Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1728: Attack the Divine Land!

How Ren Jingyunqing figured it out, he couldn't escape his unintentional words, and directly let the ancient emperor soldiers give up the resistance directly!

Even the queen fell asleep with Ye Lao Mo, and in the face of the Empress, Ye Lao Mo would let them go!

Deterred by the might of the God of War army, they have no war intentions anymore, now this is just a chance!

Jing Yunqing was also powerless to block, and looked lonely!

"Women, the heavens are going to fight, and everyone will be involved in it. Your ancient emperor's kingdom is not even a lower kingdom, so you want to escape from the world. It is simply a delusional wish!"

Ye Wushuang looked at Jing Yunqing and shook his head with a smile!

Even if he let go of the ancient emperor's kingdom, the future kingdom conquest and dark turmoil will certainly not escape!

"Ye Wushuang, you won!"

Jing Yunqing wasn't sure why.

Ye Wushuang wants to destroy the ancient emperor's kingdom of God. He does not need to use the God of War. He only needs to be able to erase one's power with his fingers!

However, Ye Wushuang was so calculated to serve him for one night!

It turned out that the white-eyed wolf was the one he was serving, which made her very angry and angry!

The God of War army entered the ancient imperial city, and the people were disturbed and uneasy, but there was no **** killing scene as the legend slaughtered everything and did not blink!

This made the people of the ancient emperor's kingdom very relieved and relieved!

"Thank the Queen!"

"If there wasn't a queen who fed the demon with her body, it would calm Ye Laomo's anger, I'm afraid we have already become a corpse!"

The practitioners of the ancient kingdom of gods lamented that in their opinion, it was the empress who sacrificed herself and exchanged peace!

They all thank Jing Yunqing in their hearts!

Ancient palace

Ye Wushuang stepped in, and the strong men of the entire ancient palace were born together!

"Meet Her Majesty!"

They all stood side by side in fear and bowed down to Ye Wushuang!

"Get up, my emperor is here temporarily. If you are okay, go first!" Ye Wushuang shouted to these strong men.

I haven't found it before. In the ancient imperial palace, there were countless gods, hundreds of them, and there was a **** of heaven!

Jing Yunqing, Bai Suzhen, Chaos Demon Dragon and Zhenwu War will all follow behind, and enter the palace of the ancient emperor!

"Where are the Four Legions now?"

Ye Wushuang asked Zhen Wu.

"Emperor, the God of War legion won the ancient kingdom of the imperial emperor. The next step is to enter the center of the realm. As for the other three legions, their speed is almost keeping up."

Zhenwu battle will return.

"Talk about your thoughts?"

Ye Wushuang said.

I heard that Zhenwu will take a look at Jing Yunqing and Bai Suzhen who are lonely!

"Don't worry about them, you say it!"

Ye Wushuang signaled.

"Hwang, although the center of the realm seems to be gathering together, it is the center of concentration of the realm of power, but they are all doing their own thing, and they are watching our pace of expedition!"

"I recommend that you surround the center of the realm first, concentrate the strength of the Heavenly Legion, and deter them first, let them mess up, and then attack!"

Zhen Wu Zhan will express his thoughts.

"Of course, the realms of the realm center are their own politics. If you dare to move, they will all unite together to resist. Don't underestimate the determination and will of a force to maintain its heritage!"

Jing Yunqing hummed aside!

Ye Wushuang turned his head and stared at her!

"You can't believe it!"

Jingyun sneered.

Ye Wushuang took his eyes back and looked to the true military general, saying: "The emperor will give you a task to gather the four major legions in the ancient imperial city. In addition, the submissive forces will be organized into a large legion and give me Surround the center of the realm! "

Zhen Wu battle will be puzzled, and asked, "Your Majesty, will the Four Legions not take action?"

"No need!" Ye Wushuang responded: "Those who are subdued are organized into legions, and there are millions of them. Sending several **** kings to sit is enough to deter the center of the realm. As for you, there is something else to do!"

Zhenwu battle will be even more puzzled, looking towards the troubled monster dragon!

The Demon Dragon in troubled times said lightly: "Your Majesty is going to knock on the mountain and shake the tiger, lay down a **** earth, and deter those eternal forces in the center of the realm!"


Listening to this, Jing Yunqing and Bai Suzhen exclaimed directly, staring at Ye Wushuang, some could not believe it!

Divine soil is bred from primitive gods. The practitioners are gods. In a sense, they are stronger than the kingdom of eternal gods!

The Zhenwu battle will not be shocked. If even the gods and territories dare not touch, how will the more powerful emperor soil and emperor face in the future, and how will they fight the heavens in the future?

"Your Majesty, which Divine Land do you say?"

Zhen Wu Zhan will be directly asked.

Ye Wushuang heard it and thought about it!

At this moment, an ancient voice sounded in the ancient emperor's hall: "Your Majesty, the disaster protoss is not far from the realm. Only one **** emperor and three pseudo **** emperors sit in the town and can deal with them, and they have dealt with you. It's long gone! "

This voice is exactly the tree of true knowledge hidden deep in the ancient palace!

Listening to this, Jing Yunqing's face turned black!

Even their patron saint tree fell to Ye Wushuang!

"Disaster Protoss!"

Hearing this name, Ye Wushuang's eyes flashed a cold cold mang, this rebellious protoss did not deal with him too much!

"Then disastrous protoss!"

Ye Wushuang nodded and shouted to the troubled monster dragon: "You go back to heaven and tell Meng Lao, he knows what to do!"

"Your Majesty does not have to go back to heaven!"

Outside the ancient kingdom of the ancient emperor's kingdom, an old figure stepped down into the air, and instantly fell to the ancient emperor's hall, fell in front of Ye Wushuang, and bowed down to worship!

This man is really an elderly dreamer!

"Your Majesty can rest assured that Kyushu has come out of the strong!" Said the old man Mengling. The strong, naturally, is the one who deals with the Emperor!

Looking at the sudden emergence of the old man, Jing Yunqing and Bai Suzhen were both dignified, and retreated to one side like two maids, as if this place had become Ye Wushuang!

"Your Majesty, I can build a teleportation array for you and go straight to the gate of the disaster protoss!"

The sound of the true **** tree sounded again, quite flattering. At least Jing Yunqing knew that this **** tree, like the uncle, was worshipped by the ancient emperor's kingdom of God, but now he has no courtesy to please and flatter, and it makes her hate itchy

"If you can build a teleportation team to help you, I promise that in the future you will be moved to the heavenly court and enjoy the eternal luck of the heavenly court!"

Ye Wushuang also knew the power of the **** tree and promised to accept it!

"Your Majesty, my husband must do everything in his power to help His Majesty sweep the heavens!" The voice of the true God of God sounded, full of excitement!

After one month

Four major legions gathered in the ancient imperial city!

With the sword **** sea as the head, the forces subdued to the heaven and the kingdom of God are gathered outside the center of the realm. Although they are mixed, there can be more than 20 million. The number is extremely large, and it has deterred the strong in the center of the realm!

Countless information came out from the Shenbao Pavilion ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ spread rumors, create confusion, and shake those strong forces from the will!

Ancient imperial city

Really know the **** tree is building a teleportation array!

However, Ye Wushuang did not stop, but was ready to visit the disaster protoss in advance!

"The disaster protoss will be the first protoss in the heavenly courts. He believes that you can do it. He enters it first. If the formation of the teleportation team is complete, he will directly kill the disaster protoss and wait for you."

Ye Wushuang Fengjue, extraordinary sword, Ren Pingsheng, Xiang Tianxiao, three major war generals and so on will say something, and then drive the troubled dragon into the teleportation array!

"I also need to go!"

Jing Yun looked at the ancient emperor's kingdom that has now become the residence of the heavenly court. He pulled Bai Suzhen and followed him into it!

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