Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1150: Standing God!

Ye Wushuang remained silent for a while, with a bitter smile on his face!

Now he knows that the consequences of his madness, except that the "Eternal Way" has not been affected by the trauma, the body is almost no longer his!

Except for the Chaos God, both the soul and true life were traumatized, which led to his cultivation falling to the sixth place of Changsheng!

Moreover, it was an overdrawn body before, but now everything is gone, Xiu Wei has also been greatly affected, which directly led to his Xiu Wei falling to Changsheng Liuzhong!

However, he maintained the state of destiny. After all, he had previously engulfed the veins in the holy land without a beginning, and the powerful force broke through the tenth heaven gate, allowing him to break through the destiny by chance and consolidate the true destiny!

Real life is extremely misty. It exists in the Tao Palace and has some similarities with the spirit and soul, but it is completely different. Some people have said that this is a trace of their destiny. As long as you control it, you will be out of fate!

However, the level of detachment has involved gods and demons, which is extremely ethereal and mysterious!

However, the most practical thing is that true life can currently help the practitioners to resurrect one's life, true life is immortal, and the spirit can be regenerated, and it is also the key to breaking through the king. The king's life wheel is born from true life!

"It's okay for Xiu to fall. It only takes some time to recover. However, this traumatic soul and real life trauma is a bit difficult!"

Ye Wushuang murmured.

"Just be glad, boy, you are too crazy, that vein is something that ancient kings did n’t dare to move wildly. Do n’t dare swallow it whole, let alone you become a chaos **** body, even if you break through the three changes, you have to Exploded! "

"If it hadn't been suppressed by the Chaos Dragon Tomb, and I shared some for you, you would have died out!"

My Neighbor Totoro snorted, so angry!

Flick your nose to the side, as if looking very upset!

"Do you think I don't know?"

When he heard the words from My Neighbor Totoro, Ye Wushuang shook his head and said, "I had anticipated the danger!"

"Then you have to be persistent?"

My Neighbor Totoro gave a white eye.

"I have my own plan!" Ye Wushuang smiled indifferently, and survived very well!

Immediately, he brought out the Qianqiu dream and Ren Pingsheng in the Chaos Cosmos, and Qianqiu dreamed nothing, but Ren Pingsheng's undead soul was a little dim!

"Where is this?"

Qianqiu Shenmeng stood on the ground, glanced at the Four Destructions, and was a bit horrified. The power of the Destructions could destroy her. It can be seen that there have been any amazing wars before!

"A piece of heaven outside the eternal realm, no beginning heaven, no old nest of the beginning holy land!"

Ye Wushuang responded indifferently and turned to Ren Pingsheng!

"It's all resolved!"

He looked at him before he smiled and spit it out!

Ren Pingsheng also smiled, but he didn't think it was as simple as a sentence, it was solved, and how much did he pay?

However, at this time it seems to talk about these, it is tacky!


When a few people talked, a crack opened in the sky, and an illusive figure emerged from it, standing outside, watching the figure standing on the mountain of Wushen Tianshen.

This illusory figure is the heavenly way without the beginning of the heavenly domain. The supreme master of one heavenly domain, such as the heavenly kingdom of the former emperor's realm, enjoys the law and Tao of the heavenly domain.

He glanced in front of Cangsheng and knelt down towards Wushen Jingshen Mountain, shouting loudly and spreading across the heavens, "Standing God, you are a sacred savior, you saved our Cangsheng from Wutian Is the **** we have sheltered, please accept the worship of your most devout believer! "

The heavens chant, and they continue to bow down, as if worshipping the gods!

"Standing gods, please don't stay away from us, please accept the respect of all beings!"

Those who stood outside the mountain of Wu Shi Jing Tian Shen also bowed to the heavenly path, extremely religious, killed taboos, and saved them. They are their gods. Before that, they believed nothing but evil gods!

Hundreds of thousands of cries, Tianyu reverberating, starry sky trembling, amazing or spectacular!

"Standing God!"

Hearing the pious chanting of Cang Sheng, the shock in the eyes of Qian Qiu's dream was unparalleled. Such a scene admired by millions of people made her unable to react for a while!

Of course, she knew that this was not for her!

The only possibility is ...

Qian Qiu Shenmeng and Ren Pingsheng looked at Ye Wushuang together!

Ye Wushuang's eyes retracted, staring away, and thinking for a moment. He stepped up into the air, his body shining with sacred light, his body rushed out of countless golden dragon visions, coiled around him, and set him apart. Divine!

"The people of the world without the beginning of the heavens, the Emperor Xuanyuan, expect the evil gods to be in troubled times, and they ca n’t bear the blood of the evil gods, and hit the troubled times to suppress the evil gods in exchange for a new life. If one day, make blessings God! "

Ye Wushuang's voice shed from the sky, like the god's motto of Fuze Cangsheng, sharp and thought-provoking!

"The great Xuanyuan God, Wu Shi Cang Sheng is willing to follow you and become your devout believer!"

Cangtian responded in unison, scratching his head with great excitement, and many people burst into tears!

Bless as God!

This is one of their goals for their gods ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Strive for destiny. One day, they can also become gods. This is the **** they believe in!

Ye Wushuang glanced at it, then stepped down into the air, and fell on Wusi Jingtian Mountain!

But the next time, he started to restore cultivation, but did not know that the life of Wu Shi Tian Yu was pushed to Wu Shi, and replaced by his portrait!

Even before Wushen worshiped Tianshen Mountain, a magnificent stone statue was erected, which is exactly like Ye Wushuang, entwined by the Supreme True Dragon, the majestic power and the magnificent!

After another month, Ye Wushuang repaired the soul and real life before he went out!

"When will you return to the eternal realm?" Qianqiu Shenmeng asked.

"It's not the time!" Ye Wushuang responded.

"Do you still want to stay here and accept their beliefs?" Qian Qiu Mengmeng was unhappy, and said, "This time, the entire sky is building your idol!"

"is it?"

Ye Wushuang turned his head and asked Ren Pingsheng, and then a smile appeared. Xu Xu said, "Forget it, let's solve your problem first."

"Rest assured, I just need to find a physical body, although it is a bit repulsive, the immortal soul is there, there is no major problem."

Ren Pingsheng smiled bitterly, but having said that, the flesh of others is always others!

"I have a way, you can think about it!"

Ye Wushuang proposed.

"What is it?"

This has made Ren Pingsheng somewhat interested, and turned to Ye Wushuang. In addition to taking the house, what other ways?

"I have a god-evil spirit technique, which is the practice of god-evil cultivation. You should know that your undead soul is the most suitable for cultivation. Would you like to try it out? You unite an evil body! "

Ye Wushuang remembered the divine law obtained in Wuhuang and gave it to Ren Pingsheng, leaving him to choose!

(End of this chapter)

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