Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1676: Heaven is boundless!

Young Emperor, with the posture of emperor, even if he cannot prove emperor in the future, it must be an invincible peerless **** emperor!

The fall of the young emperor will inevitably cause the world to cry!

In the bloodstream of Changsheng, an endless star dome is constantly permeated with a kind of blood shine and rules!

"Heavens and sorrows, who has fallen?"

A peerless demon evil set foot, eyes fixed slightly!

"So soon, is Shaodi cut off?"

In a sword mountain, a figure like a mortal came out, he glanced at the star dome as if he hadn't spoken for a long time, his voice was hoarse!

Stepping out of Jianshan, a bunch of unparalleled sword intentions rushed out from Jianshan, and it was eternal!

And in the chaos outside the ancient war domain!

Ye Wushuang also stared at the chaotic changes, with a cold look. "Now I use the strongest taboo power, I can already kill the ordinary young emperor!"

The emperor of the eighth restricted area, the emperor's body, is still stained with blood!

It is not empty words to wipe out all the blood and emperors!

However, this seems to make things worse!

Just now, Ye Wushuang had a very bad hunch in his heart. He knew that some subtle changes occurred when the eighth restricted zone young man was killed in the town!

"Boy, what about the goddess?"

My Neighbor Totoro folded up the dragon altar and came to the front of Ye Wushuang, looking around!


Ye Wushuang spit out two words and returned to the ancient battlefield of Blood Road again!

"Boy, you lied to Cat Lord, Cat Lord saw it, in your hands!" My Neighbor Totoro rushed after it.


The battle in the ancient war domain has ended!

All the demons in the forbidden area were killed by the town, and the blood of the gods covered hundreds of thousands of miles!

Ren Pingsheng, Zhan Ao, Emperor Mermaid, Sword Extraordinary and others are all embarrassed and bloody.

In the distance

There is only half of the stubble left, and the blood of the troll is flowing and flowing, so incomparable that even the troll knife is broken!

One person fights six supreme superiors to testify that the gods are evil, and kills four. This horrible combat power makes Zhan proud sigh!

"He's against you, but he's fighting for you, a strange, but interesting person!"

Ren Pingsheng stared at the blood-stained figure.

In this battle, Rebellion could have left at any time, but he did not!

Ye Wushuang stared at him!


He also stared at Ye Wushuang, coughing up blood!

"Ye Wushuang, I must have a battle with you!"

Equal to this, Niu Yu just for this sentence, then dragged the residual body away, did not step forward, but disappeared silently!

From stepping into the bloodstream of Changsheng, he was commanded by the Troll Protoss, at all costs, to practice the chaos of the ancient emperor!

I'm afraid to give up ... life!

This is what the Troll Protoss gave him. He didn't mention it to anyone, and kept it in his heart silently, even if it was Ye Wushuang, the blood of the chaotic ancient emperor himself, he didn't mention it!

In order to temper the blood of the ancient emperor, he chose to sacrifice!

However, he refused!

"If at the end of the longevity blood path, I defeat you, then I will go on my own, no longer reduced to your foil, and will inevitably support a sky for eternity!"

Niyu stared at the endless blood level, and in his eyes there was an invincible edge!

Cultivate chaos of ancient emperor blood is for eternity!

He was stained with blood and no regrets!

But if the ancient Emperor's blood is so bad that he can't win it, then he will certainly not accompany him to cultivate the ancient Emperor's blood!

By then, he must go on alone!


The eighth restricted area Shao Di fell, one month later!

The Changsheng blood path has undergone a terrible change, and the forces of eternal age have come, breaking through the shackles of the Changsheng blood path and stepping into it!

Divine Land, Dojo, and major restricted areas are also here!

The powerful true deities opened the way, swept endless stars, and went straight to the end of the blood!

This also means that the older generation of strong gods have also joined in. They are no longer dominated by the heavenly gods, but powerful real gods dominate everything!

In addition, countless eternal forces have carried means to kill the ancestors!

Therefore, the real bloodshed has just begun!

This incident passed to the front of the bloodstream. Some people don't care, some people are surprised, some people are scared ...

Killing and blood, gradually spread in the blood path, when the true one inch of star road, one inch of blood!

These changes are not good for Ye Wushuang!

As you get behind the Tianguan Blood Road, each step is more difficult than before, and there are more and more ancient blood races and ancient protoss evils encountered!

If those older generations join in, especially those who are rebellious, they will inevitably use whatever means to kill the evildoers of the younger generation!

For three months, Ye Wushuang entered the 80th Tiantian Guanxue again!

At the same time, 999 beams of divine light suddenly soared into the sky from the chaotic primitive domain of eight million miles from the blood path, extending to the depth of the star dome!

Endless star fields can be seen, and even shocking vision spreads around ten days before and after!

Those who are strong in the heavens and **** roads look up and stare at this amazing vision, then they head straight for it!

Ye Wushuang only suppressed a fierce beast, received the source of God, and felt his body startled. He turned his head and looked at the 99 pillars of God. He was also very surprised!

Immediately he straddled the star dome and found everyone who was going through it!

Ren Pingsheng, Zhan Ao, and others apparently noticed that they were all together!

"Suddenly this vision came to ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I didn't even notice the evils that passed through the blood path before, it seems extraordinary!" Zhanao curiously said.

"You can check it out!"

Ren Pingsheng opened his mouth, free and easy!

Zhan Ao's personality made him appetite, and he could not help but sigh. Ye Wushuang's friends are indeed not ordinary with others, making people comfortable.

Ye Wushuang took the mermaid and other women and rushed in the direction of the **** column!

Along the way, they encountered the evil spirits who went to the same place. From these populations, Ye Wushuang also knew that place seemed to have a great relationship with the sky!

It was a forbidden place that existed in the Archean period!

Among them are the footprints of the emperor, as well as the relics of the Supreme Emperor, the King of God, and many other mysterious survivors!

It is rumored that the eternal life of the eternal life has been experienced, and once appeared in the sky without blood, the same vision of heaven and earth, according to speculation, this was born inexorably!

Ye Wushuang and others entered the chaotic primitive land, and many evildoers also came!

Among them, there is the God of Tomorrow!

Chaos sea, world sea, sky **** city and other evils!

There are also some familiar people in the realm, such as acquaintances, love princes, deities of the demigods, Tao Qi, Feng Yuan and other acquaintances!

Even the few people who appeared in the underworld appeared!

These are the gods of the underworld, possessing the strange and unpredictable power of the underworld!

At the beginning, Ye Wushuang played against a ghost **** in the Beiming Realm, knowing that these gods are terrible!

In addition, the imperial family such as the Phoenix Emperor are here!

"This day, you can't help but attract so many people, it seems that it is not easy!"

Warlords marvel at a demon!

A horrible figure, all preaching above God, is full of qi and blood like the sun, passing by them!

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