Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1279: 3rd Mystery!

My Neighbor Totoro is still looking seriously, and dare not approach!

Immediately, the thief's eyes turned and he said, "Remember what I said to you before? The essence of this jade, even the gods may not be able to get the anti-sky thing. Can be resurrected! "


At this point, Ye Wushuang seemed to understand the second layer of mystery, and frowned, "You wouldn't say that King Ling Xiao reflected himself in this, and wanted to bring himself back to life?"

"Unclear, but Cat Cat guesses this is the case, and Cat Cat detected that something really exists!"

My Neighbor Totoro is astonishingly endless, and I say it again!

Listening to this, Ye Wushuang has no doubt. If he is the King of Xiao Xiao, he may have this means!

After all, Ye Wushuang had seen it before. The emperor of the dream dream dynasty and Qianqiu Yun sealed themselves in the bloodstone of the years and lived to the present!

The King Ling Xiao is mysterious and unpredictable. He might want to be resurrected!

Ye Wushuang felt that this simple jade statue became very mysterious at once!

He looked over and over again, and finally his eyes fell on the eyebrow. The piece of purple spar shimmered with brilliance and divine brilliance. God's mind went up and found some subtle particles of light!

"I'm afraid this statue is not only two-fold, but also the third!"

Ye Wushuang also spit out a word, the figure vacated, flush with the idol of the idol!

"Well, those light grains are some fonts!"

Taking a closer look, Chinchilla was the first to be surprised. A series of light particles revolved around the purple rhombus spar, which are just some ancient words!

Ye Wushuang thought for a moment, stepped closer, came to the front of the purple spar, thought for a moment, stretched his hand over, ready to take off this piece of purple spar!

But when he only touched it, even when his fingertips touched the light, he saw the purple spar divine light burst out, and even Ye Wushuang had no time to close it!

Those lingering ancient characters poured into his body along the fingertips and fell into the divine court!

"Incarnation of God!"

The ancient characters are a method of cultivation, as well as some other cultivation methods and casting methods, all for the purpose of creating divine incarnation!

After absorbing this information, Ye Wushuang himself was shocked!

It is not the supreme art that he has always wanted to obtain, but he did not get, "the incarnation of **** martial arts"!

He thought that this supreme technique was hidden on those three treasures. He never thought about it, but he stayed here and made him regret it!

Now, he got it!

Moreover, from the information, he found that the incarnation of Shenwu was more terrifying than rumored!

"Looks like luck, the stronger the better!"

Ye Wushuang couldn't help but blame this amazing and unexpected gain on luck!

He took out the purple spar, ready to see the incarnation of Shenwu!

However, what Ye Wushuang didn't expect was that the spar left the idol. When I saw the place where the purple spar was inlaid, a vortex suddenly appeared, and a supreme force shrouded Ye Wushuang's body, and dragged him in. In the whirlpool!


My Neighbor Totoro shouted anxiously, apparently no such change was noticed. By the time he rushed to Ye Wushuang, Ye Wushuang's figure had disappeared!

What's more terrible is that even the breath and so on have disappeared!

At this time, Ye Wushuang felt that he was constantly falling. Any means here was no longer useful, and was bound by a mighty shore!

I ’m all in one!

Shortly after the fall, there was a sound of a body falling, very loud!

Ye Wushuang sent a kind of stuffy hum, and his body and soul felt a wound, and the tearing pain came, which shocked his heart!

His body is a chaos god, and the spirit is derived from eternity to the Tao. Even if the cultivation is imprisoned, it is not a problem to physically shake the ancient treasures.

However, now it's just a simple throw, and it feels very small, so that his deities and spirits have been hit and can't be restored for a long time!

He couldn't imagine that if anyone else came here, he would be afraid to fall to the spot!

"what is this?"

Ye Wushuang looked. The colored jade wall carved a room that looked like a woman's boudoir. However, unlike other women's boudoirs, everything was carved from **** jade!

"Is this among the gods?"

Ye Wushuang's eyes narrowed, before Chinchilla said that there was something in the **** jade. According to the present view, there is really no cave!

Gaze swept away, Ye Wushuang fell on the left side, a room door!

There was a door, Ye Wushuang walked in, couldn't push it, and found that there were two grooves in the palm, similar to keyholes and the like, and one of them was very similar to the purple spar!

And the other ...

Ye Wushuang took the stone from Wutai Wuyou, and it was exactly the same!

"It's weird. This is the worry-free thing in Huantai, and it's also a **** in Huantai. How could it be related to this place?"

A huge mystery leaves Ye Wushuang in silent thought!

For a long time, he couldn't figure it out, stared at the two keyholes for a while, and after hesitating for a long time, put two stones into it!


That door opened, and a scent of fragrance wafted, like entering a boudoir of a woman who did not leave the cabinet!

And indeed, in the room, there are jade tables, chairs, pots, and jade beds!

What's more, what surprised and shocked Ye Wushuang is that on the jade bed, a woman, such as a sleeping beauty, was lying quietly on the bed!

Stepping in gently, within my sight, you can see that this woman is wearing a light purple skirt, which is very light, more like a light purple and white!

It is decorated with a orchid pattern and a waistband with a orchid embroidery, which is very elegant.

When she saw her beautiful face, even if Ye Wushuang had already seen the peerless beauty, she couldn't help but feel lost for a while!

The beautiful face of this woman is as delicate as it is carved, very delicate, and beautiful. If you want to compare this beauty, then this woman is better than Yantai Wuyou and Beiming Demon. And three points!

The main thing is that she has a very special temperament to attract, very magical and tempting temperament!

Even Ye Wushuang's invincible Taoism shook for a moment!

However, he was suppressed by him after all!

Ye Wushuang thought of God, but found that the woman had no breath!

"In the idol, it is not King Ling Xiao, but a peerless woman. Is it impossible for this woman to be King Ling Xiao?"

Ye Wushuang guessed, walked to the bed!

On his hand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The piece of purple spar trembled in the hand, and at the same time, on the woman's neck, a blue necklace flashed purple gloom, the two seemed to attract each other!

Ye Wushuang found that the necklace was missing, and the amethyst in his hand was worse. He didn't know what would happen when the two met.

However, driven by curiosity, he still bent down and reached out to pass the amethyst, but now this woman is dead endlessly, so not to worry about anything!

The combination of the necklace and amethyst is very perfect, as if they were created by ghosts and axes, they are born as a whole, flashing a kind of purple halo, very beautiful!

Maybe only this wonderful thing can match this woman!

Ye Wushuang stared at this delicate face with a magical appeal, and couldn't help sighing, but unfortunately, such a glorious and beautiful woman cannot escape her fate!

However, Ye Wushuang did not find that, while he was sighing, a mark of Sanye Youlan emerged from this woman's eyebrow, flashing a halo!

(End of this chapter)

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