Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1206 Just come in

Chapter 1206 Just come in


Tu Qin was speechless.

This is really annoying.

To be honest, he really doesn't have such ability.

It’s not that the true inheritance of Lian Zong is not valuable, everyone is equally valuable.

It's just that Lian Zong didn't come up with so many frivolous things. Tianyu also has an iconic purple alchemy cauldron on his body, but he doesn't have it on him.

He really appeared in the realm of Lian Zong, and no one else knew that he, Tu Qin, was the true successor of Lian Zong.

If he ran out and revealed his identity, the effect would be much worse.

Look, people created this kind of scene without even saying a word.

It's great to be here, but it's too embarrassing to take the initiative to inform him of his identity.

"Let's go quickly. There is still time to make noise along the way, not less than this moment."

Regarding the relationship between Tianyu and Tu Qin, Yunfei doesn't want to interfere, but can your tit-for-tat situation be changed?

We are now stuck in the teleportation array. First of all, it affects traffic. Secondly, Yunfei really doesn't like this situation of being treated like a monkey in the zoo.

Of course, in fact, he didn't want others to look at Xiaomo. He always felt that he would suffer if others took another look at him.

"Listen to my junior uncle. Junior junior uncle, follow me."

Although Tianyu rarely goes out, he still knows which direction is Lianzhou.

Tu Qin didn't say anything. Tianyu had to fight back, but he also had to listen to Yunfei's opinion.

Soon, Yun Fei and the others left the teleportation array and headed straight out of the city.

The next moment, the teleportation array lit up again, and this time it was an inner disciple of the Alchemy Sect who appeared.

After this man appeared, he immediately took out a sound transmission stone.

"They left and headed towards Lianzhou."

Is this person a disciple of the Dan Sect?


Is he reporting to the people of Danzong?


It can be clearly seen that this man looked at Yunfei with hatred in his eyes.

The person he is contacting now is a demon cultivator.

This person's surname is Liu, and he is the fourth child. He is the younger brother of the deceased Liu San, the kind of person he was close to.

Yunfei killed Liu San, which caused Liu Si's status in Danzong to plummet.

Originally, Liu Si's talent was very limited, and he relied on Liu San to get into the inner sect. Now that Liu San is dead, his backer has fallen.

Then all the valuable people who had been bullied by Liu Si would naturally come to his door.

In this world, no matter where it is, this kind of trick exists, even in Tiandao Academy.

Therefore, Liu Si hated Yunfei.

A demon cultivator happened to contact Liu Si. What the demon cultivator wanted was very simple, just to let Liu Si stare at Yunfei.

The rewards they give are naturally very generous.

Liu Si thought that the demon cultivator wanted to kill Yun Fei, so he agreed readily. He was willing to do it even if there was no reward.

"Okay, continue to follow and see the specific direction they leave."

There was a sound coming from the sound transmission stone.

Liu Si heard the words and immediately chased him.

If he ran too slowly, he wouldn't be able to catch up.

Yunfei actually discovered Liu Si, but he didn't care.

Because Liu Si himself was not the only one following the four of them.

Among them, Danzong was followed by several people, and the aura of one of them was very familiar to Yunfei.

What did they follow?

It should be for protection, and Yun Fei even discovered a few people from the Lian Sect, but it is unclear whether anyone from the Yin Clan followed Yun Fei.

Here we must mention the ability of the Yin clan. Even if someone is following them secretly, Yunfei cannot detect it.

Yunfei knew that someone was following him, but Tianyu Tuqin didn't. Yunfei didn't remind the two of them. It was quite interesting to listen to these two happy waiters fighting each other.

Speaking of which, the fight between the two started because of Yun Fei.

Tianyu was unhappy that Tu Qin had taken advantage of him, so he secretly ridiculed Tu Qin. In Tianyu's words, it was because our junior uncle was so particular about us thieves that he borrowed thousands of blood essences in one move without blinking an eye.

This is telling Tu Qin that we have a good relationship with our junior uncle. How much energy and blood can you get by taking your junior uncle to see the ruined world?

Definitely no better than us.

And Tu Qin also has something to say, so you have the nerve to tell others about it? No need to pay it back?

Although we didn’t get much, it was based on our real skills.

Very good, since then, the war between the two has really started.

If Yun Fei hadn't followed him, these two guys might have fought several times.

With the two of them noisy all the way, it took the four of them more than half an hour to arrive at the city at the border of Lianzhou.

It is strange to say that Yunfei does not know who divided the Kyushu.

Even if the land of Kyushu is distinguished from the edge, what Yunfei didn't expect is that there are also differences between Kyushu.

The rules of spiritual energy and life in Danzhou are heavier, but here in Lianzong, what Yunfei feels is not the breath of life, but the breath of creation.

In Lianzhou, creation is the main theme.

"Your Lianzhou City is just ahead, little Tu Qin, let's see how you behave."

Tianyu seemed to have regained his true nature when he left Danzong, or it could be said to have released what he had hidden and suppressed.

In Danzong, his senior brother must act steadily, and many things cannot be left to his own whim.

But when he arrived in Lianzhou, he was no longer a senior brother, and there were no people from the Dan Sect around him, so he didn't have to wrong himself.

At this moment, he was holding his arms and preparing to watch Tu Qin's joke.

Tianyu knew very well what his little sister-in-law looked like.

As far as Lian Zong is concerned, who can resist this arrogant man?

If you really want to have a large population, let’s see how Tu Qin ends up.

"Let's go, don't be afraid."

Tianyu urged, because Tu Qin really had no intention of moving.

It wasn't that Tu Qin was unwilling to move, but that he was thinking of countermeasures.

Do you want to shout out your identity after entering the city?

"If you don't come in, can we leave?"

Tianyu made a show of wanting to enter the city.

Tu Qin secretly gritted his teeth and said, "Just be embarrassed if you're embarrassed. It's okay to be embarrassed by others, as long as it doesn't make Yunfei feel uncomfortable."

"Just come in."

Tu Qin looked like he was willing to die generously.

Then the two of them walked into the city with their heads held high.

Yunfei followed the two of them with a smile on his face, while Xiaomo had already put the mask on his face.

To be honest, she was still not used to having so many people staring at her and felt very uncomfortable.

Yunfei didn't stop Xiaomo this time. Firstly, he didn't want others to appreciate Xiaomo's beauty. Secondly, he didn't want Tu Qin to look too ugly. He still had to rely on Tu Qin to find a broken world.

It wouldn’t be fun if I made people so embarrassed that they didn’t dare come out to meet me.

However, what Yunfei thought did not happen.

After the four people entered the city, the people in the city actually remained relatively quiet. Even if someone spoke, they spoke in a low voice. What's going on?

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