Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 816: 5 **** peaks!

Ye Wushuang's body fell to the ground again, and the sword in his hand was still bleeding, dropping to the ground. |

And his eyes fell on the man in Su Yi. This man was named Ren Pingsheng, and after a smoky rain, Ren Pingsheng was a good name, open-minded and chic!

And this person's strength is also very strong, much stronger than Yan Xingzhang, not even a level, but why such a person has not been seen in the Holy See.

No, look at their dress and means, it is not like the Kunlun Temple!

Ye Wushuang thought secretly.

"We are from Xianxian Shengyuan!"

Ren Pingsheng seemed to know what Ye Wushuang thought, and smiled slightly, telling the story!

"So, you want to kill me too?"

Knowing the other party's identity, Ye Wushuang's eyes narrowed and he asked coldly.

"Ren Pingsheng, this man is the deadly enemy of Wuxian Shengyuan. He has killed four of the Wuxian Shengyuan. Don't let him go."

The man in the black robe, holding his hand that was destroyed by the light of the world, also took the opportunity to say that he was extremely afraid of the light of the world and was determined to kill Ye Wushuang!

"Dead Enemy of Wuxian Shengyuan"

Ren Pingsheng looked at the man in the black robe and asked with a smile, "Can you alone represent the entire Wuxian Shengyuan?"

"What do you mean?"

The man in a black robe asked.

"Answer my question first!" Ren Pingsheng smiled slightly, playing with the bamboo flute in his hand, and said something.

The man in the black robe blinked his eyes, and then spit out the words: "No!"

"Since you can't, then you're trying to kill yourself and kill someone. Now you're being killed. Why would you order me to wipe your ass?"

Ren Pingsheng asked again.

"I ..." The man in black looked up and spit out a word, but before he finished speaking, he felt that his forehead was slightly moist. At this time, the sky and the earth were raining, and a swipe of sword light passed in the rain. Throat!

The man in the black robe held his throat with one hand, stared at Ren Pingsheng's bamboo flute, and spit out four words: "Yanyu Kendo!"

Words fell, people were stunned on the ground, and blood spread out.

Ye Wushuang watched from start to finish. He was somewhat surprised by Ren Pingsheng's behavior, especially the smoky and rainy kendo, reminding him of the extraordinary sword of Taihuangyu Yifei Feixue!


The ancient sword retracted, Ye Wushuang turned and left. On the other side, he didn't feel hostility, but he didn't want to touch it, even if he killed the man in black robe!

"Just go?"

Ren Pingsheng smiled at Ye Wushuang who left.

"You still have questions?"

Ye Wushuang paused and turned to ask.

Ren Pingsheng laughed: "You don't worry, I will kill you."

Ye Wushuang replied lightly: "Assault with your strength will only make you feel shame, don't you?"

"Okay!" Seeing Ye Wushuang guessing himself, Ren Pingsheng shrugged and smiled: "In fact, I just want to answer the doubts in your heart, such as the identity of the man in the black robe and the weird means, and Why did I appear here and choose to kill the same door? "

"You seem to know me well?"

Ye Wushuang's eyes narrowed, he began to value this person, and often he could dig into his opponent's mind, which is an aspect of defeating the enemy. Such a person cannot be underestimated!

"But I'm sorry, I don't want to know."

After a pause, he continued, and turned to leave.

"If you are puzzled, why not be happy, people are alive, isn't it just for fun, free?" Ren Pingsheng smiled freely, and stepped up after him.

"The man in the black robe is a ghost family. Because of their race, they can be transformed into ghosts, such as shadows, hunters in the night, and they control a powerful means of attacking the spirits, which is called soul strike! "

Ren Pingsheng was beside Ye Wushuang, explaining lightly!

Ye Wushuang turned his head and gave him a glance, but he didn't speak, and moved on.

"As for why we are classmates, I want to kill him again. If you join Jixian Shengyuan, you will know!"

Ren Pingsheng also looked at Ye Wushuang.


Suddenly, Ye Wushuang stopped and turned to look at Ren Pingsheng and said, "Do you want me to join Jixian College?"

"Think about it, the Puxian Shengyuan is different!" Ren Pingsheng laughed.

"Different?" Ye Wushuang turned his head and looked at the corpses behind him, and smiled: "Different, I do feel it!"

Ren Pingsheng also heard what Ye Wushuang pointed out, and still smiled freely: "What you see is just the surface. It should be clear that there are so many scums in every place, but not everyone is like that, at least they wo n’t be like Kunlun A hypocrite like the sanctuary! "

Ye Wushuang heard his words, frowned, and said coldly, "Are you following me?"

Ren Pingsheng said: "It's not tracking. I just met a lot of Kunlun students to hunt you down the road, so pay attention to it. However, it's not easy to let Kunlun Bang and the joint siege of Yuqing Cloud Palace. , Are you interested in joining Jixian Shengyuan! "

"Not interested in!"

Ye Wushuang replied lightly, the sanctuary, he didn't want to join again, because he was too tied, and he chose those rules to serve others and make him depressed!

He didn't like this feeling of being bound!

"Okay!" Ren Pingsheng did not continue to invite.

"Do you want to follow me?" Ye Wushuang looked at Ren Pingsheng and followed him all the time, like a dog skin plaster!

"Taking you to a place, you might be interested!" Ren Pingsheng changed the subject.

"No interest!" Ye Wushuang still had three words.

"What if it's a chance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ For example, I know a relic, which has a chance to enhance the strength of repair, are you sure you are not interested?"

Ren Pingsheng smiled.

"How far?" Ye Wushuang turned his head and asked, the ruins can enhance his strength, he did have interest!

"Cheer up!" Ren Pingsheng smiled. "The ruins are not far away. They are sacred relics from ancient times. There are many rare treasures. Would you like to see them?"

Ye Wushuang thought for a moment, and nodded his head. Regardless of whether Ren Pingsheng had any plans, he was not afraid, and he felt that this man was frank and honest!

This temperament cannot be disguised!

"Cool enough, I like you more and more."

"Get off, I'm not good at that!"

The two men disappeared quickly into the canyon and ran towards the distance. I have to say that the sky in Cangtian is very large, and the ancient mountains and mountains seem to have no end. Until three days, the two men came to the site of the ruins.

In front of the two, there are a total of five ancient **** peaks, each of which stands like a giant sword holding up the sky, as if to kill the sky!

Seeing this, Ye Wushuang frowned!

"I feel it!" Ren Pingsheng also turned to smile.

"These five **** peaks are extraordinary!" Standing in front, Ye Wushuang felt carefully. From the five ancient **** peaks, he felt a fierce and magic sword meaning!

It looks like an ancient magic sword with five handles standing here.

"This is the holy site you said?"

Ye Wushuang asked.

"You won't be disappointed!" Ren Pingsheng nodded his head and uttered a meaningful word!

call out!

As soon as Ren Pingsheng's voice fell, not far from them, a shadow flickered, as lightning, quickly disappeared!

"Did you see that? I'm not disappointed." Ren Pingsheng turned to smile and said something to Ye Wushuang, without any words, the two bodies rushed out at the same moment!

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