Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1590: How Arrogant!

A series of changes happened only in a short moment!

On the platform below, the crowd heard the sound of energy boiling, and a figure had already flown onto the platform, but that posture ... too shameful!

Like a dog shit, lost face!

"what happened?"

Some people on the other battlefields were attracted. When looking at the figures on the battlefield, their pupils shrank!

"Wucheng Red Blood Family Monster, Red Blood Cloud!"

Recognizing the person's identity, those people all look up!

Clouds of red blood, heavenly supreme youth evils, evil evils close to the "six prohibitions" combat power, are also famous in the cities under the gate, how can they be so embarrassed?


Suddenly, Ye Wushuang stepped onto the stage!

White hunting, cold as electricity, extreme indifference in the eyes!

So cold person!

The eyes made the crowd feel chills, and the spirits became cold!

Who is this guy?

The eyes of the audience are all concentrated on Ye Wushuang. Does this person have to challenge Akame?


At the same time, a Daomen strong also stood on the stage, came to Ye Wushuang, and asked, "Are you going to participate in the assessment?"

"Let's borrow the platform!"

Ye Wushuang turned his head to look at the person, opened his mouth, spit out a word, and walked towards Chimuyun!

The Daomen strong also glanced at the palm print on Chimuyun's face, and seemed to understand something?

On the battle platform, under the battle platform, they are still for a moment!

This battle of assessment, they have not seen the Supreme Hand, have they started?

The strongness of Akame Yun, many people have heard about it and look forward to it!


However, they knew the fear in their eyes, and turned and rushed down the battle platform!

Ye Wushuang is powerful. He has tried it just now, and naturally he is not an opponent. In all accidents, he fled in horror and did not dare to fight!


Jidao collapsed with his hands, like the body of Akane who would flee from a lightning hand!


Akane Yun's complexion changed, and the blood radiance rule emerged from the body like a godsman's body, and continued to run through the poles!

"Get up!"

Ye Wushuang froze with cold eyes, grabbed it fiercely, and thundered Chimuyun's body on the battle platform. Bang, the whole battle platform was trembling, like a twelve earthquake!

The hearts of the crowd below also trembled. This is what happened. Akamune fled without a fight, and was dragged onto the battle platform, so that everyone couldn't react!

"As you wish, I'm already on the battlefield, why are you fleeing?"

Ye Wushuang stared indifferently at the red eye cloud that the body broke!

Just now, Chimuyun was like a crazy dog. He humiliated him and did not dare to go to the battlefield. It was a waste!

However, now he is afraid to run away!

"Let me go!"

Chimeyun had no temper, coughing up blood, and was too humiliated. He was too vulnerable to do the stupid suicide attack!

"Before, I humiliated you. You ignored me, but I was aggressive, like a crazy dog. It was my fault. I apologize to you and forgive me this time!"

Akame Yun looked up at Ye Wushuang!

This man is terrible, does nothing, but does everything!

"I don't need your apology!"

Ye Wushuang did not accept it, but the coldness in his eyes did not disappear!

The eyes of the audience suddenly coagulated, the red blood clouds, the high evils of the red blood family, whispered and begged for mercy, and in the presence of everyone, lost the face of the red blood family in exchange for a chance to forgive!

However, he was rejected mercilessly, and no apology was needed!

"This man is crazy, and the Red Blood House is not easy to mess with. The other party has confessed it wrong, and gave a step, but I do n’t know how to advance and retreat, the madness will not have good results!"

Among the crowd, a young man turned coldly.

"I don't dare to stand up and just talk like waste!"

Ye Wushuang's eyes moved and he turned to look!

His eyes were as cold as a knife, making all the crowds stiff and flickering away. The young man appeared, his body trembled a little, but he pretended to be calm, and said, "Today is the door examination. Life is not a place for others to be crazy! "

He did not believe that Ye Wushuang really dare to be lawless!

However, the next instant, he regretted it!

As soon as Ye Wushuang's lips moved, he opened his mouth and spit out a sentence: "I will be crazy, what!"


Jidao crashed into the sky, such as Ding Xing Ying!

"Thunder strikes!"

The young man's figure exploded, and the Thunder God's Pillar was bombarded, but he was pinched by the palm of his hand, and even that body was pinched!

"No-get away!"

When the young man swept away, Lei Guang dropped a large block, and Eternity Road penetrated into Lei Guang's body, ah ah, the young man yelled, blood spewed out from the tangram like a pillar, and his body was blown into blood mist in public!

Smelling the tinge of blood, everyone's heart twitched fiercely!

How hard!

It ’s completely pinched, and even the spirits are not spared!

The Daomen on the battlefield also shrank his pupils. He is the Supreme Eighth, smelling the dangerous breath on Ye Wushuang, and did not dare to move!

Ye Wushuang's expression did not fluctuate!

These people don't know anything, don't know, don't know the beginning and end of things, they hide behind like a mouse, thinking that nobody knows him, so just talk, humiliate, frame, morally kidnap others!

Regardless of right and wrong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ just to satisfy myself for a while, but not care about others!

This kind of talent is the most damn!

Indifferent glances at this group of people, all horrified!

When his eyes fell on the cloud of red blood, his face paled!

"Give me a chance, and meet you in the future, I will retreat from the distance!" Red blood cloud spit out again, he regretted his previous actions, the kind of arrogance and pride that made him eat this time, the more he passed, Will converge!

No more, only ... dead!

"Discard your hands, get out!"

Ye Wushuang stared at the red blood cloud whisker and threw out a sentence!

Hearing that Red Blood Cloud grabbed an arm without hesitation.

It was torn off with a stab, the blood splattered, and it was shocking. The heart of the man drew a bit, and was terrified!

Immediately, the red blood cloud and blood light destroyed the other arm, rushed down the battle platform, disappeared, and the wolverine figure ran towards the distance under the attention of the crowd!

Only then did Ye Wushuang's look return to peace!

Turning his head and looking at the Daomen strongman, he said, "Excuse me!"

The Daomen strongman suddenly asked, "Would you like to think about joining the Daomen, you can enter the Godson candidate without any assessment!"

What is the strength of Ye Wushuang, even he feels daunted, and the candidate of God Son is enough!

The candidate of the **** son is a substitute for the **** son!

If the Son of God dies, then the candidate of the Son of God has a chance to inherit the position of Son of God!

"God candidate?"

Ye Wushuang shook his head and stepped off the stage!

This guy is really speechless. The candidate of God Son is only dismissive of being able to promote the honorable status of God Son in one step!

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