Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1178 So that’s it

Chapter 1178 So that’s what happened

"What? Junior uncle, are you serious?"

In a room in another courtyard of Danzong, Huangfu Yi looked at Yunfei with wide eyes and disbelief.

Huangfu Yi had done it many times to help people make elixirs, and the fees he charged were not low.

The request made by others when asking him to make an elixir was also very simple, that is, to ensure the probability of making an elixir as much as possible.

Naturally, the higher the probability, the better.

However, what request did Yunfei make?

He actually asked Huangfu Yi to blow up the furnace every time.

What the hell.

Huangfu Yi really doubted whether his ears were broken.

Or maybe this is what he really thinks, and he just wants to trick Yunfei?

"Of course I am serious. I am doing this for your own good, little uncle. This way you can do a lot of experiments. With so many failed experiences, won't you be more comfortable refining it in the future?"

Yunfei put on a face of "I'm always there for you".

It's a pity that Huangfu Translator doesn't believe it.

Xiaomo didn't believe it.

Even Yunfei himself didn't believe it. This had nothing to do with the actor's self-cultivation, but that what he said was too false.

But it doesn't matter. On the surface, that's what Yunfei said and did, and no one can find fault with it.

"Uncle Junior, you'd better tell me everything in one breath. My heart can't bear it."

Huangfu Yi felt that Yunfei definitely had a backup plan, and Yunfei would not do such a disadvantageous thing.

Although he didn't have much contact with Yunfei, Huangfu Yi knew that Yunfei was definitely a money-hungry guy.

This is the case in Lingping City. For a small amount of life liquid, some life attribute resources are fought for.

How about more stuff?

It is equivalent to the value of one or two drops of blood essence.

But what Yunfei wants to bring out now is not just one or two drops of essence and blood, but a visual estimate of at least a hundred drops.

What a huge wealth is this?

Can Yunfei watch such a huge fortune go down the drain?

If there is no other purpose behind Yun Fei, Huangfu Yi doesn't believe it at all.

"There is no other purpose, and even if there is one, it has nothing to do with you. You just need to know that you can only get benefits from this matter, and there will be no disadvantages. Just say whether you agree or not."

Yunfei was too lazy to write ink, so he simply analyzed the pros and cons to Huangfu Translator and that was it.

"Uncle Junior Master, is what you said true? Don't bother me later. I can't afford to pay for so many materials."

What Huangfu Yi said was the truth, and it was also the worry in his heart.

Although he is from the Huangfu family, the Huangfu family cannot supply unlimited materials to Huangfu Translator, and his wealth is also limited.

In his current situation, he could probably afford to pay for the materials for ten furnaces of immortal elixirs if he loses his entire fortune, but after he really loses the money, what will happen in the future?

"Don't worry, I will never let you pay compensation. I can let Senior Huangfu bear witness on this matter."

"No, no, no, my uncle, your words are enough."

Huangfu Yi didn't dare to let Huangfu Hong know about this.

It is already a very shameful thing for the immortal elixir to explode in the furnace. How dare you let Huangfu Hong know about it?

Now that Yunfei has said it so confidently, he also believes that Yunfei will not go back on his word.

As a person of this level, it is natural that what you say must be true to your word.

"Tell me, how much blood essence is needed to collect ten furnaces of elixir materials."

Now that Huangfu Translator has agreed, there is nothing to study, and we can start preparing to collect materials.

"Do you want to use all your blood and essence to collect those materials?"

Huangfu Yi felt that he had underestimated Yun Fei.

That kind of essence and blood Yunfei is willing to take out so much?

If this matter were placed on Huangfu Yi, Huangfu Yi would rather sell all his treasures than exchange his blood for them.

The ultimate treasure is easy to obtain, but essence and blood are hard to find.


Will Yunfei be reluctant to part with the essence and blood?

For Yunfei, there is no need to waste as much essence and blood as there are not so many innate treasures. If there is a choice, of course he must use essence and blood to exchange for it.

And this is his blood essence. Even if it leaves him, he can still control this essence and blood.

If anyone dares to challenge him, he can take back the blood essence.

"Okay, it will take about 200 drops of blood essence. If there is any left, I will return it to the little uncle."

Huangfu Yi gave a conservative figure. In fact, he knew that these 200 drops of blood essence would never be used.

But how much will be left depends on his bargaining power.

Originally, Huangfu Yi felt that Yunfei had to hesitate no matter what, or even lower the amount of blood essence.

But what he didn't expect was that Yunfei happily took out a bottle of blood essence.

"Here are 200 drops of essence and blood, all for you. As for how much essence and blood you use to exchange for the materials required for ten furnaces of elixirs, that is your business. No matter how much is left, the rest is yours. That’s it.”

Yunfei is unusually generous.

This made Huangfu Yi, who had not thought much about lowering the price, immediately became excited.

He was still thinking of selling some favors by trading essence and blood, but that was no longer an option.

He must keep the price of all materials to the lowest, because it is related to his income.

"Okay, junior uncle, don't worry. It's absolutely fine to leave this matter to me. I'll be back before dark. Just wait in the other courtyard."

Huangfu Yi seemed to be a different person, as if someone had injected chicken blood into his body.

Yunfei nodded with satisfaction. This kind of work attitude is what he needs. Look, how positive it is.

After Huangfu Yi left in high spirits, Xiao Mo finally spoke.

"Brother, why did you take the initiative to ask him to refine the elixir to waste?"

This question has long appeared in Xiaomo's mind.

It's just that Xiaomo wouldn't ask if outsiders were there before.

Now that the outsiders are gone, it's time for Yunfei to answer his questions.

"I discovered something good because of your brother."

Yunfei pretended to be mysterious.

"What good thing is it?"

Xiaomo knew Yunfei's vision, and if he could call it a good thing, it was definitely not bad.

"The Rules of Destruction."

Xiaomo immediately covered her mouth after hearing this.

Destroy the rules?

Oh my god, where did you find this?

"It was at the moment when Huangfu translated the elixir that the furnace exploded, that I sensed the existence of the rules of destruction. If I realize it a few more times, I might be able to control destruction."

Yunfei gave Xiaomo a heads up first, lest she be too surprised when he realized and controlled the rules of destruction.

So that's it.

Xiaomo didn't know where Yunfei got his confidence, but she believed in Yunfei's choice, and even believed that Yunfei could control destruction so easily.

If others heard Yun Fei's words, they would definitely laugh at Yun Fei as a fool.

If destruction was such an easy rule to understand, how could it be so scarce now?

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