Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1232: Embarrassed

Chapter 1232: Embarrassed

As the current big brother in Yunfei's spiritual space, An naturally told the special substance about life attributes the magic of this place.

Of course, more mysterious things require special substances with life attributes to comprehend.

Just as they were chatting heatedly in the spiritual space, Yunfei's business was also booming.


Don't look at it. Yunfei just gave the domination realm expert 22 origin beads, which have not yet reached the highest value.

But this is really not low anymore.

They are not here to sell some rare and valuable things, they are here to do business in Pingzhou Trading City.

Sell ​​the things that are of no use to you, and then buy the things that are useful to you. It's that simple.

These things that they are destined to sell can be sold at a relatively high value here in Yunfei, and they are very satisfied.

And they are all anxious.

It's not that they look down on Yunfei, but Yunfei is very young and not very strong. Even if he comes from a big family, how many origin beads can he have on his body?

Everyone also knew that Yunfei only rented the stall for one day, which further showed that Yunfei did not have enough funds.

As a result, everyone's enthusiasm soared.

Originally Yunfei was still pretending to be serious.

But I really can’t resist the enthusiasm of these people.

With the constant bargaining, more and more special substances came into Yunfei's hands.

The system has issued a task that can accumulate a number, and I don’t know what reward it will give in the end.

It's just a pity for Yunfei that although he was very busy with his work, he was unable to receive the special substance with light attribute. It was a pity.

"Everyone, the booth time limit is coming, and the special materials collected are enough. That's it for today. Goodbye."

"Nonsense, little brother, your stall has three hours left, why is it almost here?"

Three hours, that is six hours.

Yunfei rented it for one day, which lasted only twenty-four hours. It seemed like there was still a quarter of the time left.

"I've said it, and it's here."

This is a buyer's market now. Yunfei can buy it if he wants to, but if he doesn't want to buy it, he can't. What's wrong?

Well, everyone looked at each other and sighed at how quickly Yunfei changed his face.

He didn't have such a cold face when he was collecting things just now, and his smile could make the snow melt.

Xie Xuan sneered and left.

Yunfei is telling others in disguise that he has no money.

Seeing everyone making way, Yunfei was very satisfied. It wasn't that he didn't want to take it anymore, but that there really was no Origin Bead left.

All the rewards he got in Lingping City have been used up. Oh no, there are still a few left, but these few can't receive any high-end things. If someone really gives out a valuable one, he can't accept it. Isn't that embarrassing?

"Wait a moment."

Damn it.

It's very annoying.

There it is again.

Yunfei glared over, wanting to see who said this.

However, when Yunfei saw the person clearly, he had a slight surprise.

The person who came was a half-grown child, only about one and a half meters tall.

"Brother, I ran slowly and it was already too late when I found out the news. I have a special substance that I want to sell. Do you still want to buy it?"

This child has a little fuzz on his chin and looks quite anxious. His strength is only at the level of a God-Emperor. In this vast world, he can really be described as an ant.

Pingzhou Trading City is very big, and with his foot strength, it is really difficult to travel.

"What are you selling?"

Yun Fei is not a hard-hearted person, so he will help if he can. Judging from the appearance of this half-grown child, I'm afraid he won't be able to come up with anything decent.

"This is a special substance with light attributes. It has just been formed. Brother, will you accept it?"

The young man blushed with embarrassment.

Very sorry.

As for the special light-attributed substance he took out, to put it bluntly, it would be nice if it could be exchanged for half of an innate treasure.

If he hadn't heard him say that this was a special substance, no one else would have believed it.

It's just a ball of light, the size of a baby's fist.

"You kid is also a bargain hunter. You just come to sell such a junk thing. Do you really think that this little brother is a fool?"

Someone in the crowd of onlookers spoke.

This person's original intention was to please Yunfei. What if he did business again next time?

This kind of fool is not easy to deal with. If you become familiar with him, it will be easier to sell your things to him in the future.

However, what he didn't know was that he suddenly hit the horse's hoof.

What this young man brought was a special substance with light attributes. This was Yunfei's main purpose of coming here to acquire special substances.

Originally, he thought he wouldn't receive it today, but he didn't expect it to take a turn for the worse.

"So what if I'm stupid? These are two innate treasures. Just take them and go. Be careful on the way. Don't be targeted by people with bad intentions."

Yunfei made an exchange with the boy, and at the same time reminded the boy.

"Thank you, thank you, brother, thank you, brother."

The gratitude in the half-year-old's eyes was not fake, he was really grateful to Yun Fei.

"You're welcome, let's go."

Yunfei signaled the young man to leave.

However, even though Yunfei was here watching him leave, a few people still followed him.

This made Yunfei frown.

"Brother, don't worry. Trading City has Trading City's rules. It'll be fine."

Xiaomo pulled Yunfei's arm.

Yunfei was right when he thought about it.

Although people can be bribed, those who can look after the trading city are definitely not mediocre people, and they cannot be bribed with innate treasures.


Yunfei cupped his hands and lifted his feet to leave.

"Ding, find out whether the special substance with light properties absorbs it."

While walking on the road, the system prompt sounded.

Yunfei chose no.

When there are too many people and too many eyes, it is not the time to absorb.

"Xiao Mo, let them know that there is no need to look for special substances with light attributes."

"Okay brother."

Xiaomo responded with a smile. She was very happy to find what Yunfei needed, but she was also planning in her heart. How could she help her brother get some source power?

Compared to outsiders, Xiaomo understands Yunfei best. She knows that the reason why Yunfei does not continue to collect special substances is really because he is short of money.

Do you want to borrow some from the Yin Clan?

In Pingzhou Trading City, there are naturally activities of the Yin tribe, but they have not set up stalls or rented shops here, because there is no demand here for the services that the Yin tribe can provide.

So how to find people is a troublesome thing.

However, how could Yunfei not have his own plan for such a thing?

He is a man who wants to buy many worlds. How can he really go to the auction empty-handed?

The world is very expensive.

So, selling blood can already be put on the agenda.

Yunfei does not need to find other buyers, as long as he trades with Dan Zong Lian Zong, it is enough.

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