Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 983: Mandala kiss

Chu Qianye went all the way north without stopping at all.

There were a few figures behind him, chasing after him.

Feeling the breath coming from behind, Chu Qianye suddenly showed a faint smile.

Chase it, can you see my shadow?

Kunpeng's wings shook, and Chu Qianye swiftly swept forward, disappearing in the blink of an eye, and the martial arts powerhouse behind him was also chasing after him, but Chu Qianye's speed was too fast, and soon the gap was over. Appeared.

Countless dynasties were thrown away from behind him, and his momentum soared all the way to a terrifying situation.

The aura behind him became weaker and weaker, and Chu Qianye did not stay. He continued to flee northwards, even teleporting. After half an hour, the aura behind him had completely disappeared, and Chu Qianye quickly landed. A dynasty, entered the teleportation array and left.

The strong from Wushi followed all the way, and finally stopped at the formation where Chu Qianye had left.

"This kid is so cunning, how does he know that we are negligent on the north side?"

A figure slowly appeared, looking at the formation of Chu Qianye leaving, he asked with some confusion, but no one responded to him. Everyone was surprised and did not know how Chu Qianye left. .

"It's impossible for anyone to leak the wind, right?" Another warrior with a scar on his face said in surprise.

"This possibility is not impossible." The leader of the warrior narrowed his eyes, shook his head slightly, and said: "Hurry up and announce, that kid will definitely not be able to escape. The distance that this formation can be transmitted is not very far, he Transfer the teleportation array at least twice, let the branches in other places pay attention, I will report the situation upwards, you go!"

The warriors who followed behind dispersed one after another, busying themselves with their own affairs.

After Chu Qianye left again, he also knew that the people in Wushi would issue a report, so when he left and arrived in the next dynasty, he found a place to change his face, and then used his magical powers to hide his aura. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Takeshi to discover his own existence.

In this way, Chu Qianye successfully entered the teleportation formation twice, and finally merged with Ye Yue in the New Moon Dynasty.

After that, Chu Qianye found a few more people casually, and used the flying boat to leave the New Moon Dynasty, and finally in the vast mountains and forests, Chu Qianye paid those people merit points before leaving.

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On the flying boat, Ye Yue looked excited.

"Too talented, you didn't know that the people in Wushi were looking for you crazy, but you just didn't know that you had already left. You made more than 2 billion merit points this time. It's too strong. Those high-level people in Wushi will definitely want Furious like thunder." Ye Yue said with a light smile.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile, noncommittal.

However, without the help of Mr. Fang, it would be a little difficult for him to leave safely, and the person who secretly shot was Li Yuexing. It was the first time he had heard of this name, so he was quite at a loss, but since the surname is Li, then he The Li family is related, and there should be no malice towards him. After all, taking action in a crisis is enough to eliminate the possibility of opposition.

In this way, most of the other party is also out of good intentions.

Li Ling, give me some more time. One year is enough. At that time, I see who else in the Li family dares to stop us from being together!

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

Then, the next step is to cultivate the dragon gate. The dragon gate has a long way to go. All these efforts I have made now are paving the way for the dragon gate. Once a virtuous circle is formed, then I don’t have to worry about the growth rate of the dragon gate. Now, as long as enough time is given, the rise of Longmen will happen sooner or later.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and began to feel the profound energy in his body. Now, there is still a considerable distance from the real bottleneck feeling.

It seems that the further you get to the back, the more difficult it is to improve your martial arts cultivation level, and you don't know when you will be able to step into the ninth level of the polar realm.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head, closed his eyes and continued to feel the surging power in his body.

He really has a long way to go now, and he is not in a hurry at this time.

Entering Xizhou City this time is not without gain. He has participated in the bidding for a lot of good things, and it should be very wise to let Ye Yue help to rub the books at that time.

But with this calculation, Yeyue must return to the Chiyun Dynasty, so as to save the intermediate moment, so that the seedlings cultivated by Longmen can get in touch with those exercises and martial arts early.

But Yeyue is asking for him after all. The relationship between the two is actually a cooperative relationship. It would be best if he could join Longmen, but now it can only depend on fate, if the other party wants to join, he doesn’t need to be himself. ask.

"Ye Yue, I can give you the pill for the nine-turn golden body, but I still lack one thing now." Chu Qianye said: "You first help me get the rubbings of the martial arts and exercises, and then refine them. Can I give you two?"

"Okay, no problem, I'm not in a hurry to use it anyway." Ye Yue nodded gently.

"Then I will take the road to the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty. When you get there, you can find Qin Hu, and he will tell you what to do," Chu Qianye said.

Ye Yue said that he had no opinion, and then the two of them continued on their way until they left the dangerous place in the Southern State Region, letting Ye Yue return to the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty through the formation.

After sending Ye Yue away, Tang Yi hurried back.

On the flying boat, Chu Qianye pondered a question. He hadn't used his current spirit ability yet. He originally planned to enter Xizhou City to test his sword this time, but he was afraid that he would reveal himself and let the people from the Martial Arts market gather information and treat himself instead. Some disadvantages, so he simply gave up the idea.

But he didn't worry about the power of these spirit abilities, only strong or weak.

Chu Qianye closed his eyes and continued to comprehend the cultivation of soul skills. The kiss of the mandala, he has not yet comprehended this soul skill, he has already comprehended and learned the immobility of the Hades and the Blood Dragon Overlord Spear.

In the secret book space, Chu Qianye's heart moved and took out the last volume of soul abilities.

This spirit ability belongs to the middle-level spirit ability. The power of the soul can form a soul rope that is invisible to the naked eye, which binds the opponent. Once bound by the rope, the body cannot move. It is divided into Xiaocheng, Dacheng, and Consummation. He Dzogchen, the higher the realm, the stronger the binding effect and the longer it lasts.

Mandala Kiss, the name is full of poetry, but it is extremely deadly. If it is really entangled by a rope, there will be no way to break free.

The effect of this spirit ability is not small, whether it is to escape or kill the enemy, it can advance or retreat, offensive or defensive, and it is a very powerful method.

I don't know how difficult the cultivation is.

Chu Qianye closed his eyes, and the power of the two souls sneered into the scroll.

The soul skill cultivation method of Mandala Kiss was floating in his mind.

The illustrations were clearly displayed in his mind, and as his two souls swept through, those illustrations disappeared, all printed in Chu Qianye's mind.

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