Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1269: 8 floating slaughters, killing crazy!


In the palace, as if the sword shadow and the law of killing were born with a sense of wisdom, they realized that something bad happened and became very frantic and irritable!

Ye Wushuang, wrapped in a knife shadow, has accepted the heritage of killing the sword ancestors!

This was the gift of killing the sword ancestors, and it also made him realize too much. The tyrant of the sword is that it was born for obsession.


After passing on Ye Wushuang's killing knife path, the figure of the killing sword ancestor became illusory, while Ye Wushuang, sitting in the void, flashed countless pictures in his mind!

This is the life of killing the sword ancestors, from enlightenment to the death of King Ling Xiao in the hands of the war, letting Ye Wushuang understand the life of the Supreme as a bystander!

Also let him know that stepping into the peak of the ancient king, stepping into the hardship and suffering of the invincible Supreme, is what people think!

Everyone is scared and scared by the power of the Supreme, but they do n’t know that the power of the Supreme is born from the hardships of his life and contains thousands of hardships.

Ye Wushuang awoke from his feelings, stood up and bowed down to worship!

This worship is a respect for the killing of the sword ancestors, but also a thank you for his gift and guidance!

"You have no problem?"

The killing sword ancestor is illusory, but still stands like a blade, and is peerless!

"Yes, but don't know when to ask?"

Ye Wushuang was silent for a moment and spit out a word.

"You said!"

Killing the sword ancestor smiled indifferently, as if he already knew what Ye Wushuang wanted to ask, but he didn't care!

"The predecessor and King Ling Xiao were good friends before they died. Why did they choose to fight him and willingly die in his hands!"

Ye Wushuang asked a doubt.

From the pictures, he knew that King Ling Xiao, one of the ten kings, did not have enemies against the killing of the sword ancestors. On the contrary, they were close friends!

However, the two met with each other, eventually killing the sword ancestor and beheaded!

"We are friends and opponents. In that battle, I took the initiative to ask for a battle of life and death. In order to break through, I did the same. It is inevitable that one lives and one died. How can I regret it!"

Killing the sword ancestor was very calm, but when thinking of something, he smiled bitterly and said, "But the only regret is that even if he made a breakthrough, he failed to reach the end!"

"That's right, finally please ask one more thing!"

The killing sword ancestor looked at Ye Wushuang, "Help the killing sword pass find an inheritor!"

"Predecessors rest assured, I will!" Ye Wushuang nodded, killing the sword is indeed terrible, but the killing requires choice. If any one can inherit it, it can only be reduced to the devil and the destroyer!


Xu Yan, when Ye Wushuang's voice fell, the whole palace suddenly trembled, and the endless slaughter of knives quickly rioted, as if the whole tomb was to be buried underground!

Killing the sword ancestor's eyes also flickered, looking up through the void, as if looking out to everything!

"The Xiaoxiao Mountain is on!"

He sighed slightly and said, "You go out!"

After that, he grabbed it with one hand, and the killing sword behind him was held in his hand. He glanced nostalgically, and saw that it was handed over to Ye Wushuang!

Ye Wushuang took over, and suddenly found that the killing knives were extremely heavy, and the blade covered an extreme killing, but it was already dead.

"Eight floating slaughters, killing is crazy!"

On the sword, there are four killing gods engraved, and the blood is boiling!

"Good knife!"

Ye Wushuang is also quite fond of. This killing sword, aside from his status as the Supreme Soldier, the pure killing above alone makes Ye Wushuang happy!

"Ye Wushuang, today's killing sword has not recovered, and you can still control it."

"But once you recover, you need strong cultivation and supremacy to suppress it. Otherwise, once you can't control it, you will become a killer and depart from the true meaning of killing!"

The killing sword ancestor reminded that the endless killing sword wraps Ye Wushuang's body and sends him out of the palace!

"Ye Wushuang, on King Ling Xiao, there is an invincible technique. You must get it. You can kill it all the way. It is very suitable for you. Don't miss it!"

The voice of the killing of the sword ancestor came out, and Ye Wushuang also fell outside the palace!

Looking around, the gate of the palace has been closed, and the shadow of the killing knife mourns, as if the master has passed away!

Ye Wushuang turned his head and stared deeply, bowed and worshiped, and then turned towards the tomb killing exit!


Outside, the entire mysterious sky was violently shaken, the mountains were broken, the earth was rifted, and the sky was filled with chaotic storms.

A supreme mighty shore power spreads in the void, so that everyone feels an inexplicable suffocation and trembling, as if there is a peerless power emerging silently!

"Boom, boom, boom--"

In the third mountain, nine hundred-meter-thick beams of light emanate from nine directions at the same time. They pass through the sky and pass through several large holes!

The whole sky gradually formed a huge vortex along those large caves!


Underneath, the grave-killing trembled endlessly, and the door of the grave-killing gradually closed, the endless Supreme God pattern circulated on it, and the whole grave-killing was gradually pulled to chaos!

"Come on, the grave killing is closing!"

Countless practitioners rushed out of it quickly, and turned into a stream of streamers and rushed out of the sky!


Hate the widow, the lonely grave, Shanhe Yongzun and the son of the ninth restricted zone also rushed out, looking at the tomb door that was about to close, they did not have a expression!

Moreover, Shanhe Yongzun's face showed an indifferent smile, and his heart was dark. It was best to be buried in it, otherwise, I must make you look good!

After speaking, I glanced at the changes in the sky, the four of them shone with their eyes, rushed into the distance, Ling Xiaoshan appeared, Ling Xiao King's treasure was their ultimate goal, and no one stayed for half a minute!


When the tomb was rushing towards chaos, the tomb door was about to close!

Ximen Zhan just rushed out to the edge of the tomb door, that tomb door has been closed to a certain degree!

"Everyone arrives at the door of the tomb, and no one comes out behind!"

The battle of Ximen shouted anxiously, but everyone rushed out, didn't listen to him at all, didn't even look at it, and the door of the tomb became more and more closed!

Seeing this, Ximen battle is even more urgent!

"No, Jiaojiao and Ye Wushuang haven't come out yet. Once the tomb door is closed and pulled into chaos, then they will most likely not come back!"

When the mind was turned, the Simon War did not even think about it. With a bang, he stepped on one step, the Seven Revolutions body was running, and the illusionary king's true giant giant rushed to the door of the tomb!

"Drive me!"

With a loud roar, the supreme strength gave a violent support, blocking the speed of the tomb door closing, but the tomb door still creaked and kept closing!

"Hurry up!" Simon looked at the door of the tomb, and yelled anxiously, the king's giant body had been crushed and burst, and was about to collapse!

"Hurry, the tomb door is closing!"

A shouting voice also sounded, and immediately afterwards, a group of people rushed over and looked at the Ximen War that supported the gate of the tomb. Their eyes flickered and they quickly got out of other gaps!

"The tomb door is here!"

Then, some figures rushed!

"Help me resist. There are people in your tomb killed in the tomb, to fight for some time for him!" The King of the True Truth of Simon's War has collapsed, and the body of Seven Turns is almost squeezed and burst!

Seeing this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Among the figures that rushed out, one person stopped abruptly, looking at the Simon War, his eyes suddenly flashed a sneer!

This man is a town god, Dai Qingyuan!

"Simon, I'll help you!"

Dai Qingyuan smiled coldly, raised his hand abruptly, and banged on the body of Ximen War with a single palm. The horrible palm print fell, and the King of Zheng Men's true righteous body collapsed. The Jiuzhuan body was also squeezed and burst, and the blood was soaring !!


Taking advantage of the situation, the door of the tomb made a loud booming sound and quickly closed!

"Enjoy it slowly and say goodbye!"

Immediately, Dai Qingyuan laughed aloud and ran out of the tomb door along the gap!


Suddenly, Simon battle roared, scolded, and spit blood in his mouth. At the same time, his arm rose rapidly and he braced the closed tomb door!

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