Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1041: Tenmu advocates!


As soon as the arrogance of Xiu Huazi came out, the whole space sent out a strong shock. The blood pressure was like a mountain, and it was pressed on the crowd!

The crowd's eyes suddenly freeze, and the oppressed breath feels almost stagnant!

So strong Hanako proud!

Everyone is staring at Hua Zi'ao, Emperor San Jie, and it is truly extraordinary. This powerful momentum is afraid of being ashamed of being seven or eight in life!

And indeed, Zhang Tong's eyes really shrank, showing a strong fear!


Xun Huazi proud also scolded, not polite at all, when he drank, the momentum was like a wild wave, forcing Zhang Tong to retreat!

Zhang Zhang's complexion was gloomy and dripping with water, very ugly, and his eyes spit out a kind of cold bone, like a poisonous snake!

However, he was also tolerant, and did not do anything. His eyes flickered sharply, and finally he turned his eyes to Ye Wushuang, saying coldly: "I did not bring any evidence today, and the prince guarantees that I can let you go once, but, As long as I find the evidence, no one will dare to stop it. At that time, the commander will divide the cultists in public to serve as an example! "

A word of warning, but told everyone that he did not stop, he must condemn Ye Wushuang to kill!

Even the prince Hanako cannot obstruct!

"go back!"

I glanced at Huazi proud again, Zhang Tong shouted, turned and left!

The silver scale army also left!

Alas, the crowd knew that they would not stop!

It's just that they don't know, why did the Silver Scale Army deliberately embarrass Ye Wushuang, is it simply because of the identity of the evil god?

Looking at the departing Zhang Tonghua, Hua Ziao turned his head and saw Ye Wushuang's calm and calm face, as if everything had nothing to do with him, let Hua Zi proud be a little stunned!

"You guy, you don't seem nervous at all!" Hua Zi proudly said silently.

"Nervous?" Ye Wushuang smiled indifferently, and his smile was a little cold. He was not nervous, and even wanted to kill. He didn't commit a crime, but someone committed him, bullied him. When he was bullied?

"Do you know why they bother you?"

Xun Huazi proud asked suddenly.

"It should be clear by now or two." Ye Wushuang thought of Chen Xun's family, a family of generals. Perhaps Chen Xun's death, the Chen family already knew!

"In the previous news, the young master Chen of the Chen family was killed, and the master of the Chen family is the general of the Beichen Corps. They can naturally mobilize the silver scale army!"

Xun Huazi proudly revealed the relationship between the Chen family and the silver scale army!

This is broken, both Lotus and Coco know that these Silverscale Army are here to get revenge!

"Really? Beichen Corps, Beichen Palace, I hope it will not mess with me, otherwise, it will be uprooted!"

Ye Yewushuang spit out a sentence coldly, turned and stepped into the restaurant, Wang Beichen's handle was still grasped in his hand, enough to make Beichen Wang nothing!

So, I hope King Beichen will not provoke him!


Looking at Ye Wushuang's back, the crowd's heart shook fiercely!

This guy is crazy!

Not a level!

The crowd shook their heads and smiled bitterly. Ye Wushuang threatened to uproot the Beichen Palace and Beichen Corps. Where did he come from with self-confidence and courage?

Xun Huazi Ao also narrowed her eyes, looking at Ye Wushuang's figure curiously, as if she could not see through!

When he came to the holy capital, he caused so many things that the holy capital began to float because of him alone!

"See through!"

He suddenly spit out a sentence, followed in step!

"What are you doing here?"

Back in the restaurant, Ye Wushuang stared at Hua Ziao. Ye Wushuang's previous strength did surprise and surprise Ye Wushuang!

Although Xun Huazi Ao has only four lives, she also has the talent of six rings, which is extraordinary!

"It's for the Tian Wu Bang, you should have heard it." Hanako smiled.

Ye Yewushuang heard a little mention from Xuegong and Kuangdang before, but his purpose is to find a large teleportation array, so he didn't pay attention!

"Are you interested in participating?" Hanako asked.

"No!" Ye Wushuang responded lightly.

Hanako was stunned and laughed, "This is an opportunity to confront Wuhuang's top genius. Are you sure? If you take the first place in the Tianwu list and become the young king of Tianwu, you will not only become famous in Wuhuang, but also be awarded Champions, are you not interested? "

"Not interested in!"

Qi Ye Wushuang still has three words, making Hua Ziao's face all black. He changed the conditions to be extremely tempting and changed to someone else, already longing for his heart.

However, Ye Wushuang is not interested at all, and Hua Zi Ao can feel it, this guy is really not interested, and is dismissive!

This is the battle of the genius at the peak of Wuhuang. How many people want to participate!

"What are you doing, just say, if I can do it, I will do my best."

Ye Yewushuang looked at Hua Zi'ao, and at the same time he invited, he was tempted. This guy didn't have any thoughts, he didn't believe it!

Huazi was proud to have helped him before.

"Then I will speak straight!" Hua Zi'ao did not sell Guanzi, and laughed: "Although the martial arts list is a showdown of the genius of Wuhuang Peak, it is also a secret game between the four kings!"

Xi Huazi Ao did not continue to speak, he knew that Ye Wushuang could understand the meaning of his words!

当然 "Of course, you are not in vain. There are many lucrative rewards in the Tianwu list. I do n’t have to, and I promise you a condition for the palace!"

Bian Huazi proud continued.

A condition?

Qi Ye Wushuang's eyes moved and asked, "Are there any teleportation lines to the Northern Wilderness?"

"Yes!" Huazi proudly asked, "What are you doing here?"

"It's good. I will help you to take the first place in the Tianwu King's Palace. You will lend me a teleportation array. What do you think of this transaction?" Ye Wushuangdao, with the teleportation array, he does n’t need to borrow it from the pilgrimage. !!

"Take the top of the Tianwu list?"

I heard Ye Wushuang's words, Hua Zi proud eyes narrowed, curious, why is Ye Wushuang so confident?

Take the first ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ No one can guarantee it, even if Huang Fuqiu, Bei Chenjun and others can't guarantee it, Ye Wushuang said it, but he won the first. If others are here, I'm afraid it will Think he's crazy!

The cocoa and lotus next to were also stunned by Ye Wushuang's words. Tianwu ranked first, and it was the first person on behalf of the young talented generation of Wuhuang!

位置 The halo in that position is too strong!

Xi Huazi Ao just smiled and didn't care, as long as Ye Wushuang could join, then it was enough!

"Your conditions, it's that simple?"

Wu Huazi proud asked again.

"Otherwise?" Ye Wushuang smiled indifferently, the situation of the teleportation team has come to an end, and the Wu Wu incident has ended, of course, there is also a Tianwu list!

The end of Wu Tianwu list is when he left Wuhuang!

(End of this chapter)

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