Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1146 You can kick your temper

Chapter 1146: You can kick your temper

In Yunfei's view, this kind of thing can indeed happen. Aren't employers afraid that the Yin people will take money and not do things?

"Of course I'm not afraid. The reputation of our Yin tribe is well-known in the vast world. If no one is willing to do it, it can only mean that the task reward given by the employer is too little."

"The task you took on, Brother Fei, requires five world origins."

Tang Qiang said a few words to explain to Yunfei.

"So that's it."

Yunfei nodded to express his understanding.

It seems that the reputation of the Yin clan is too good, or it may be because the employer does not want others to know who he is.

The Yin Clan buys and sells information, unless he buys out the Yin Clan's information on these matters.

Otherwise, if someone else comes in exchange for resources, the Yin clan will sell him in an instant.

But if he bought out the information about this, it wouldn't matter. As long as he bought it out, the Yin clan would never reveal his identity to the outside world.

But he is unwilling to tell others his personal information.

There isn’t that much to buy out the news.

So he could only use this method to issue tasks to the hidden tribe.

"Brother, please slow down. This is the first time the two of us have done a mission together. It is very memorable. Don't be too fast."

After Xiaomo caught up with Yunfei, she reminded him that she meant to tell Yunfei not to do it too fast. The meaning of this first time was very different.


Yunfei felt a little irritated, but he didn't expect that he would also do the things that only Ange did.

But he likes it very much. Either he doesn’t do this thing, or he has to do his best if he does it.

It's a pity that he didn't look back just now to see how many tasks were recorded in the book. Could the person in it commit suicide?


"Here you are, Brother Fei."

When Yunfei and Xiaomo were talking, Tang Qiang would not interrupt.

If Yunfei didn't call him, he wouldn't even put his ears on, he would just lead the way.

But if Yunfei calls him, he will respond immediately. Being a subordinate is also a very demanding technical job.

"You were the person in charge here before. Can you tell me how many tasks we can do now?"

"There are many tasks. There are already more than a hundred tasks in the backlog. Not many of them are looking for objects. Most of them are here to kill people."

Tang Qiang answered truthfully.

"Did something happen? Why have there been so many tasks accumulated?"

It was Xiaomo who asked this question.

Yunfei doesn't know the situation of the Yin people and doesn't understand these things.

But Xiaomo understands it very well.

Under normal circumstances, the Yin clan's strongholds in each city would not have so many backlogged tasks.

"Something has indeed happened. We haven't had anyone doing tasks here in Lingping City for a long time. If it hadn't been stipulated that there must be people guarding the store, I would have wanted to complete all these tasks. Miss, are you okay? You know, some people in the city already doubt our reputation."

Tang Qiang was somewhat emotional when he spoke. This is human nature.

Anyone who is underestimated will not feel happy.

No one came for a long time?

Xiao Mo thinks this is impossible. The population output from the Yin Clan world to the vast world is very high. People from the Yin tribe come to the vast world every day, and the number is not small. Think about how many creatures there are in the divine domain. , then you can imagine how many people there are in the hidden world.

With so many people running out to do tasks, no one came to Lingping City?

"I don't know about this. The shopkeeper should know."

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if there are many tasks. I'm afraid there won't be many tasks."

If someone else had said this, Tang Qiang would definitely have persuaded him not to be blindly confident in his own strength.

But the person who spoke was Yun Fei, so he was not allowed to give persuasive words. He could just follow silently.

"Brother Fei, not far ahead is the southeast overpass of the city. Do you remember clearly the face of the squinty-eyed dwarf?"

"Remember it clearly. Protect the young lady and leave the rest to me."

Yun Fei wanted to see what kind of dwarf this slant-eyed dwarf was, and also wanted to see what rules this slant-eyed dwarf practiced.

It would be great if it happened to connect with the rules that I lack.

"Yes, Brother Fei."

Tang Qiang followed Yunfei's arrangement and stayed with Xiaomo.

Yunfei climbed onto the overpass alone.

This overpass is just two important connections connecting the southeast of the city.

On this overpass, Yunfei saw the target who was about to be killed by him.

A squinting dwarf.

Well, his eyes are slanted enough, and he is really short, only about 1.3 meters tall.

But her upper body is an explosion, enough to instantly kill all the sportsmen and bodybuilding champions.

Look at that tendon, it has sharp edges and corners.

"Slant-eyed dwarf."

Yunfei called out the name of the squinty-eyed dwarf on the overpass.

When the slant-eyed dwarf heard someone calling him, he immediately turned around and glared.

The only one he glared at was Yun Fei.

Yun Fei was very dissatisfied with the name he was given, the slant-eyed dwarf.

Just call him a dwarf or whatever. After all, the body is here. This is an unavoidable reality.

But please stop talking nonsense about squinting, okay?

Why does it sound so ugly?

"Who are you? I seem to have never seen you before."

The slant-eyed dwarf did not immediately attack Yunfei because of Yunfei's impoliteness.

He wanted to know who Yun Fei was so that he could formulate a strategy on how to deal with Yun Fei.

"There are so many things you haven't seen before."

Yun Fei stepped out and whipped his leg towards the upper body of the squinting dwarf.

"Are you a thing?"

Damn it?

Yunfei was stunned.

This bastard's IQ is on the line. Does he know how to make fun of himself?

"Very good, you successfully challenged my bottom line."

Is it okay to scold myself for not being a thing?

A challenge is a challenge, what else can you do? Bite?

"We are from the Yin tribe. Do you know how much your head is worth to the origin of the world?"

"The Hidden Clan?"

The slant-eyed dwarf was so frightened that his heart pounded.

Why did he get into trouble with the Yin clan?

Depend on.

By the way, the Yin people are all people who accept money but not their fate. If they want to kill themselves, can they buy their own lives with money?

It's a pity that Yunfei didn't give the slant-eyed dwarf a chance to speak.

After telling the squinty-eyed dwarf his identity, Yunfei's attack was already in front of the squinty-eyed dwarf.

Aren't you cross-eyed?

This is not a problem. If necessary, Yunfei said that he can reward him with such a kick and kick him away directly.

Well, it seems like you can't kick someone with squinting eyes or something like that. That thing is something you are born with.

But things like temper can be kicked down.

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