Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1282 Look, he’s back

Chapter 1282 Look, he’s back

"Boss, help me!"

In the abandoned world, Yunfei was using his own power to destroy the abandoned world. The five people led by Yunfei all looked at him respectfully.

The boss is the boss, and they are really bullshit. They still don’t know what happened to Tiandao Academy.

However, the appearance of Mu Chengyi broke this good atmosphere.

"What happened."

Yunfei frowned.

"Yin Yun Xingbo led his people to fight with the fierce fangs. They went to a medium-sized world with thousands of people."

Damn it?

Hearing the number of thousands of people, Yunfei couldn't sit still.

Mud, are they going to go out in force?

How many people are there in eternity?

He still didn’t know that Eternity had really gone out in force, and not a single person was left in the entire Eternity headquarters.


Yunfei immediately decided to leave.

Eternity has not grown up under his training, so it cannot die like this.

It is necessary to fight against the fierce teeth, which Yunfei acquiesces to.

But a fight with Xi Ya is not what Yunfei wants to see. Even if he wants to fight to the death, it will be with the largest group in Tiandao Academy, not with the fifth ranked Xi Ya.

The group of people left quickly under the leadership of Yun Fei.

Yunfei also learned what happened from Mu Chengyi's mouth.

Hearing that there were more than 600 people left in Eternal Life, and they were all taken to fight with the fierce teeth, Yunfei no longer knew what to say.

Blame Yinjun and Xingbo for making the decision?

No, don't say they did the right thing. Even if they did the wrong thing, they can't be blamed.

"It's okay, it's tepid. It's not easy to grow. It's time to take some strong medicine."

Yunfei knew that it was a bit far-fetched to expect these guys who were not wanted by the group to fight against the number one group.

With strong medicine, these people can still be saved.

It was already an hour later when Yunfei took the people back to Tiandao Academy.

It wasn't that Yunfei deliberately delayed time, but that Mu Chengyi spent a long time searching for Yunfei in the abandoned world.

Therefore, when he brought people back to Tiandao Academy, the people from Fierce Ya and Eternal had already returned to Tiandao Academy one step ahead of Yunfei.

This time is really a big event.

Two Anhou were alarmed, one of whom was Anlehou.

If it weren't for these two Anhou's actions, there would never be so many people left in Fierce Ya and Eternal Life.

Visual inspection showed that there were only more than 300 people left in the two groups, and each of them was injured.

There are two hundred people left in eternity, and more than a hundred fierce teeth are left.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the square in front of the mission point was very depressed.

The boss of Jieya also came, his eyes darkly glaring at Yinjun Xingbo.

And Baifei is no longer here.

He was killed by Yin Yun.

For this, Yin Yun paid the price of an arm and a leg, but his body would soon grow back. Speaking of which, he still won. He even vaguely felt that his strength had improved, and his understanding of the rules was better. profound.

Xingbo was even worse, with several big holes in his stomach and no strength at all in his body, whether it was physical strength or legal power.

He really tried his best.

At this time, he was lying on the ground, his face was not ugly, he was laughing, laughing at himself for being able to survive, and laughing at himself for being able to kill two people.

"Lao Yinbi, you only killed one, and I killed two."

Xingbo raised two fingers to Yinjun.

He looked very embarrassed.

Yin Yun relied on one leg and one hand, leaning against the wall. He did not need anyone else to support him.

"I killed Bao Fei, the second-in-command of Fierce Tooth."

Yinjun also raised two fingers.

Then the two looked at each other and smiled.

The other eternities laughed too.

Although four hundred of them died, the rest were all laughing.

They told others with their blood that eternity is not something that everyone can bully. If you are bullied, even if you die, we will have to settle the account with you.

On the other hand, people with fierce teeth don't have such a good-looking face.

Everyone was injured, but the injuries were not that serious. Those who were seriously injured were already dead.

It seems that they lost a lot of people, but how many people did Fang Fang have in total?

Ji Ya's teeth were itching, but he couldn't say anything because the two An Hou were here and they couldn't tolerate him being presumptuous.

However, when he saw the eternal person as if he had not seen Anhou, his heart trembled a little.

What he saw was a group of people who didn't care about life and death. Such people were terrifying.

The coercion released from An Hou could not affect the conversation and laughter between them.

And what they talked about also made Boss Fang uneasy.

They were actually talking about having a fight with Fierce Ya once after their bodies recovered. If they didn't kill all of Fierce Ya's people, how could they deal with the comrades who had just died?

Although they are not very familiar with each other, they are already life and death friends, and avenging them is what they should do.

As for whether they would die when seeking revenge, they never considered it at all.

Such people are so terrible.

When did this garbage start to scare me?

Didn't Anhou say anything to stop these guys from making such remarks?

You must know that more than 600 people died this time, which was more than the losses suffered by Tiandao Academy in ten years combined.

"What a headache. What do you think of this matter?"

The two Anhou came together to discuss this matter. Lehou is Anlehou. When they become Anlehou, heaven will seal them with a name. This is their glory.

"Just watch. The little guy hasn't come back yet. Let's see what he wants."

"Lehou has a good attitude, but that little guy is half of your disciple. You should know something about him. What do you think he will do? If he kills people here, that won't work."

Although An Xinghou was smiling and speaking, he was also expressing his position.

We have nothing to say about An Lehou taking Yunfei's side, but he cannot kill people in Tiandao Academy. This is the bottom line.

Of course Anlehou knew what Anxinghou meant.

"I know, he is also a man who knows the rules. Look, he is back."

The two of them were still talking when Yun Fei came back, followed by five people. The closer the five people were, the redder their eyes became.

The scene here really moved them. The people of Eternity were all miserable.

Mu Chengyi didn't even care about Yunfei. He quickly passed Yunfei and went straight to Yinyun. Seeing Yinyun grinning at him, Mu Chengyi had no mercy and comfort. Instead, he punched Yinyun: "Asshole , You deserve it, if you let me go with you, you won’t be nearly cut into a human stick.”

Mu Chengyi was cursing, but tears were already filling his eyes.

Looking at Yun Fei again, he is walking slower and slower, and his target is not the eternal person, but the boss of Xi Ya.

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