Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1001: Golden arrows!

Gaining the power of sacrifice, Ye Wushuang's power was elevated to the longevity realm, straight into the center of Wuliang City, like a powerful dragon-shaped storm, sweeping all directions!

The blood corpses standing in front of them could be destroyed by the destroyed gods, and even those practitioners were wiped out.

Ye Wu has no expression on both sides. He has no mercy on these people. If he doesn't kill them, they will kill Ye Wushuang!

"You guys are going to recover soon!"

Ye Wushuang glanced at Shen Gongbao and handed him Tiandan!

"Grandma's bear, Dao bleeds again."

Shen Gongbao grabbed Tian Dan, swallowed it, and made up his mind to make up for the bleeding.

Aside, the hanged ghost is not very injured, just adjust your breath.

All four eyes were on Shen Gongbao, and their eyes were curious!

Along the way, from the performance of Shen Gongbao, they all thought that Shen Gongbao was afraid of death!

However, what puzzled them was that when Ye Wushuang encountered a crisis of death, this "greedy for life and fear of death" man, despite his desperation, blocked the inevitable blow!

This makes them all difficult to understand!

Shen Gongbao did not explain it, because they were not clear that Ye Wushuang was the emperor of Jiutianyu, and the emperor who carried Jiutianyu ’s conviction!

He is also the emperor of Shen Gongbao!

The four looked up suddenly, staring at Ye Wushuang, his expression was extremely solemn and cold, but they did not see that deep deep eyes, a kind of extreme violent surge!


In the distance, countless figures opened the doors of heaven and rushed towards the center!


The Lord of the Necros roared, the corpse was horrible, and a beam of light across the sky crossed, and then saw the body of a supernatural eight strong shattered through!


The Lord of the Necropolises straddles the void and kills towards the center.

"These blood corpses are jealous of the delusional city center, and we retreat there."

The ridiculous ancestors of Shadow Valley ancestors, Emperor Huangji, and others are obviously losing money in the hands of the Lord of the Necros!

In other words, they did not use all their energy, but just displayed a powerful sky gate, stepped into the sky gate, and one step away!

Even if Ye Wushuang's current speed, it is a bit inferior!


Light and shadow passed by Ye Wushuang's side, and there was no time to even consider Ye Wushuang's side!

"Longevity, Nine Heavenly Gates!"

Looking at the figure passing by from the side, Ye Wushuang was even more clear. He must break through the longevity as soon as possible and open the nine heavenly gates. Then, he can do the same.

"Come on!"

The goddess of dream coming from the sky through the sky gate pushed Su Yaoyao towards Ye Wushuang at the same time. At the same time, a light of God came over him. The endless road pattern wrapped Ye Wushuang together with the other five people, and brought in In the gate of heaven.

The gate of heaven is the gate of restraining the mind and the will on the inside, and it is a moving channel of space on the outside!

Just like a teleportation array, step into it, you can go to any area of ​​ability, as long as it is enough, the horizon can be freely stretched!

Ye Wushuang did not expect that the goddess of dreams would help at this time!

"Virgin beware!"

Suddenly, the short-haired monkey exclaimed and roared.

At the same time, the Lord of the Undead strode across the sky, and the pattern of the road and the corpse were intertwined into a heavenly murderous sword and cut to the goddess of dreams!

The goddess of dreams has a pair of hands, and a three-color divine light converges into an arc-shaped mask to block the murderous sword.

At the same time, a three-color magic shuttle runs through the body of the Lord of the Nervous as a gorgeous streamer!

However, the will of the Lord of the Undead is immortal, and it cannot be killed at all!

Taking advantage of this gap, once again condensed a murderous sword standing on the arc-shaped mask, chopped the mask, the face of the goddess of dreams changed, and was rushed by strong energy!

That sky gate swept the support, and the tremor collapsed!

The body of that Necromancer stood in the void, filled with endless corpses, and terrible horror, so that everyone felt a kind of suffocation!

Damanniu, Su Yaoyao, and others have sweated their palms. In the face of this Lord of the Dead, they feel they have no ability to resist, only a deep sense of helplessness and despair!

Ye Wushuang's face suddenly sank. From this momentum, the strength of this Lord of the Undead is not only four or five, but at least six or seven, even stronger!

Before he underestimated!


He took the opportunity to dive down and kill the goddess of dreams again!

The body of the Goddess of Dream and Dream has not been fixed yet, and can no longer launch an attack. It can only urge the shield to block it, but it cannot stop it at all!


Taking the opportunity, Su Yaoyao sent a desperate blow and rushed up.

Ye Wushuang's eyes were frozen and he strode across. Suddenly grabbing Su Yaoyao's shoulder with one hand, he flew back!

"go away!"

Immediately, Ye Wushuang rushed forward, a roar containing the chaos that swallowed Tianlong Longwei, the sound waves rolled, and a strong storm raged away.

The emperor fingers also turned into a beam of imperial extinction, which penetrated through the void, gradually spreading endlessly, and destroyed the murderous sword. Cui Gula's death generally penetrated the body of the Lord of the Undead.


The body of the Necromancer was rushed out, and the rotten flesh on it was very splashing!


Su Yaoyao settled, in a look of despair, a flash of horror flashed, the stinky hooligan stopped the Lord of the Necromancers!

His strength ...? ?


The goddess of dreams did not rush up, opened the gate of heaven, and entered with a few people!


The master of the undead rushed up, but the heavenly gate had shrunk and disappeared, and a razor-sharp murderous sword kept chopping there, as if venting anger!

He wanted to rush into the center, but a pair of blood cells like a blood day revealed a kind of awe, and in the end he could only stare at the central roar!


In the center, in the void, a gate of Heavenly Life, eight figures stepped out of it and landed on the ground.

There is no blood corpse here.

"It's safe!"

Su Yaoyao, short-haired monkeys, and others panted!

Ye Wushuang also fell to the ground ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The power of his body gradually receded, and the sudden emptiness made him extremely uncomfortable!

He longed for the powerful power he had before!

He wants to be strong forever, not temporarily!

"Why are you leaving the Holy Land?"

The goddess of dreams also landed and turned to Ye Wushuang!

Today, Ye Wushuang surprised her again, and she was able to deal with the Lord of the Dead, even she did not expect it!

"Did you not say that you do not restrict my freedom, am I not allowed to leave the Holy Land of God?"

Ye Wushuang asked.

The goddess of dreams was silent for a while and asked, "Will you go back?"

"This ... see the mood!" Ye Wushuang shrugged his shoulders, sighed slightly, and walked forward.

There was no blood on the ground, but there were countless bones. When you stepped on it, it turned into powder, and even the traces of the marks were cracked and disappeared!

Hearing Ye Wushuang's words, the goddess of dreams suddenly smiled and stepped forward!

After a while, eight people came to a large square, a large square, enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people!

On the main square, all the white bones were piled up, and many of them were nailed to the eyebrows by their ancestors, and those ancestors were rotted along with the bones!

The power of time is so terrible that it can eat everything!

Several people originally wanted to find one or two, but all failed!

Just when a few people were downcast, Ye Wushuang's gaze turned to a stone pillar running through the edge!

On the stone pillar, a golden arrow was nailed!

This golden arrow is three inches longer than a normal arrow and is wrapped in a layer of blood, but the shocking edge it contains seems to penetrate the day and pierce the land!

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