Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1286: See you soon!


The shock of terror became more powerful, and the mountains below were destroyed!

The ancient king was indeed terrible. Ye Wushuang did not show this middle-aged man what he could do with the "Destruction of the Realm", "Three Realms" and "The Destruction of the Ten Realms".

However, Ye Wushuang didn't know it at all, but today's middle-aged people are astonished by how they are!

Ye Wushuang's Xiuwei is the emperor Liuzhong, and he recognized it early in the morning.

However, he did not expect that King Liuzhong would hardly shake his ancient kings. Even if he was an ancient king, he is not the strongest, but he still kills King Nine again!

Now, not only is he blocked, but he is also being held down, and how many people can believe it?

"I didn't expect that the little prince would be six-fold, and he would be able to block the attack of this seat. No wonder he could take the supreme **** from our **** son!"

"But you are not strong enough!"

"This seat has not been fully used just now, it is time to end!"

The middle-aged man was silent and shouted.

Just because he was underestimating, he did not use his full strength. As the voice fell, the power suppressed in the body surged out, and the divine light quickly spread out to form a ring of gods!

Ye Wushuang's body was enveloped in it for a moment, a strong will oppressed him, causing his brows to frown slightly, as if there was a strong law that will imprison his body and keep him from moving, the more he struggled, the kind of imprisonment It will be stronger!

"This is an imprisonment of heaven and earth, the prison of heaven and earth, the more you struggle, the more terrible it will be!"

The middle-aged man said coldly.

And people, already rushing, rushed to make up the sky knife, this time, killing Ye Wushuang, the most suitable!

He only needs the fetish on Ye Wushuang. As for his life, he never cares!

"Look, Ye Wushuang is going to suffer!"

"Ye Wushuang, will be killed!"

Seeing that middle-aged person's means of reaching the sky, everyone in the Heaven Forbidden Palace exclaimed!

And they didn't know. Below, Mengyun, who was running to death, had no tears, and heard the words "Ye Wushuang", and stopped for a moment!

She looked up, above the sky, in the center of the endless **** ring, a white figure stood like a sword!

"It's him!"

Meng Yun wiped the blood stains on the corners of her eyes without tears with her hands and looked again. The familiar figure really existed, standing in front of her!

Instantly, tears mixed with blood stains, gushing from Mengyun's eyes without tears!

She stepped out and opened her mouth to yell.

And at this time, in the sky behind him, the Heavenly Protestant Son has locked her figure, "Don't run away now, just get me back!"

Before stepping on, Mengyun's tearless body was grasped by one hand and pulled to the sky!

"Ye ... Wushuang!"

Suddenly, Mengyun shouted hard without tears, tearing her heart!

The hoarse voice echoed between heaven and earth, deep and desperate. If it was a fight before, you might not hear it at all!


When Ye Wushuang was about to raise the killing knife, his palms trembled suddenly, his eyes flashed fiercely, he seemed to hear a familiar voice!

"Asshole ..."

Suddenly, two words came into his ear again. This familiar voice made him tremble in his heart!

Eyes suddenly stared into the distance, and a blood-stained figure was dragged up from the ancient forest by the Son of Heaven's Forbidden Son, and smashed into the void!

"Bring her back!"

The forbidden son drank indifferently, several disciples behind him drew back that figure and ran back, while a pair of blood-red eyes stared at Ye Wushuang across the distant void!

"No tears!"

Ye Wushuang spit out two words suddenly!

The killing sword trembled!

"Distracted before the battle, die!"

Make up the knife to cut it down and turn it into a giant sword, even if the sword is full, kill everything!


Ye Wushuang stared at the blood-stained figure and kept staring, not even paying attention to the middle-aged man's attack. In his body, he was soared in an instant, like a madness, and kept going up.

A fierce murderous force, like a torrent of torrents, erupted across the world!

"how is this possible?"

The middle-aged man looked horrified and looked horrified!

Ye Wushuang has hidden Xiuwei again!


The killing sword is suddenly mentioned, the world is killing, the evil is not turning back, the murderous blade is constantly absorbing the killing spirit of the world, and it is chopped on the make-up sword!


The make-up knife slammed and was chopped, and the make-up sword was completely covered by the killing knife, and the middle-aged man was also cut-fly and blasted countless voids!

"God, it's terrible. What is this Ye Wushuang!"

All the people in the Heaven Forbidden Palace looked calm and felt very bad. I did not expect that the ancient kings were beheaded. If Ye Wushuang escaped today, then they could not retaliate against the Heaven Forbidden Palace!


Taking advantage of this opportunity, the head of the Heaven Forbidden Palace is now ruthless, and his heart sighed, holding a lance to kill the sky, and rushed to Ye Wushuang from one side at an extreme speed!

Ye Wushuang's gaze just turned around, spreading the golden divine feathers and fluttering, the golden light shone, alas, that long lance was cut into two by the killing sword!


The body of the Lord of the Heaven's Forbidden Palace was kicked to fly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ like a meteorite blasted into the crowd, blasting countless people into blood mist, the endless space constantly burst, and a piece of death and injury!


Heaven forbidden son's complexion changed!


Ye Wushuang stared at the blood shadow. He was so anxious that he didn't even care about the life of the middle-aged man. He went straight and he wanted to confirm!

"Run away!"

The two disciples dragging the shadow of blood, saw Ye Wushuang ran over in a murderous manner, scared to leave Mengyun's body without tears, and ran away, leaving behind the orders of the heavenly forbidden son!

"Woohoo ..."

Her body fell into a hurry, Mengyun could hear the wind blowing in the wind without tears. As long as she fell to the ground, her physical condition would be certain to die. There was a picture in her eyes between her eyes. The figure has come!

Her eyelids were heavy and she was exhausted, so she didn't even have a shout, but when she saw the familiar face, she was relieved!


Under the speed of a group of magical lights, Mengyun's tearless figure was shrouded!

Ye Wushuang stepped on the void in one step, and landed next to Shenguang, staring at the blurred figure in it. Although blurred, he still recognized the familiar and familiar face!

"No tears!"

Ye Wushuang was so happy that he stretched out his hand and held it out, but suddenly he looked at the pale body, the blood-stained clothes, and the thick blood on his hands.

"Damn, how could this be!"

He couldn't help yelling!


Seeing Ye Wushuang distracted, he put all his thoughts on Mengyun's tearless body. The middle-aged man who was blasted away in the distance rejoiced and summoned the sky knife again from the void to the head of Ye Wushuang. under!

A huge net of swords was also covered under it, enough to destroy a hundred miles!

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