Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1462: War Sword Madness!

Kill Ye Wushuang?

Aftershock's eyes were frozen, Luo Tianhao was so poisonous!

If you do n’t do it yourself, but want to borrow the hands of others, kill Ye Wushuang!

Jian Kuang also looked at Ye Wushuang. On that face, he could not see any emotions. He was calm and calm, and the wind was light and light!


Sword Madness also pointed at Ye Wushuang.

"Yes, if you kill him, within one stroke, cut off his head, then I accept your challenge!"

Luo Tianhao said indifferently, staring at Ye Wushuang's eyes, flashing a gloomy murderous intention, flashing away!

He will kill those who want to kill, who dares to stop, kill who!

Several people from Yuqing came up.

The sword **** Haiti looked at Yu Qing's figure, his eyes trembled, apparently recognizing his identity and preparing to come forward.

But Yu Qing signaled to stop it!

"I want to challenge you!"

Sword mad stared at Ye Wushuang for a while, Shen Nian glanced at Ye Wushuang's body, and spit out three words: "Please enlighten me!"

"Don't accept it!"

Aftershock hurried forward and said with a change of expression: "The sword madness is the kendo power of the younger generation, the supreme power who can threaten the old generation, but the title king. The strength is unpredictable!"

Aftershocks are very anxious, in addition to this, the sword mad challenge will be endless!

Ye Wushuang smiled lightly, "Since the other party asked me to enlighten me, then I will teach him a few swords!"

Talking, across the sky.

Did you go up?

Seeing this, Luo Tianhao sneered, the sword mad shot, can kill Ye Wushuang, but also allows him to see how strong the sword mad strength, and means!

Looking at the tense atmosphere, the strong man in Jianshenhai was ready to stop, but was blocked by Yuqing!

The other two powerful men also recognized Yu Qing's identity!

The sword attendants around the sword master, they also know one or two!

"Then your strongest strength, I only have one sword, one sword. If I can take it, I will spare you. If I can't, then you die!"

The sword mad staring at Ye Wushuang, like a crazy sword, is very creepy!

"He shouldn't go up!"

The aftershock sighed.

"His life is tough, he can't die!"

Bei Mingsusu said angrily, but added a sentence in his heart. I wish the **** died, but no one accepted it!

After speaking, he ignored the blank look of aftershocks, glanced at the trace of love, and saw this silent woman staring at the sky!

This time, Loveless has been thinking about one thing!

That's the way that Ye Wushuang becomes stronger!

She didn't know Ye Wushuang before, she didn't know it, but following this way, she found that Ye Wushuang was through constant fighting, and then she continued to enlighten her to become strong!

This kind of power is more practical than retreat for hundreds of years and thousands of years!

Moreover, she had to admit that this guy who does not take Kendo has a kind of perception of Kendo beyond countless people, which may have an inspiration for her!

She settled in her heart, and followed Ye Wushuang, learning to observe his Kendo, it was helpful for her bereavement, and it was also helpful for her practice of bereavement sword!

Once it breaks through, then she can break through the shackles and escape Ye Wushuang's control!

"It seems that I don't want to give you a few swords. I can do it with one stroke!"

Ye Wushuang nodded his head.

Jian Kuang's eyes froze, with some surprises. He thought he was crazy enough, but he did not expect that the other party seemed to be more mad than him, and he wanted to give him a few swords!

"That being the case, then pull out your sword!"

The sword is ruthless and cold, he does not despise anyone. For any challenger, he will give each other a dignified death method, and go all out to deal with it!


Ye Wushuang pulled his sword, and the voice of Jian Xiao shattered through the sky!

"Yeongzi has a sword!"

Dai Mei looked at the sword like a rainbow, and was dazzling like a beam of light. She was very surprised. Starting from the sword spirit city, she rarely saw Ye Wushuang's real sword!

"That's not a real sword, but a sword that is condensed by law and divine power!"

Yu Qing explained, watching everything and watching.

Those who can speak with the sword master must have amazing things in their sword course, and it is worth their learning!

"You all look at it, learn as much as you can!"

Immediately, Yu Qing shouted to those people in the sword **** sea, let those people stun, let them learn, what to learn?


The sword mad also drank, and the sword's qi spread like violent wind and waves, and the sound of three shattering sword howls echoed in the sword **** city!

Behind the sword mad, the three-handed excalibur rushed out like Changhong, forming a row of sword shadows to kill Ye Wushuang, and the marks of kendo killing fell like rainstorm!

"Extreme Sword!"

Ye Wushuang spit it out, his figure was stretched by Jian Guang, forming a beam of light!


The staring people were stunned by this scene, and the figure disappeared like this, turning into a sword light!

"There is a sword in your hand and a sword in your heart so that a person can fit in with it!"

Yu Qing's voice sounded, shocking everyone, just like a gigantic initiation!

咻咻 咻 ——

The sword light jumped without any trace, pierced the void, jumped out of the siege of the three-handed sword, and went straight to the sword!

"The sword is in trouble!"

When the sword went crazy, it was also a shock. The sword was so fast. He quickly recalled the three excalibur swords and transformed them into three Tongtian sword rivers, which seemed to bury the beam of sword light!

call out--

Jianguang disappeared again, but the terrible sword momentum is still spreading!

The three heavenly sword rivers came to Jian Kuang's side, circling like a whirlpool, hiding the vast and violent Kendo killing of the Xinghe!

Anything close to it will be torn to pieces by the mad sword world!

"This kind of kendo killing, I'm afraid it's hard for me to approach!"

The strong man of the sword **** sea looked at the vortex that was constantly spreading in the sky, as if he really wanted to rebelling against the heavens and the earth, the sword was constantly being released, and everything in all directions could not escape!

Luo Tianhao compares his "Quanxuan Sword and Eye World" with this "Jianranantiandi", which is getting heavier and heavier. The sword mad really threatens him!

"What a trick, hiding my head and showing my tail, I have the ability to come out. If you don't come out, I will ruin the million sky!"

Sword mad eyes burst out with the sword's mang, black hair dancing wildly, extremely violent!

"The ultimate sword, the extreme speed, the extreme cutting, the ten thousand law is not close, the ten thousand sword does not touch, your sword is too slow, your eyes are too blind, who is weird!"

Under the horror gaze of the crowd, a beam of sword light burst out in the vortex sword gas, chopped towards the sword mad!

The face of the sword madness changed, and the vortex sword air rioted in an instant, madly rushing to kill the rushing Jianguang!

And his figure was gradually blocked by Jian Qi!

锵锵 锵 ——

Ye Wushuang's figure evolved, one-handed sketching, a wave of eternal law, like a sword shadow, followed!

A stalk of sword energy was chopped off, constantly chopping towards the sword mad!

Below, the crowd can only see a beam of light passing through the layers of sword air, and the dense sword net that can cut ants into countless pieces ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but was arbitrarily shuttled by Ye Wushuang!

No one knows how Ye Wushuang did it!

"Cut off!"

The sword madness was extremely frightened. One hand grabbed, and the magic sword with a handle was pinched in his hand and cut to Ye Wushuang!

"too slow!"

"The sword is unpleasant, so what about explosive power, you don't even have explosive power, just an exaggerated sword!"

The cold voice sounded in the sky, and all the swords that had been chopped were shattered in the insignificant light!

Compared with the gorgeous sword whirlpool, the light is insignificant and inconspicuous, but Cui Gula can destroy the sword whirlpool as usual!

It makes everyone think!

"Explosive power, you have, don't I have it!"

The sword was furious and one-handed, and the storm quickly caught up behind him, forming three exquisite swords, and quickly merged into one excalibur!

"Sword Mad, I'm crazy, Sword of Mad God!"

A **** of mad swords evolved behind the sword mad, and that fused sword also slashed towards Ye Wushuang!

Ye Wushuang pinched that eternal law, and split it in the past, and hit a mad god's sword like a lightning bolt!

There is no violent impact of imagination. That eternal rule passed the sword of the **** of madness under the incredible eyes of the sword mad, it is like a beam of light, invisible, stateless, incapable of being touched, and untouchable!

However, this is only the recognition of the previous second. When the beam of light was cut on the body, the sword mad realized that the terrible and intangible things of the sword gave him the most real existence!

Like the sharpest and hardest weapon in the world, it was cut on his body, leaving him indistinguishable. Is it invisible or tangible?

He just felt like he was finished!

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