Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1040 The Outer World

Chapter 1040 The Outer World

Although Yunfei was very dissatisfied with Zulong for not telling him the real situation.

But he still wanted to know where Zulong was taking him, and he also wanted to know what path his ancestor Sin Blood had taken.

And what exactly is the Way of Heaven?

There are still too many mysteries waiting for Yunfei to solve on the road ahead.

"Let's go when you're ready."

Yunfei turned around and looked at the three women, his eyes full of tenderness.

"wait me back."

The three girls had tears in their eyes, but they held back their tears.

After Yunfei disappeared from the front of the three women, the three women cried together.

After a long time, Qing'er said: "Sister, stop crying. Crying for a long time is not good for the baby's health."

Xiyue immediately stopped crying after hearing this.

She stroked her belly. Now, the most important thing to Xiyue was her and Yunfei's baby.

What kind of baby will this be? Black dragon? Purple dragon? Or the black and purple kind?

"Okay, got it."

In the chaotic world, a figure and a wooden sculpture suddenly appeared outside a ball of light.

The wood carving is none other than the Zulong wood carving, and the figure is Yun Fei.

"What is this place?"

Yunfei didn't know where he was yet. He just felt a huge sense of oppression. It was really huge. It couldn't be said that it was difficult to move, but it was not much different.

If he hadn't known that Zu Long would not harm him, Yunfei would have doubted whether Zu Long had thrown him into a cage.

"Welcome to the world of chaos."

The person who answered Yunfei was not the Zulong wood carving.

The Ancestral Dragon Wood Sculpture flickered and disappeared again after appearing.

But the voice Yunfei heard was still Zulong's, and now it was Zulong himself who answered Yunfei's question.

It is the chaos-level power in Yunfei's consciousness.

Yunfei slowly raised his head, and what he saw was a huge dragon head.

It's not a dragon's head, but an Eastern dragon's head. It has snake scales, antlers and long beards. It's not ferocious, but full of majesty.

Subconsciously, Yunfei swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Grandpa Zulong, is that you?"

"Oh? Are you scared, little one? I didn't expect that there is anything else that can scare you?"

Zulong opened his mouth, and the wind he breathed out blew Yunfei's head.

"Grandpa Zulong, what is this place? A world of chaos?"

Yunfei ignored Zulong's teasing. He had already made a rough guess when he saw Zulong.

According to what is said in God's Domain, Chaos-level powerhouses cannot exist in a world like God's Domain.

So now that we see Zulong, what does this mean?

"Yes and no."

Zulong's body began to shrink rapidly. His head was several thousand meters tall. It was very laborious to talk to such a small person like Yunfei.

If Zulong's body wasn't too huge, Yunfei wouldn't be under so much pressure.

When Zulong's body was only ten meters long, Yunfei swallowed another mouthful of saliva.

Originally, Yunfei thought that the Golden Holy Dragon was showy enough.

But now that he saw the true form of Zulong, Yunfei felt that he had misunderstood the Golden Holy Dragon.

If we really want to talk about showmanship, the Golden Holy Dragon is far inferior to the Ancestral Dragon.

What is this?

According to Yunfei's understanding, this is a five-clawed golden dragon, the most noble existence among divine dragons.

"So handsome, uh, Grandpa Zulong, why do you say that? What on earth is this place?"

Zu Long heard Yun Fei's praise for him.

Hmm, very useful.

Zulong was very happy.

"This is the outer world of God's Domain. Isn't it shocking?"

"The outer world of God's Domain?"

Yunfei was indeed shocked. After the shock, he looked around.

Zulong’s words are not difficult to understand. If the place he is in is the outer world, then the divine domain is the inner world?

But here comes the question, where is the divine realm?

Yunfei searched everywhere but couldn't find the divine domain.

According to Yunfei's understanding, the Divine Realm is very large. Even if it is too far away and cannot be sensed mentally, it can always be seen with the eyes, right?

Just like people can see mountains in the distance.

Unfortunately, Yunfei didn't see anything.

"Are you looking for a divine realm? This is it."

Zulong stretched out a claw and pointed at the ball of light not far from Yunfei.

Yunfei's eyes widened.

Are you kidding me?

There is no other reason, just because the light ball is so small, it looks like the size of a basketball. If Zulong hadn't informed him, Yunfei would have always thought it was a lighting object. After all, the outside world is indeed quite dark.

"Don't believe it? Try the mental invasion."

Upon hearing this, Yunfei immediately used his mental power.

The moment his mental power came into contact with the ball of light, Yunfei perceived a completely different scene from what he saw with his own eyes.

In Yunfei's mental perception, the ball of light is constantly expanding and expanding.

Eventually it expanded to the point where Yunfei could clearly see everything in the God's Domain.

"Is it really a divine realm?"

When Yunfei's mental power invaded the light ball, he felt that he could appear in any corner of the God's Domain at any time as long as he wanted to. It was magical and reassuring.

If he could go back at any time, Yunfei would certainly feel more at ease.

"Naturally, God's Domain is the inner world, and the place we are in now is the outer world. It is the place that we are responsible for protecting."


Yunfei carried forward the spirit of not being ashamed to ask questions.

He felt like he was about to hear some secrets.

Because in God's Domain, there has never been any such thing as an outside world.

"Yes, Guardian, since I brought you here, I will naturally tell you some things. Are you mentally prepared?"

Zulong asked.

Yunfei nodded: "Grandpa Zulong, please tell me."

"The Divine Realm gave birth to creatures like us, and after we become strong enough, we will become the guardians of the Divine Realm in the outside world, because in the huge chaotic world, there are too many worlds like the Divine Realm, and these worlds are not It’s not a coexistence relationship, because worlds can be devoured, so can you understand?”

Yunfei continued to nod.

What Zu Long said was not something profound and difficult to understand, it was just literal meaning, so of course I could understand it.

"Here, just you?"

Yunfei understood, but also had questions.

Let's not talk about anything else, let's just talk about the Chaos level powerhouse. As far as Yunfei knows, there is at least one Mo Fei. Let Zulong guard the divine domain by himself. Isn't this unreasonable?

Who are you bullying?

Shouldn’t everyone watch the house together?

Yunfei made another entry in Mo Fei's crime list.

"It's just you and me at the moment, but if necessary, they will come back at any time, including Mo Fei who has been targeting you. Do you want to see him?"

Yunfei waved his hands repeatedly. Although he was very unhappy with Mofei and wanted to sneeze at him, if Yunfei had to face Mofei now, wouldn't that be asking for shit?

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