Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 988: Take a picture

"Boom bang bang!"

The endless thunder, when Chu Qianye took a step on the sole of his feet, his aura surged wildly, and when he was close to three feet away, all those thunder powers collapsed.


Feeling Chu Qianye's fighting spirit, the white-clothed man suddenly showed a surprised expression. His face clearly showed an unexpected expression. He didn't expect Chu Qianye to possess such terrifying power. This was something he had never thought of. , This kind of physical body was something he had never thought of.

So tyrannical?

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, this power was so violent, he had never thought it would be so.

The terrible power of this kind of power was completely beyond his imagination.

"I underestimate you." The white man stared at Chu Qianye and said lightly.

After the words were over, the soles of the feet slammed a little, and in front of Chu Qianye, who was violently plundering him, he held a sword that Chu Qianye had seen.

"This handle is my ontology projection. The reason why my master named me a photo is not only because of my speed, but also because of my strength."


In the space of the entire sword domain, suddenly fell into a place where the wind roared, this was a deadly dawn, and in the moment when the sky was black and white, the man in white slowly raised his hands.

He held a sword hilt with both hands together, but it was a pity that there was no blade under the hilt, but Chu Qianye could clearly feel that it was not bladeless, but because the speed was too fast, it took a moment of effort. No trace.

But his eyes burst out with a sharp glow.

The man in white had already rushed to him.

The erratic sword shadow appeared again.

The raised hands drew an elegant arc and waved towards Chu Qianye. The void shook violently, and the void instantly shattered.

With this sword, he actually felt the passage of time, the sky became darker, the long sword was born with reality, and the ancient twilight closed silently, and the world was silent.

This feeling was very depressing, and Chu Qianye quickly continued to back away.


As Chu Qianye retreated quickly, the Blood Dragon Overlord's Spear in his hand also burst out.

However, the terrifying sword shadow suddenly shattered the spear of his soul.

In an emergency situation, Chu Qianye immediately furious, and continued to use the Pluto body immobile.


The terrifying flames burst out instantly.

But that war sword seemed to be full of endless killings. Wherever it went, those anger flames and dark shields were not used at all, and they collapsed and disintegrated in an instant, and swept into Chu Qianye's soul body in an instant.

Or quit now?

While Chu Qianye was still hesitating, the sword had already swept in front of Chu Qianye.

Am I going to die?

Chu Qianye felt sad, and the soul is the root of a person. If the soul body is destroyed, then basically the body will die and disappear completely in this world.

At this moment, Chu Qianye's soul brand flashed a divine light.


The war sword that continued to advance was suddenly bounced by a huge force, and a powerful phantom suddenly appeared around Chu Qianye's soul body.

"I am the Northern Profound God Emperor, you dare to be disrespectful to me and give you destruction!"

The white-clothed man looked at the phantom behind Chu Qianye, and suddenly showed shock on his face.

The phantom behind Chu Qianye, the aura of power erupting, it was a feeling of ruining the world, as if he would die completely as long as he thought about it.

Emperor Beixuan?

The white-clothed man looked at Chu Qianye with a look of horror on his face.

That is the most powerful man in God's Domain. Hasn't he been killed by the Baguio Empress? Why are you still alive?

Thinking of that man, the man in white suddenly felt fear.

"I took a photo to meet the Emperor Beixuan, I don’t know that this is your clone, please don’t blame it." The white-clothed man hurriedly said, "Your clone strength is in the rising period. , Fight the Quartet!"

The ghost behind him nodded slightly.

5$First H☆Post! {

"Then, you swear to submit to me now, and remember, if there is any evil thought, I can destroy you at will! You can't tell me about my appearance. Remember,..."

The picture had no doubt that it was really destroyed. He quickly swore an oath. After speaking, he raised his head again and looked behind Chu Qianye. The phantom had long since disappeared, and Chu Qianye's eyes became clear.

He was in a daze before feeling that someone was saying something behind him, but when he came back to his senses, the breath behind him had long since disappeared, and he couldn't help frowning, feeling strange in his heart.

"A trace of my master's soul tells me, let me follow you in the battle, if it is not for my master's sake, I would like to kill you with a sword!" said the picture.

But there was a little vacancy, staring at Chu Qianye's back, as if he was afraid of saying the wrong thing, but seeing that Chu Qianye's back didn't respond, he was secretly relieved.

Chu Qianye had a weird face.

Just conquered this magic sword to follow yourself?

Chu Qianye shook his head with a wry smile.

"Don't worry, you will follow me, and you won't suffer." Chu Qianye said.

In the shadows, he secretly underestimated him. After all, you are the **** emperor of the North Profound. If you follow you at a loss, who will not suffer?

Next, follow Chu Qianye to fight in all directions, taking pictures with great expectations.

Divine Emperor Beixuan, what an honor this is, being able to become his subordinate, he will definitely be able to shine in the Profound Qi Continent again, and even stay a name forever.

"Well, if that's the case, how can you burst out your true power?" Chu Qianye asked.

"There are three moods to truly grasp. The first is sword intent, that is, my existence. If you can feel it, then you can use my power. The second is your mind, that is, your existence. If I can feel Then I can pass on my power to you. The third is Jianxin, that is, your heart and my mind. If you merge into one, then you can reach the realm of sword walking with your heart, which can burst out my true For the highest level." Pictured said: "My name is Pictured, this is the name my master gave me."

Chu Qianye nodded gently: "My name is Chu Qianye. You can call me Master Chu from now on."

After communicating with the picture, Chu Qianye left the sword domain space.

At this moment, Yingyue Master, who was outside, stared at Chu Qianye with beautiful eyes, revealing a shallow smile.

"how about it?"

The Lord Yingyue outside, could not see any changes in Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"With a move in my heart, I communicated with the photo and let him enter his body."


The picture flashed with a ray of light, and immediately submerged in Chu Qianye's body, floating in his martial arts heart palace, emitting a faint light of blood.

Master Yingyue did not expect that the Divine Shadow Sword, which she had been comprehending for so long, would soon be subdued by Chu Qianye, and she was also quite surprised.

"Very good, so you have more strength to compete for the Holy Flame of All Souls." She said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

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