Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1102 If you two want to punish him, please do it yourself

Chapter 1102 If you two want to punish him, please do it yourself

"Huh? Me? I don't do anything."

This person from Chidori Mansion said, although he was very cruel, but he did not dare to be cruel to Yun Fei when he did not find someone to support him.

Yunfei was still worried about the rules of Feihong Chamber of Commerce in the carriage, but now that he has left, can he still have worries?

He doesn't have a single treasure in his hands right now, so he doesn't dare to follow Yun Fei Hard Steel.

"What not to do? That's not what you said before. Didn't you say you wanted to cause trouble for the Feihong Chamber of Commerce?"

Yunfei asked loudly.

Such a sentence attracted the attention of many people on the spot.

Some of them are nearby passengers, and more are people from the Feihong Chamber of Commerce.

What's going on?

Someone wants to cause trouble for us?

My friend from Feiniao Mansion really wants to scold my mother.

Is it none of your business whether I make trouble for someone or not?

Are you trying to mess with me?

If you have that time, can't you mind your own business?

"I never said, don't talk nonsense."

The friend from Feiniao Mansion retreated while talking. He didn't want to stay by Yunfei's side anymore, and he didn't want to bear the attention of others. It was very uncomfortable, especially the strong men from Feihong Chamber of Commerce.

He felt that these people looked at him as if they could peel off a layer of his own skin, which made him uncomfortable.

Yunfei curled his lips.

It turns out he is a king of words.


Yunfei greeted Xiaomo.

As a new arrival, Yunfei had no intention of killing this man, so he just wanted to make him sick.

Anyway, there are many holy gods in the vast world, so it’s not too late to figure out the situation and then find someone to kill them.

Yunfei is leaving with Xiaomo, and no one will come to stop him.

First of all, it's because they really didn't offend anyone, and also because no one wants to have anything to do with Xiao Mo. As long as they have anything to do with Xiao Mo, it doesn't matter if it's good or bad, it's not a good thing anyway.

"Huh? Wait a minute."

Before Yunfei and Xiaomo could take a few steps, the man from Chidori Mansion turned back again.

But this time he didn't come back by himself, there was another person behind him.

"Oh? What? Is this the reason why you want to slap Feihong Chamber of Commerce in the face? You can do it as you please, don't worry about us, we will watch."

Seeing this coward from Chidori Mansion blocking the road, Yunfei understood why this person was blocking the road, but he still continued to disgust him.

"Brother, I don't want to cause trouble in Chidori Mansion. If you return the things you snatched from Mr. Ren, we won't have to hurt our harmony today."

The Master Ren he was talking about hadn't spoken yet, but the Chaos-level powerhouse who was following Mr. Ren spoke first.

"Is your surname really Ren?"

Yunfei has been calling this man my dear friend in his heart, but he didn't expect to guess his last name correctly?

This sounds a bit theological. Do you still have the talent for fortune telling?

"Your surname is Ren, I, Li Renlong, hurry up and come back."

Li Renlong has performed the power of a fox and a tiger to the extreme. A few seconds ago, he was still a coward in front of Yun Fei. Now that he has support, he has become that arrogant guy again.

"It's still impossible to repay it. Is this the only person you have to stand up for you?"

Yunfei asked back.

"One is enough. If you don't return it, I will take it myself."

Li Renlong is ready to take action.

Needless to say, there are so many people watching. It is a good time to show off your bravery.

However, the Chaos-level powerhouse following Li Renlong was not so optimistic.

Yun Fei was so out of his sight, but Xiao Mo gave him a very mysterious feeling.

It doesn't matter if you can't sense Xiaomo's existence, because there are many ways to do this.

But Xiao Mo's identity as the abandoned person made him have to care.


Because a person abandoned by heaven can live to the age of Xiaomo, what does this mean?

This shows that there must be strong strength behind them.

It is said that people who are close to those abandoned by God will have bad luck, so how unlucky will those who are abandoned by God themselves be?

Surrounded by all kinds of bad luck, Xiao Mo has been able to grow up to this point. The strength behind this person is definitely not something that his Qiandori Mansion can offend.

The knowledge of this Chaos-level powerhouse who was struggling in the vast world was not comparable to that of these Holy Gods.

When everyone else was disgusted with Xiaomo's identity, he saw the essential problem.

Chidori Mansion is actually not as awesome as Li Renlong said.

In the vast world, various forces are divided into ten levels.

These ten levels are easy to distinguish. There is no special evaluation mechanism, but there is a constant measurement standard among various forces.

The force that dominates one realm is a first-level force, and the force that dominates the nine realms is a ninth-level force.

And above the ninth level, there is the Tiandao Academy that no one can offend. It is said to be a force founded by Tiandao, but not many people know whether it is specific.

And Chidori Mansion is just a fourth-grade force.

This level is not very high, it is almost the bottom, because there really are not too many forces stronger than Chidori Mansion.

In the vast world, there are not many others, but there are many strong people, and there are so many people.

In the vast world, let alone a Chaos-level person, even a person who dominates the four realms and five realms will die, it is commonplace and normal.

Therefore, people who are struggling in the vast world have a set of criteria for measuring others. They can basically tell who can be offended or not.

Now this Chaos level powerhouse has discovered that Xiao Mo is someone he cannot afford to offend, and he is also someone Chidori Mansion cannot afford to offend.

"Wait a minute, young lady, are you with him?"

The Chaos-level powerhouse behind Li Renlong asked.

"He's my brother."

Xiaomo immediately replied, this little voice sounded like she was proud, as if she was Yunfei's younger sister, which was something that made her very proud.

The Chaos-level powerhouse from Chidori Mansion was stunned for a moment.

Then he immediately bowed to Yunfei and Xiaomo to apologize.

"I've offended you two. This is just a disciple that my Chidori Mansion plans to accept. He is not a formal member of my Chidori Mansion. If you want to punish him, please do it yourself."

The operations of this Chaos level powerhouse from Chidori Mansion directly blinded many people.

The people from Feihong Chamber of Commerce nodded secretly.

Because this is normal operation.

But they just promised it secretly, without any much understanding.

Chidori Mansion, the force behind Xiaomo, will be afraid, but Feihong Chamber of Commerce will not be afraid, because Feihong Chamber of Commerce is a seventh-level force. It is no longer a bad street force, it is already very arrogant.

"What? What are you talking about? You don't care about me?"

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