problem!" Ye Yue said with a smile.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, and said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect the people of Wushi to be so weird, so even such a beast would dare to raise it."

"Haha, Lin Zida has all kinds of birds, normal brothers. I have prepared a big bucket of this kind of **** in my Universe Ring. I have it in any year. As long as I come to the Wushi, I basically have it. I'm not honest. Just throw a lump of **** to them." Ye Yue smiled, then fetched something from the air, took out two lumps of **** from the universe ring and threw it over.

"Drunk Qingfeng, Longzhi, this is the master, don't bark." Ye Yue smiled.

The two dogs lowered their heads and ate the things on the ground with relish.

"Oh yes, there is also this piece of soap, the imperial articles of the palace, soaked in seven or seventy-nine kinds of feces, eat it." Ye Yue laughed again, fetching things from the air again, turning the two pieces of black and dark. After the soap was thrown away, Zui Qingfeng and Longzhi began to eat with relish.

Seeing this scene, Chu Qianye suddenly showed a stunned expression, he really stopped screaming, and he became more honest!

"Brother, use this method next time. Don't talk about conscience with them. The Wushi wastes named after them have reported that these two dogs have no conscience. Who gave them a lot of shit? The longer it takes, then they will have a conscience for someone. You see, if I throw it out, they will be much quieter. Isn't this what a conscience is?"

Those people in Wushi all showed very ugly expressions on their faces. Although this is true, can they calm down when Ye Yue tells them in front of so many people?

Obviously he couldn't calm down, his face turned purple and blue with anger, and his whole body was shaking.

"This friend, is this a bit extreme?" said a martial artist in extraordinary clothes.

"Ah, sorry, it's just that they bark me so upset, I can't do anything with them, after all, they are your martial arts watchdogs, shouldn't this point of face be left to you?" Ye Yueyi The face was innocent, and said helplessly.

Hearing these words, the people in Takeshi almost went crazy. What is this called? This is, you throw **** and soap full of **** smell in front of us.

"Well, I still agree with what this brother said. We came to your martial arts market to participate in the auction, and it also spent a lot of merits. Shouldn't you create a good environment for us? You have to bring these two Why does the animal come out, do you want to disarm us? Or is this the way your Wushi hospitality is?" Chu Qianye also said lightly.

Several people beside Wushi almost vomited blood when they heard this sentence.

"Take them away, don't let them come out ashamed!"

An old man showed a faint smile, seemed very tolerant and quite calm.

"Hehe, I'm really sorry, it has caused you trouble. This is our negligence. It won't happen next time. If something like this happens, I will bring them out personally and let the hundreds of millions of ordinary people in Xizhou City feed them. Punish them!"

Chu Qianye's eyes narrowed, this guy really can bear it.

Can tolerate insults that ordinary people can't bear, this guy is very powerful!

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