Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 339: Walk on the battlefield

Standing in front of the light curtain, Ye Wushuang looked at everything in front of him, his frown deepened, his eyes staring at the shadows, how could this be, these are myself?

A total of ten of these black shadows stepped out of the light curtain. Although a little vague, their faces were still the same, and a mold was carved out.

The only difference was that they were covering the darkness with a hint of shame.

"These are the images of my body printed on it. The images can also be drilled out of the light curtain, reproduce themselves, and then generate my demon. Let me fight against the demon. This method, curious, seems to be pretty warlike not simple."

Ye Wushuang murmured, his eyes flickered.

Emperor Qingxue reminded before that the battle of the Savage God was the last assessment, and he didn't go far. This strange imagination appeared, to fight himself and fight against the demon!

"Fighting the demon is not as simple as this, and it is not only me, but I am afraid that other people are like me. If you want to pass and continue, you must defeat the demon, defeat yourself, and break through yourself. "

Ye Wushuang thinks in the heart. This is a challenge. If you challenge yourself, you can break through!

"Like me, follow the path of invincibility, invincible faith, invincible heart, and indomitable destruction. Only by destroying these demons can we have a flawless heart."

Thinking about it, Ye Wushuang stepped out and blasted towards the demon.


At the same time, at the moment of Ye Wushuang's action, those demon spirits also moved, the same burst came out, and the breath was all as powerful and pourable as the power.

Ye Wushuang's eyes narrowed, and his palms killed the past.

Similarly, the ten figures are also the same palm, and came towards Ye Wushuang.


The violent impact in space and the powerful shock wave repelled Ye Wushuang by more than ten meters, and the same ten figures were retreated by the same distance.

"Although illusory, like me, looks, strength, means, etc., are exactly the same, this is completely another one."

Ye Wushuang's eyes were frozen, his face was heavy, and he was always defeated against ten of himself. This was no longer what he could imagine, and it was beyond Ye Wushuang's cognition.

"I don't believe it. It's just a demon. Why should I fear it? Kill!"

Ye Wushuang took another step forward, rushing towards the ten fake figures, rolling out the real Yuan, showing madly, sweeping every corner of the space.

Longhuang Town Mountain Seal!

Ye Wuyi squeezed with both hands, killing them with the invincible Longshan town, the terrible repressive force made this space extremely unstable, and seemed to collapse.

Immediately, Ye Wushuang's gaze also stared at the opposite figure.

Longhuang Town Mountain Seal!

As he expected, the other party also exhibited the same combat skills, which were completely similar to those of Immortal Longshan. The fear of the killing force was also suppressed by Ye Wushuang.


The horrible immortal Longshan collided together in the void.

Each other melted into each other, a burst of loud explosions burst out, the energy of terror spread to the four sides, and the space was trembling.

Ye Wushuang's body took a few steps back.

After the pause, he didn't start again, watching everything, thinking about everything, his eyes became calm and calm.

"I want to calm down!"

Encountering this, Ye Wushuang was not anxious, sinking his heart, thinking continuously, and his eyes flashed suddenly.

"Wrong, really wrong!"

Suddenly, Ye Wushuang's eyes were condensed, and he secretly said: "At the beginning, I made a mistake and went into a misunderstanding. Since I follow the invincible way, the faith is invincible, and where is the demon, the demon is just cowardly Only those who have it, and those with strong mentality, practice their minds with practice, are indestructible, and their spirits do not invade. "


Between them, a smile appeared on Ye Wushuang's face, and the figure moved again, rushing towards ten figures.

This time, he didn't release the power from his body, so he rushed straight forward, and even his breath became seemingly absent.

Ten figures rushed towards him, and eleven pairs of eyes stared at each other in the void.

Ye Wushuang's pupils showed no fluctuations. He stepped out and leaned forward, passing through the bodies of these shadows.

"Everything is a flower in the mirror, the moon in the water!"

"So, broken!"

A moment passed, a **** knife light raged out, chopped on the light curtain.

The light curtain was undulating and turbulent. Similarly, the other ten phantoms still bombarded the light curtain. The light curtain underwent eleven attacks, like a mirror, crashed and a channel appeared in front of the eyes.

"Sure enough, the assessment of this level is to use people's psychology to prove themselves, making everyone fall into a misunderstanding. I am afraid that those who enter the battlefield are thinking of the God of War, the spirit and the devil, breaking themselves and being themselves. Embed it. "

Ye Wushuang stared at the passage that appeared in front of his eyes, with a smile on his lips.

At this moment, as he said, many people entering the war are fighting their own demons, challenging themselves and proving themselves.

However, they did not know that once they did this, they just caught themselves. These fake people were stronger when they were strong. The more fierce the battle, the greater the damage. The ultimate injury was themselves.

So, not so much that you lose yourself, you lose to a phantom test of Jinghuashuishuiyue!

"I was a little shaken before, it seems that my Taoism is not so indestructible!"

Ye Wushuang recognized his shortcomings.

The invincible way, the invincible strength, the heart is even more invincible, the two complement each other.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Wushuang rushed towards the channel, and soon his footsteps stopped again.

In front of him, there was a long passage.

The knife light flickered, countless horrific knife shadows, raging in the channel, chopping on the walls of the channel, emitting the sound of cricket, the killing of the sword, the domineering sword, and it continued to spread in the air.

When Ye Wushuang stood in front, he could feel the horror of those blades. Any blade of the blade was unbearable.

"These swordsman ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ are terrible, they contain sword meaning, beyond my control."

Looking at the endless shadow of a knife, shuttled in the void, passing through it, and peeling a layer if not dead.

Seeing this, Ye Wushuang smiled slightly, "For others, it may be the biggest challenge, but for me, it is an opportunity."

"This level is for me!"

Ye Wushuang stepped into it, facing the thousands of swords and shadows, still no change of face, walking into the leisurely pace.


Suddenly, the blade shadow riots in the channel.


Every one of these peerless swords came to an end, and Ye Wushuang fled.


He never thought about escaping, open his arms, open his arms, and meet these extremely dreadful swords.

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