Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1352: Fight without a word!

On the grassland of Pingchuan, one million miles away from Liangshan, in the War Soul Army Barracks, except King Qin Guang, the nine kings of the prefecture are here!

"The situation in Liangshan is complicated now!"

King Yan Luo frowned.

"Did you mean the Earth Underworld of the Northern Underworld?"

King Chu Jiang turned to look at King Yan.

King Yan nodded his head and said, "Now that there is no movement from King Qin Guang, the split-day sect is indecisive. It seems that he wants to rely on the forces of the other two parties to hold the pace of the War Soul Army!"

"If the split-day sect is not as obsessed, the War Soul Army will destroy Liangshan!"

Wang Lengheng whispered, killing in his eyes!

"Yes, I also agree. Your Majesty's task is to resolve the second domain as soon as possible, and stand by near the first domain. It can't be consumed like this, I recommend entering directly!"

King Chu Jiang also agreed, and then said again: "And there are" world ethereal veins "in Liangshan, which is enough to equip a powerful crossbow legion. If it wins, Tianting will definitely add an army that attacks the long range!"

"Wait a second!" Yan Wang said: "Before the news came from heaven, let's fix it for the time being. This time the Beiming Shen Dynasty intervened and moved the whole body with one move and one move. It is not advisable to start a war directly and wait for His Majesty to return. ! "

"Your Majesty is coming back?"

At this, everyone looked happy.

"The news from Tianting is so!" Yan Wang nodded, and the reason why the four major legions stopped, was also news from Tianting, let them wait!

Otherwise, how could they stop the expedition!

"But things over Liangshan have to be resolved!"

King Yan said again.

"Liangshan is a foregone conclusion. The split-day sect turned to the Northern Underworld, and the Earth Underworld entered Liangshan!"

Outside, the voice of the fierce emperor sounded, and he walked in.

"Relied on the North Underworld!"

Nine Kings stood up instantly, looking dull!

The fierce emperor said: "Yes, this split sky sect is not indecisive, but wants to take this opportunity to seek more benefits, and now the North Underworld has promised to find a **** land for them in the first domain, they have surrendered So don't wait any longer? "

"Jack, he dares to play with my Soul Army!"

King Chu Jiang was furious.

Yan Wang and others also looked ugly, saying to the king of Chujiang: "If that's the case, then the situation is very bad. You take the 100,000 War Soul Army, just in case!"

Hearing that King Chu Jiang immediately stepped out of the army!


After one day

Liangshan, a killing spirit permeates!

On the sky, King Qin Guang's eyes were cold and gazing at Liangshan!


Liangshan is boiling, and the sound of rustling metal friction keeps ringing. Then, the Lord of the Split Sky strides out of Liangshan!

One day, it's time to give an account!

People are still those people, but the difference is that this time they are fearless and their heads are raised high!

King Qin Guang stared at the Lord of the Heavens for a while, then said: "The Lord of the Heavens, the answer that was about to come, you have considered it for a day, you should consider it clearly!"

"Don't the general already know?"

The Lord of the Heavens answered lightly, his tone was not so polite!

Everyone sees this kind of change!

Qin Guang Wang said coldly: "I only want to hear your answer, do you agree or not?"

"Well, now the Tianzong Sect has surrendered to the North Underworld. Wherever you go, go back. Liangshan, it is impossible to give it to you, and the Tianzong Sect is even more impossible to surrender to you!"

An elder responded in a cold voice, very angry!

Immediately, he said, "By the way, I will give you a sentence, Beiming Realm is still the master of the Beiming gods. As for what heaven, I hope you can weigh it yourself!"

The meaning of the words was very obvious, and Ling Xiao Tianting was not considered!


Suddenly, the War Soul Army waved its war spear and pointed directly at Liangshan, a kind of killing and gathering front that seemed to start the war!

At the same time, in Liangshan, tens of thousands of disciples of Tianzong Zong and countless troops soared into the sky, standing on the sky, horrific killings came out, and they collided with the momentum of the War Soul Army!

"Earth Underground Army!"

These appearing troops are all the North Underworld Army's Earth Underworld Army. Many Earth Underworld soldiers have reached the destiny of heaven, and their combat power is unmatched!

With hundreds of thousands of soldiers, plus tens of thousands of disciples from the Heavenly Sect, a total of 200,000 are staring at the front!

At the end of the earth, God will be driving in a chariot, followed by four or five ancient kings, two or three strong men, dressed in armor, like an invincible god, unparalleled in power!

"The land of Liangshan has been returned to the Beiming God Dynasty, and if you dare to take the first half step, there is no pardon to kill!"

God at the end will drink cold, as if the thunder exploded, and the overbearing!

Suddenly, everyone in Split Sky was staring at the War Soul Army!

"Is Beiming God Dynasty great?"

In the distance, the cold voice of King Chu Jiang came, and a violent storm raged into the sky, and the army of 100,000 war spirits came straight into the air!


King Chu Jiang stepped directly into the air and landed next to King Qin Guang!

"The prestige of the War Soul Army cannot be violated. Today you will take a step forward. What can you do?"

Chu Jiang Wang's words fall, step out!


The entire space was broken by one foot, and great earthquakes continued!

The faces of the split-day ancestors sank!

In an instant, the pace of the 200,000 War Soul Army also stepped violently, and took a step forward, rumbling, the world was turbulent, the emptiness of millions of miles was crushed, the endless killing storm was raging, and the sky was destroyed Extinct!

This kind of battle, such hegemony, has made countless people in Tiantianzong trembling!

Are you really scared of nothing?

"Ghost Army, ready to fight!"

At the end of the earth, God's eyes screamed at the light of slashing and screamed, more than 100,000 ground puppet troops pulled out the sword, and the light of slashing shivered endlessly!

The imposing momentum spread across Liangshan instantly!

Everyone at Split Sky Sink is deep inside!

At this moment, they even felt a kind of fear. If it really hits, then the split-day sect will bear the brunt of it, and it will definitely lose a lot!

The Heavenly Sect's foundation will also be destroyed!

Such an ending is not what they want, at least until they leave Liangshan!

"Stop it!"

An elder of the ancient king came forward and shouted!

He stared at the people on both sides and said, "There will be losses when the two armies fight. Such a result, I believe you ..."


This elder's voice hasn't finished yet ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ On the dome, a sudden tear opened a hole, a huge swirl swirled out, and then, a pillar of extinguishing light penetrated down!

Like a beam of sky, the body of that ancient monarch and elder was swallowed up instantly, and the blood mist burst!

Suddenly, the Earth Underworld looked up and stared, and the numerous pillars of annihilation blasted down like a meteor shower, penetrating through the void, and instantly killed numerous Earth Underworld!

Without a word, go to war!

The War Soul Army looks up at the dome, and the War Fortress comes!

King Qin Guang and King Chu Jiang also stared up, their eyes flashed, the war fortress came, and the war began!


Sword drawing, Kendo contention!


With a sound of killing the cricket, echo the world!

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