Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1546: I am a cross sword, I am crazy!

"Convert to God?"

Ye Wushuang laughed wildly, "Can the gods and Buddhas carry my emperor's way!"

Moving forward, Ye Wushuang's hand was also raised, and a huge beam of blood-colored light was cast into the vortex on the dome, until the fierce emperor sword emerged from it!

It is not necessary for him to cast the extreme path to death, move the soul, to the fierce emperor sword to cut the sky, and split the dozen or so feet of **** and Buddha into two halves!

The Lord Buddha of the Buddha was cut and flew out, the body of the Buddha was broken, and only a relic carrying the heart of the Buddha escaped!


And those true Buddha Sects next to him were swallowed up by the fierce Emperor Sword!

Even the ladder and the White Jade Temple were cut open that day!

"It's that sword!"

The Lord of Heavenly Fire Realm yelled frantically, watching the strong Buddha of the True Buddha Sect being engulfed, and even the True Buddha Lord of the Demigod Buddha Strong was blasted out of the real body of the Buddha. The Lord of the Heavenly Fire Realm feared to the extreme!

Ye Wushuang is already strong enough. With this sword, how many people can block it?


Ye Wushuang lifted up to the fierce emperor sword and rushed up, chopped it down, dangling countless gods to fierce sword!

The powerful who swallowed up Skyfire!


The Lord of the Skyfire cried fiercely, and was wiped out with countless strong ones!

"Fast defense, God forbid!"

Looking at Ye Wushuang rushing up, the Lord of Zhantian's face changed suddenly!

Countless chain of order gods rushed out of the body, and turned into a veil of gods and shrouded over his head, even the might of the true **** soldiers could stop it!

"Cut again!"

Ye Wushuang's eyes were extremely sharp, holding the sword of the fierce emperor, and under the blessing of the emperor's blood, he hacked again and again, that piece of heaven and earth banned the turbulence and ripples, and then it seemed that he could not carry the kind of fierce heaven and earth, and it burst!

Until the fierce Emperor Sword's sword covered, drowning the strong in the Battlefield Realm, without screaming too much time, they turned into blood mist with countless strong!

This scene made everyone's heart shake suddenly!

The strong men who had rushed up suddenly also had a sudden meal, their pupils contracted!


The Lord of Shura shouted, and the Shura God Blade in the Bloody Sky of Shura fell down to cover all the space, even some strong men near Ye Wushuang were locked!

"The ancient **** is a wild sword, cut!"

The Lord of the Sword Cliff also sacrificed a powerful true **** soldier, completely spurred, and the divine power and killing were close to the level of the gods!

Although the demigods do not have the gods and rules, it is not difficult to completely inspire the true **** soldiers, and it is not a problem to hit the gods.

Not only did the ancient gods come from the wild sword to slay, but the **** corpses controlled by the Lord of the Dead Corps also stepped on an endless storm, just like the first indestructible zombie **** in the early days, ignoring any violent impact, and went directly to Ye Wushuang. !!

"Ye Mo, even if you control the powerful magical soldiers, in the realm, we are far more than you, even if you have more means, don't even think about living."

Although the master of the Seven Extreme Swords Palace and others are afraid of the sword on Ye Wuye's hands, the Emperor's secret can make them desperate!

"Separate attacks, distract him, kill him first!"

The Lord of the Magic Sword also reminded to drive up with the Excalibur!

"Ye's life, you can't take it!"

Carrying the sword of the fierce emperor, Ye Wushuang felt that he had controlled the supreme lethality, and could smash everything, sweeping across nine days and ten places!

Even if the strength is even stronger, and the killing power of the fierce emperor sword is inspired, he can ... God of War!

To the fierce Emperor Sword also seems to feel Ye Wushuang's self-confidence and pride, the power of the fierce is stronger, like the world-famous creature that came out of the forbidden area in the beginning!

"Cut off--"

Holding the sword of the fierce emperor, Ye Wushuang slashed it, tearing the sea of ​​Shura blood that shrouded that day, and the sword of the fierce emperor sword destroyed the endless Shura **** blade!

Cui Gula smashed towards the celestial **** who rushed up!

The Lord of the Corpses felt that the heavens and the earth were fierce, and his expression changed greatly. With the palm of his hand closed, he flew back for thousands of miles!


Until the sword of the fierce emperor sword fell to the ground, the main square of the devil and the demon were all split in half, and tens of thousands of powerful people were buried instantly!

The strongest in the supreme state, under the sword of the fierce emperor, are still like ants!


The Lord of the Sword Cliff cut off the ancient God's wild sword, and the endless God's sword killed and fell!


Ye Wushuang lifted his backhand until the fierce Emperor sword collided with the Taikoo Sword, and the Taikoo Sword was flew away!

Even the Lord of the Sword Cliff is also changing his face, and is shocked to fly!


Ye Wushuang chased after him, slashing, endless sword energy, tearing the sky and the earth, every stream of people was swallowed up, sorrowful and shocking!

The masters of the Seven Swordsmen's Sword Palace were so scared that they hurried back!

What is that sword and how can it be so terrifying?

Is this a terrible magic soldier that surpasses the true magic soldier?

"A bunch of waste, Yemou stands here, and if there is one, he will take my life!"

Ye Wushuang held the sword to the fierce emperor, black hair danced wildly, his eyes violently bloodthirsty, like a bloodthirsty killer!

"Ye Mo, let's go crazy!"

The Lord of the Body Roared, the sound was soaring!

"Ye is so mad, why do you want me?"

Ye Wushuang lifted up to kill the fierce emperor sword, and slashed at the master of the physical world, causing his expression to change dramatically, and he quickly retreated. The threat of the fierce emperor sword was too terrifying!

Ye Wushuang took the opportunity to kill the crowd, killing madly!


"Ye Mo, you will be punished!"

The crowd shrank a little, leaving only corpses piled up like mountains!

Countless strong growls, growls hysterically!

Ye Wushuang slashed madly, no matter what the lord of the demon sword, all slashed, the real blood was flowing, the blood stained the heavens and the sky, and the sword master who saw the exit from the demon palace group was stunned!

It used to be crowded and murderous, but now it flees!

The world is shattered!

In the depths only the roar of the demigods such as the Lord of Shura!

After two hours, Ye Wushuang rushed out with his sword!

Emperor Guang was shrouded in his body, not stained with a little blood, and a thick black hair flying like a godless emperor who returned from the chaos of the world for nine days!

Seeing Ye Rou, Yue Nu, Dai Mei's eyes blurred!

Ye Wushuang at this moment really made them feel good. Such a man is so attractive!

Even those phantom godland women who had enmity with Ye Wushuang before, also had beautiful eyes shining, and were really attracted. In the face of millions of ancient forces, hundreds of thousands of supreme powers, still Killed with a tone, the heroic spirit hit their heart severely!


Ye Wushuang yelled at the person in front!

The rolling **** gas also rioted, and even the Lord of Phantoms and the Lord of Swords were deterred in an instant!

"This kid is really incredible!"

The Lord of Phantom God has a dark belly, and is extremely shocked!

Looking at the crowds that came out in the depths, he didn't hesitate, and rushed across Tongtian Blood River with everyone in the kingdom of illusions!

The sword master and others also reacted and rushed across the river of blood!

"Ye Mo, Tianya Haijiao, you will crush your body!"

The Lord of Shura roared, his hair spread out, his body was blown in half, his blood dripping!

The corpse **** and other people are also bloodthirsty to kill!

Ye Wushuang stepped on the seven steps of the inverse dragon and rushed to Tongtian Blood River!

Now the fierce Emperor Sword has drained his blood ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and fight again, it is him who suffers, after all, many demigods and supreme means already have the ability of God of War!

"Before you leave the fantasy heart!"

Ye Wushuang accelerated to move, like a beam of light across the sea of ​​blood!

However, at this time, Ye Wushuang's face suddenly changed!


In front of him, suddenly there are overcast shadows, the breath is extremely strong, fierce and towering!

"Oops, this is ... War Spirit!"

Ye Wushuang's complexion suddenly sank. What is the war spirit? He had seen it before, but now he has encountered it again, and there are many more!



When I return to my hometown to celebrate the New Year, the update will be a bit slow, but it will not be broken!

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