Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 229: Kill 1 Way to Giant Spirit Mountain

The blood ghost wanted to use other people to hold Ye Wushuang, so that he could take advantage of the opportunity to escape, so he shouted all the way along, and the sound waves echoed in more than ten miles.

Many people moved.

Among these people are disciples of the Yu tribe, Devil's Demon, Tianjianzong and Lieyangzong, and some are other forces.

"Why did that **** get out of the ghost? Didn't you hear that he's entered the undead ghost's temple?"

"Did he get the inheritance of the Temple, or the treasures in it?"

Ye Wushuang's story has already spread.

The most interesting thing is that Ye Wushuang stepped into the mysterious magic hall.

Many people in this magic hall have heard of it. Before ancient times, the peerless fiend in the battle of Abyss was related?

Did Ye Wushuang get the inheritance and come out.

Everyone's heart was hot to think of the inheritance of the peerless fiend!

"Go and see!"

Each figure stopped and ran towards the shout.

Walking all the way through the air, Ye Wushuang also quietly listened to Qianling's talk about some changes when he entered the palace.

Among them, in addition to mentioning the disciples of each disciple, Qianling also mentioned "Juling Mountain" and "Tongshen Tower."

The Tongshen Tower is the center and the most important place of the palace.

The mysterious history of the Tongshen Pagoda appears with the underground palace. It contains countless treasures, and these treasures are all rewards given to the disciples.

Therefore, every disciple will eventually gather at the Tongshen Tower.

To enter the Tongshen Tower, you must first reach the Giant Spirit Mountain.

Because the entrance is in the Giant Spirit Mountain.

The ground palace training was two months, and now more than half of it has passed. Everyone also stopped the training and rushed to Juling Mountain.


Just as Ye Wushuang was heading towards the Giant Spirit Mountain, streamers burst from the sky, killing the horrors and making people feel cold.

Qian Ling, who was next to Ye Wushuang, changed her face greatly. She could feel that the killing power contained in the streamer was enough to kill her.

As the streamer appeared, the young feathers of each ethnic group spread their wings and killed them from the sky.


Ye Wubin's eyes contain cold mang, holding Qianling, jumping in the void.


Streams of light pierced through the void, bursting in the void, with sharp killing force, tearing the void apart.

Qianling turned around and looked astounded.

"Ye Wushuang, where do you escape!"

A group of Yu people drank coldly, sounding like thunder, blasting in the void.

This violent movement immediately attracted everyone.

"Ye Wushuang, you can't kill me, you can't kill it." The blood ghost in the distance smiled coldly, and then glanced up to catch up with the wind, he continued to run towards the giant spirit mountain.

As long as he arrived at Juling Mountain, no one got him anyhow.

"Ye Wushuang, leave your life!"

Devil's Depth and others also came out of the air.

Not only them, but also many people are coming here!

Qianling Qiao's face changed again and again.

How many people have to kill Ye Wushuang!

Ye Wushuang's expression remained unchanged, and a crooked bloodthirsty radian rose from the corner of his mouth.

He was holding Qianling, his knees flexed, and a sudden bounce, bursting up, like a streamer rushing towards the Yu people.

The Yu tribe and others pulled out Zhang Gong and shot a series of arrows directly, killing Ye Wushuang.

Many of these people are six yuan above, and eight of them are still present, and the outbreak of the attack is terrible.

Ye Wushuang's speed did not decrease, and he rushed up like a moth fluttering fire.

This scared Qian Ling, but remained silent, staying beside Ye Wushuang, she had an inexplicable sense of security.

It was something she had never felt before!


When the body was close to those horrible arrowheads, the dragon blood sword was also emptied out, and the bright blood was dazzling.

A blood-colored sky appeared, and all arrowheads collapsed instantly.

The siege of the world was overwhelming, powerful and unmatched, and drowned a group of Yu people.

Many Yu people's bodies were torn into two halves, part of their wings were chopped, blood fell down from the void, and they were directly killed.

Only a few true Yuan Yae people survived.

"Damn beast, you dare to kill my Yuzu people!"

A few surviving feathers roared, drew arrows, fired overwhelming arrows, and arrows came through their hearts.

"You want to kill Lao Tzu, do you still want me to stretch my neck for you to kill? If you want me to die, I will let you die first."

Ye Wushuang was indifferent, as if a **** of killing, rushed up.

Qianling at this moment is afraid of Ye Wushuang.

As if at this moment, Ye Wushuang is a **** Shura, the devil who does not blink!


Rushing into the sky, Ye Wushuang was chopped together with several real Yuan Yae Yu people.

"Ye Wushuang, you have entered the demon temple, and you have fallen into the ranks of fiendish devil, everyone will win it!"

"Ye Wushuang has joined forces with fiends, kill him soon!"

"Ye Wushuang surrendered the fiendish things on his body, and let me wait for a seal to prevent it from being a disaster area."

The sounds of righteous reprimand blasted in the void, and one by one, sounding reasons, spit out from the mouths of different people.

As if at this moment, they are the embodiment of justice.

Ye Wushuang, but a fiend, is going to kill it.

The treasures on his body are those of the fiendish devil, and they must be collected and sealed to avoid disaster to the world.

Countless people rushed to the sky and killed Ye Wushuang.

In their eyes, full of greed!

Ye Wushuang's treasures have been cherished for a long time, for hundreds of reasons, to kill Ye Wushuang and seize the treasures.

"Come on, I'm missing points!"

Looking at these greedy people, Ye Wushuang smiled coldly and hugged Qianling, but he didn't have any burden or anxiety.

Among these people at present, Xiu was the strongest but true Yuan Yae.

Now that I have broken through the Five Elements of the True Yuan and practiced the Realm of Destruction and Taishanghua, I am afraid of it!

The world is gone!

Cold eyes stared at the surviving people of the Yu clan, and a blood-colored sword was like a sky, covering them.

The faces of the several Yu people changed and their wings spread.

However, the power of the annihilation was too horrible.

Immediately, several people's bodies were chopped, their bodies were cracked, and their blood was bleeding, just like a bird with folded wings, their bodies fell down.

Ye Wushuang swooped down, the dragon's blood sword continued to sway, and eighty-one cyclones and 30% of the invincible sword blessed on the "killing".

Four or five miles along his path were cut apart.

The bodies of the several Yu people were beheaded, and some of them who rushed to the front were also trying to escape, their bodies were cut off.


Every blood flower blooms, like a magical mandala.


"Ye Wushuang, you regard your life as a mustard, you fiend, you will die!"

The frightened voice came from the bottom, with a vicious curse, one round, and before touching Ye Wushuang, he died.

Ye Wushuang is too cruel, too cruel!

This made everyone's eyelids jump straight ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The body is also constantly backing, running towards the giant spirit mountain.

Ye Wushuang was too lazy to talk nonsense, chasing and killing one person.

Fiends are fiends!

Along the way, blood paved the way. Ye Wushuang, like the same killing god, put a corpse into the dragon blood **** tripod.

"Ye Wushuang don't kill me, I'm Yunlan ancient religion ... Hey!" A disciple cut his neck with a blade of light.

What Yunlan ancient teaching?

If they don't kill Ye Wushuang, will Ye Wushuang be full to support and kill people?

"Run away!"

Looking at a personal shadow behind him, the people in front of him were frightened and went madly towards the Giant Spirit Mountain.

Ye Wushuang also followed closely, and never stopped, there was a big way to kill the giant spirit mountain!

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