Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1120 Are you really not going to rest?

Chapter 1120: Are you really not going to rest?

Yunfei did not put up a final resistance, which was exactly what Yanzi wanted.

If Yunfei resisted, it would be a waste of Yanzi's words.

When Yanzi told the people in Kongmiao about the happy decision they made here, everyone in Kongmiao was dumbfounded.

What kind of shit is this?

Isn't this so different from what they designed?

In their design, Yunfei has to be the first to play.

But why did it come to the end?

Ma De, these gales from Liefeng Mansion really forgot to take their medicine, right? Time and time again they did things beyond their expectations.

"It's okay, it's not a big problem."

Han Guang composed himself and then spoke. He was not comforting himself or others, he was telling the truth.

Because that's what he thinks.

It's not impossible for Yun Fei to appear last. They can just kill all the Valkyries in Lie Feng Mansion first, and then kill Yun Fei.

"How is it? No problem?"

Yanzi took the initiative to ask, and was very proud to see the stunned eyes of the people in Kongmiao.

Let's see how your Aunt Yanzi kills you later.

"no problem."

Han Guang responded.

"Then let's get started."

Yanzi took out his innate treasure spear, and his whole body burned with flames, which was the same as when he fought Yunfei.

Someone on the other side of the Kongmiao took a step forward. Originally, his duty was to test Yunfei's true strength as much as possible. If he was really defeated, he would immediately admit defeat.

But now he doesn't see himself as cannon fodder.

He really didn't feel confident when facing Yunfei, but when he was facing the Valkyrie, he felt confident.

"Take action first, otherwise I'm afraid you won't have the chance to do it."

The man in Kongmiao had his hands behind his back and his face was filled with pride, and he was just about to point his finger at Yan Zi.

Yanzi didn't accept this trick, so he just raised the gun.

In this situation, there is nothing to be polite about. If you can kill, you will kill. If you leave room for action, you are irresponsible to yourself.

"What a fierce bitch."

Everyone in Kongmiao looked sideways when they saw Yanzi taking action.

The swallow with its whole body burning with flames is indeed very fierce, not only in terms of aura and power, but also in terms of figure.

"Hmph, waiting for you."

The contestants of Kongmiao and Yanzi raised their hands and threw out a white slate. The slate grew larger in the wind, and it seemed to be an innate treasure level thing.

This is a defensive innate treasure. Although it is a defensive treasure with space attributes, its power is definitely not weak.

Space is very powerful, whether used for attack or defense.

The stone slab was strong, but the spear in Yanzi's hand did not break through the stone slab's defense.

However, this was what Yanzi had expected. It would be unreal if she succeeded in one attack.

The power of the wind acted on the swallow's body, and the flames on the swallow's body swelled in the wind, and her speed also became much faster.

It doesn’t matter if the stone slabs are not rigid, no one stipulates that detours are not allowed.

However, when Yanzi relied on his speed to bypass the stone slab, he was greeted by a very cruel and ruthless palm from the opposite side. This palm went straight to Yanzi's Tianling Cap. If it hit, the result would definitely not be good.

Yanzi didn't panic at all, she didn't give in, she didn't even defend, she chose to attack.

The spear in his hand stabbed the opponent's chest bravely.

If the other party did not retract the palm, her spear would pierce the other party's heart at the same time as the other party slapped her Tianling Cap.

This is exchanging injury for injury, uh no, this is exchanging injury for life.

The consequences of Yanzi being struck by a palm may be minor injuries or serious injuries, but it will definitely not kill him. Yanzi is not that fragile, or the opponent is not that strong.

But Yanzi's shot can really kill him.

What would be the consequences of being stabbed in the heart by an innate treasure?

Does this man from the empty temple dare to fight so hard?

Obviously I don't dare. The key is that the consequences after fighting are very unequal.

So he has no reason to fight.

When Kongmiao retracted his palm and tried to change his fist to continue attacking, he felt uncomfortable.

Because of his retracting his hand, Yanzi gained the advantage of attacking, and she showed her ability to be unreasonable and unforgiving to others to the fullest extent.

Relying on the speed and the sharpness of the spear in his hand, Yanzi has been attacking without defense, while the one in Kongmiao has no chance to attack and can only defend passively.

Moreover, the defense is full of dangers.

If you defend for a long time, you will lose. After more than thirty moves on both sides, Yanzi found an opportunity to stab the Kongmiao man in the arm with his spear.

The sharp spear advanced all the way, and the opponent's arm could not stop it at all. Kongmiao's arm was broken all the way, and it was not until the base of his arm that he completely let go of the spear.

However, when Yanzi passed by the man, Yanzi slapped the man on the chest. The huge pressure caused the blood in the man's body to spurt out from the newly formed wound on his arm.

"I surrender."

This guy is a bachelor.

While being seriously injured, he yelled the word "admit defeat".

If you don't shout, then needless to say, you will die soon.

Yanzi secretly thought it was a pity, if his strength could be stronger, that one palm could kill this guy.

"Next person."

Although it feels pity in my heart, on the surface Yanzi will not show it and clamor for such things. Who wouldn't?

As for this skill, Yan Zi is also very mature in using it.

Naturally, people in the empty temple will not be discouraged just because of a loss.

The next person was originally the cannon fodder arranged by Kongmiao. To be on the safe side, Kongmiao arranged five cannon fodders in succession, all of whom were preparing to deliver food to Yunfei.

It's a pity that Yunfei can't taste this delicious food, and it's all served on Yanzi's table.

Either that, women are women and they don’t eat much.

After the five main dishes were served, Yanzi was full.

The symptoms of overeating are panting and flushed ears. Well, this one is wearing a mask and cannot be seen, but it can also be seen from the specific performance of the swallow's body.


After five consecutive fierce battles, it became more and more difficult for Yanzi to win. Although it ended with the five of them admitting defeat, Yanzi had also reached the point where he was running out of gas.

But even so, Yanzi still chose to continue. Even if she couldn't just pass the sixth person, she still had to help the sisters behind to explore the way.

"Are you really not going to rest? If you face me, I'm afraid you will die."

Han Guang stood up.

"You are not qualified to kill me."

Yanzi naturally knew who the other party was going to fight. She gave her list to the other party, and Yanzi also knew who the other party was going to fight.

"I hope you will still have the strength to say such shameless words after a while."

Han Guang sneered, and then he was ready to take action.

Lianxiangxiyu does not exist at all.

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