Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 986: Excalibur

Following this person all the way westward, he finally arrived at a hidden cave house. Around the cave house, many pinnacles went straight into the sky.

"Go in by yourself."

After the man said, he no longer paid attention to Chu Qianye, but left the same way.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised, and then approached the cave.

The view in the cave is very broad, the power of good fortune is very strong, and the surrounding area is full of entanglements.

Fist-sized fluorite hung on the rock wall, making this cave house as bright as day.

And there are other **** patterns around the cave. Because of the operation of these **** patterns, the whole cave becomes extremely dry, and there is no sign of moisture.

Chu Qianye kept walking in, and soon found Lord Yingyue next to a pool. He was thinner than what he had seen before, but his aura became more vigorous, and he couldn't understand the other's cultivation.


Master Yingyue slowly opened her eyes and swept across Chu Qianye's body. After feeling the breath emanating from Chu Qianye's body, she nodded gently.

"I haven't seen you for half a year. I didn't expect you to have stepped into the eighth level of the polar realm. Your growth rate is faster than I thought. You have a good foundation in martial arts, and you should soon feel the bottleneck." She smiled and said: "According to this Progress, you should be able to reach the celestial realm within half a year."

"But your current martial arts cultivation base is not in a hurry. At this moment, suppress it first, believe me, it will be of great benefit to you in the future." Lord Yingyue said.

"Yeah." Chu Qianye nodded softly in response.

It seems that the Lord Yingyue shouldn't know the changes in her body yet, and not many people know about his own reshaping of the divine body. At least the Lord can't see it. Chu Qianye doesn't know or care whether the Great Lord can see it.

"The Holy Flame of All Souls has beautiful eyes." Lord Yingyue said: "But the situation is a bit special. That place happens to be the place where the catastrophe is the strongest. As long as there is a ruler approaching that area, the catastrophe will advance. During this time, I will also I have been trying to figure it out, but the news reported by his subordinates can be entered by the strong under the rule, and the saints will feel oppressed, but they cannot cause catastrophe."

When Chu Qianye heard these words, a surprised expression suddenly appeared on his face.

In other words, the overlords can't enter that area, and the overlord is close to that area, instead of premature catastrophe?

Gee, how amazing this place is, but it's okay, since the master can't get in, then there is no master to intervene in this matter.

"This time the movement of the Holy Flame of All Souls has been sensed by many masters and sect forces. I don't know if others will make a move, but the Alchemy Guild and Medicine Alliance must make the move. After all, this is the alchemy divine fire. You will also be shot. You should receive news after a while. The news I get is the most timely, so I told you in advance so that you can prepare yourself." Master Yingyue said.


Chu Qianye was secretly surprised. In other words, to enter that area this time, everything is up to him?

Moreover, I thought it was only the Lord Yingyue that had discovered it, but I didn't expect that other Lords would have noticed the movement of Saint Yan in the world.

It seems that in the future, there will be a large wave of strong men competing for the Holy Flame of All Souls.

Chu Qianye frowned unconsciously.

"Don't worry, since I promised you to help you fight, I will definitely let someone help." Lord Yingyue said: "I will let the saint and the venerable help you, and at the same time, I will allocate 20% of the imperial forest army for your command. Whether you can win the Sacred Flame of All Souls depends mainly on you. After all, your talent is extraordinary, and your soul's perception is stronger than others. What's more important is that you have bone spirits in your body."

He possesses Bone Spirit Cold Fire in his body. This is indeed his biggest assassin for vying for the Holy Flame of All Souls. The biggest difference between possessing profound fire and not possessing profound fire is whether he can stand the burning of profound fire.

The martial arts, below the Venerable, are basically infected and unable to resist for a long time before being swallowed by the profound fire, becoming the nourishment of the profound fire, and the profound fire is more powerful and fierce.

Therefore, when going to that area this time, if too many people are swallowed by the Holy Flame of All Souls, then its strength will be stronger, and there will be no way to conquer refining later.

This time, things are really tricky.

He is not worried about the Danta. After all, he is a Danta alchemist, and the tower owner can’t justify him if he doesn’t help him. Even if the flame is finally acquired by a Danta alchemist, he doesn’t care, so he will borrow it to refine Rank 9 The golden body pill is enough, just afraid of falling into the hands of those guys in the Medicine League or Pill Alchemy Guild.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye suddenly shook his head gently. For the current situation, he could only sigh inwardly.

"This war sword may be better for exerting your current strength." Lord Yingyue took out a war sword, flicked it and said, the sound of the sword trembling, making people feel throbbing.

"This sword is called the Divine Shadow Sword, which I obtained from fighting for the divine object back then. I have been comprehending this sword for hundreds of years. After all, I cannot understand the mystery of it. Maybe I have nothing to do with this sword. Good fortune, comprehend the mysterious way of it, is also your ability, just as a good fortune I gave you."

With a flick of her finger after she spoke, the sword flew towards Chu Qianye, finally floating in front of him.

Chu Qianye looked at this sword carefully, secretly surprised.

The aura of this sword is restrained. If it weren't for his close perception, I'm afraid that this sword is like a common sword. Apart from its simple shape, there is really no strangeness to it.

Looking at the divine sword in front of him, Chu Qianye took a deep breath, and then grabbed the sword in his hand. A cold feeling passed into his nerves. The body of the sword was light, but the introverted aura seemed abnormal. The terrible storm made his soul tremble.

The terrible breath of this kind of breath made him take a breath.

Looking closely at the war sword in his hand, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

The scabbard is simple and simple, but it has a mysterious texture, which is no different from his ancient temple!

Isn't this a rune?

In other words, this war sword is actually an artifact?

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised. If this is the case, this sword should not belong to the Profound Qi Continent, but should be brought by the people of God's Domain. It doesn't matter who brought it. With such a divine object, his strength will It will be even more powerful!

Ziyue hasn't fully recovered yet, and the Diamond Buddha Sword is just an empty shell.

So, is there any sword spirit in this shadow magic sword? If so, does the film affect my use?

The power of the soul at the center of the eyebrows sneered out, and then fell into the Excalibur Shadow Sword, a very powerful storm burst out instantly.

Before Chu Qianye came back to his senses, he had already entered a strange sword domain space.

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