Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 971: Top ranking rewards

"Brother Qianye, what do you think after watching these battles?" Ye Yue asked casually.

"Don't worry, it's okay, you can bet boldly." Chu Qianye smiled faintly, and then asked the maid to bet, and he walked towards the ring with his hands on his back, wearing black clothes fluttering. , Black hair fluttering, there is a kind of extremely elegant feeling.

A girl from a beautiful palace around, seeing Chu Qianye look like this, she cast her eyes and smiled and said, "This hero, are you interested in sleeping with your concubine?"

Chu Qianye took a faint look. Although the woman in front of him was quite charming, he did not pay attention to it. A woman of this level really couldn't match his magic eye.

Seeing this, Chu Qianye didn't care, he faintly swept towards the ring.

At this moment, standing on the ring is a burly man with a blood robe, his face shows a bit of arrogance, and his eyes lightly surround the surroundings.

"Qianjimen, Drunk Breeze, come to ask for advice, geniuses, come quickly and die!" He said lightly, his voice like thunder, spreading like lightning, and flew into everyone's ears.

The person in front had already left the battlefield, and this person came up directly with a face of excitement and no stage fright at all. He glanced lightly for a circle, and then said coldly, his face full of arrogance. What anyone is looking at.

Zui Qingfeng showed a faint smile. He hadn't even started to fight against others, and there was already a triumphant smile on his face. Chu Qianye was surprised by that smile.

But what Chu Qianye felt even more surprised was that the name of this guy made him a little urge to laugh. Isn't Zui Qingfeng the watchdog of Wushi? The names are surprisingly consistent. This is really a coincidence!

Chu Qianye ignored it, but went to the battle arena, signed the status of life and death, and then slowly walked towards the ring.

In this Heavenly Fighting Palace, the defensive pattern is stronger, and it turns out to be eight Dao, which is enough to resist the power of 60,000 ding or even 70,000 ding, and ordinary forces cannot destroy this ring at all.

It makes sense to think about it. After all, this is a strong celestial realm. If the defensive **** pattern is not high-level, it is really impossible to resist. Powers of this level can make this ring collapse in minutes.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to inscribe these **** patterns, and the ring made of diamonds is used. Its strength is many times stronger than that of ordinary blue rocks. There are also many formations blessings that make this ring look like It's solid, and ordinary power can't shake it at all.

Haha, this kind of defense might be okay for ordinary people, but if you encounter a powerful person at the venerable level, it will be dismantled in minutes. Fortunately, those venerables can't put down their body to participate in the competition for the sky list. This is a province. Take the trouble of Takeshi, otherwise they would have to engrave the Nine Divine Marks, and then use several high-level formations to be able to withstand these strong fights, otherwise this powerful force will really be able to be done in minutes The ring was taken down.

It's not bad now. After all, he really may not be able to dismantle a ring of this level, unless he explodes his full strength, including awakening the clan pattern, and gaining energy between heaven and earth, so he may still have this possibility.

"The drunk breeze of Tianjimen?"

"My God, he seems to have stepped into the fourth stage of the celestial realm. He has cultivated a thousand abilities, and his strength is very good. A punch can have a huge force of 20,000 ding. If he exerts it to the extreme, he has 30,000 or even four. With a distance of 10,000, the strength is comparable to the powerhouse of the fifth-order celestial realm!"

"so smart?"

"That's, I've seen him fight against a fifth-tier celestial realm powerhouse before, guess what? He defeated the fifth-tier celestial realm powerhouse within ten moves, so I asked you if you were so powerful. , Strong or not strong!"

"Furthermore, I heard people say that he almost realized that the three-thousand-thousand avenues entered the Venerable last time. Although he was a little bit close, he also touched the threshold of the Venerable. Therefore, his power is extremely domineering and tyrannical. One can beat him."

"Unexpectedly, we also have such ruthless people in the Great Wilderness of Xizhou."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but took a deep breath.

The strength of this kind of strong can only be quite terrifying, challenging the sky list not only for the generous rewards, but also for seeking great breakthrough opportunities.

Chu Qianye was also very interested in the reward.

There are more than 8,000 people in the Tianban, and these people are distributed in various places in the Sixteen Wildernesses, and the warriors of the Four Continents Wilderness occupy a quarter of the scale, and belong to the existence of the top of the Profound Qi Continent.

Because some of the people on the sky list had fallen and were removed, some were casual practitioners, some were enlightened, and some were automatically cleared after disappearing for half a year.

In fact, Wushi's ranking list can generally reflect the strength and trends of the powerhouses.

The rewards are divided into four levels: the first entry into the Great Wilderness, the Mingdong Continent, the Famous Great Wilderness, and the Aspiring Continent. There is a ladder for every two thousand places. On the mainland ladder, the four thousand strong people in the middle are Mingdongzhou Territory and Mingzhen Dahuang.

Entering the Great Wilderness is the first-level reward. Every time you raise a rank, you get a reward of 50 million merit points. Compared to the local list, it is much richer, and it can be said that it has doubled ten times.

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However, many people are not rushing to these rewards. They are rectifying their names, so that more forces and powerful people will know themselves, especially the master will invite extremely talented people to join the imperial army, this is their leap One of the gantry ways.

The top talents of Mingdong Continent are rewarded with one hundred million merit points every time they are promoted. The rewards are extremely rich.

However, the people in Takeshi are still very cunning. They have to get a reward for the corresponding ladder in return. The second time deducts four success points, the third deduction 30%, the fourth deduction 20%, and the fifth deduction 10%. It takes six times to get all the merit points.

In this way, basically no one can get as many merit points. This is also the smartest place in Takeshi. Some people even posted at a loss and paid the registration fee, but not only were they defeated, they were embarrassed, and they also got any rewards. No, some people usually spend hundreds of millions of merit points in order to build momentum.

Therefore, Takeshi does not lose money at all, it will only make a steady profit.

These four rankings are also where Wushi attracts money.

When Chu Qianye was cultivating in Jianhou Mansion, he was naturally very clear about the operations of these guys in Wushi, so he basically didn't have any good feelings, and he couldn't mention any bad feelings. After all, one would like to fight and one would suffer.

But now it's different. He has a fallout with Takeshi.

"Hehe, make you a wave, make you blood loss!"

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile, then lifted his foot and walked to the ring...

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