Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1181: Enter the "澹台"!

The two looked at each other, but did not immediately agree, even if Xiao Xuanzi was anxious, they both held back!

"Even if you don't need eternal flame, your friend needs it."

Huang Hua stared at Xiao Xuanzi with a smile on his face!

"You say that, but I'm interested!"

Ye Wushuang also smiled, turned his head and glanced at the Quartet, and landed in a pavilion, where Huang Hua had been staring before, but now there are no people!

"So, would you like to join the" 澹台 "?"

Huang Hua asked.

"You can join!" Ye Wushuang nodded his head, paused, and said, "How many conditions do I have?"

"You said?"

Huang Hua did not hesitate to ask without any dissatisfaction!

However, the crowd exploded, and it didn't seem that things would change like this, they were anxious to join, but Ye Wushuang was really dismissive, and they also demanded a lot, almost no one before!

"This Ye Wushuang is too far-fetched. I really don't know why" Huantai "has to recruit such people?"

Everyone was puzzled.

Ye Wushuang smiled slightly and was not polite, and asked directly: "First, if I join, my friends must join unconditionally!"


Huang Hua was also neat and spit out two words!

"Second, join the ring. If I leave one day, you can't stop it!"



With the request of Ye Wushuang, Huang Hua still agreed without hesitation. Of course, it was not his meaning, but the meaning of the "goddess" that promised Ye Wushuang any conditions!

Ye Wushuang also had some surprises. He felt that things were not simple. No matter what Huang Hua wanted to do, he must get eternal flame!

"Third, I want the eternal true flames of Yantai!"

There is no doubt that Ye Wushuang said the third requirement.

This time, Huang Hua didn't answer immediately, and said, "Eternal True Flame can indeed give it to you, but it is in the gate of Zongmen. I cannot give it to you privately. Of course, you can rely on your own efforts in exchange ! "

"This is barely acceptable!"

Ye Wushuang shrugged and laughed.

The corners of Huang Hua's mouth couldn't help twitching. How many people dreamed of joining the ring, only they chose young people and never selected them.

Today Ye Wushuang did it, and did it very thoroughly, disdainful, as if stepping into the ring, just helpless!

"You must destroy this boy's arrogance!"

He thought to himself, glanced at the platform next to him, his mind moved!

"Your platform has agreed to your request, but entering the platform also requires a ritual. Go to the platform and follow a process!"

Huang Hua said without a trace.

Everyone can hear the meaning of his words, and want Ye Wushuang to show his qualifications and combat power on the battle platform!

Everyone gazed and looked forward to seeing where Ye Wushuang's confidence came from!

Of course, more people want to see jokes and see how shameless Ye Wushuang!

Ye Wushuang's mouth cornered, naturally he knew Huang Hua's small abacus, smirked, and said, "It seems that it is not possible to go to the battlefield today!"

"Of course, you can choose not to!"

Huang Hua uttered another sentence, but with a radical tone!

"Since Deacon Huang wants to see if Ye has this qualification, then I will complete you!"

Ye Wushuang shook his head, stepped into the air, and went straight to the stage!


On the battlefield, Tian Yanao has defeated the virtual shadow and stepped down from the void after fierce fighting, but he seems to be deliberately passing by Ye Wushuang's side!

"I worked on your nonsense this time and defeated the ghost. I hope you who have the double destiny can also overcome it, oh no, I hope you don't be too shameful!"

Tian Yan was ridiculous and sarcastic, glanced at Ye Wushuang with a sarcastic smile, and then brushed past him!

Ye Wushuang did not seem to hear Tian Yanao's words, stepped onto the stage, waved his arms at will, and said, "Get started!"

"I fight you with your best strength!"

Xingying speaks out.

Ye Wushuang asked with a smile: "Do you know my strongest strength?"

"You fight me, don't I know!"

That phantom also said that the king's might and the attack of true righteousness came over, shrouded in divine light, the true righteousness was carrying a sharp and peerless killing sword, and washed down with the void above Ye Wushuang's head!

He doesn't have the strongest strength, but in order to test the challenger's strongest fighting power, he will fight with the power of a close king, so that he can determine what strength stage to limit next!

Looking at the sword of true meaning, Ye Wushuang's mouth turned up, and a shadow of a sword rushed out of his body. With a bang, the ancient swords screamed, like a gorgeous sky, pouring endless sword spirit, and those who really The sword of righteousness is chopped together!

锵锵 ——

Bursting Mars splashed around, hurricaneing away like a storm, and the shock wave flew many people around the main square below!

The rest saw only a flash of Jianguang in their eyes, and they didn't go to see any results, but backed away!

When they returned to God, on that platform ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ only Ye Wushuang was left!

Xu Xun, that phantom came out of the void again!

"You lost!"

Ye Wushuang spit out a word casually, and immediately, stepped out of the battle platform with a negative hand, and landed next to Huang Hua!

Huang Hua's expression was stubborn, but he knew that the power used by that ghost was at least close to the level of the king, and he was still defeated by a sword, to the youth in front of him.

"That's the end, just a trick?"

The crowd is extremely ridiculous, too fast!

The former Tian Yanao had strong talents, and Xiu Wei was also a fateful deity who fought for a long time before winning, but Ye Wushuang blinked in a blink of an eye. The fast sword did not even see them clearly!

"It looks like he's underestimated!"

"I don't know, it's just that Ye Wushuang is opportunistic. Although I could think of him as the first move, I used all my strength, but I was afraid that the ghost was not expected!"

"You didn't go to the battlefield, how can you know that the first move of Xingying is the most powerful, close to the king's combat power, can you coincidentally defeat in the destiny dual chance?"


Various opinions rang out in the crowd, quickly spread out, and heard the latter's explanation. How could they not guess because of their cleverness? Suddenly, they looked different at Ye Wushuang!

Even Tian Yan's arrogant complexion was endless, thinking of the previous ridicule, like a clown!

"Is there no problem now?" Ye Wushuang asked Huang Hua, in a calm tone, without any joy of victory, trivial matter!

Huang Hua didn't say a word, just looked at Ye Wushuang curiously, and was quite ugly for the contempt before, although I don't know why the "goddess" had to let Ye Wushuang enter the ring.

But he knew in his heart that with just one sword, it was enough to easily join the ring!

(End of this chapter)

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