Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1297: Bring everything you can

Chapter 1297: Take everything you can with you

Daoge is a group supported by Tiandao. Daoge is responsible for maintaining the stability of Tiandao College, and the existence of eternity has obviously muddied the waters of Tiandao College.

Yunfei's identity is worth exploring in depth.

The identities of those who came into contact with Yun Fei were not simple. He was also the young master of the Behemoth clan, which gave the master of the Dao Pavilion a very bad idea.

Although he thought that the idea in his mind might be very incorrect, since he had such an idea, he had to report it.

The way to report the matter was cut off.

The biggest suspect is Mo Fei.

However, the master of the Dao Pavilion is not worried, and Mo Fei cannot cover up the sky with one hand.

There is another messenger in Tiandao Academy. He can let the other messenger take action, but the matter is not serious yet, so he still needs to wait and see.

Under the auspices of the pavilion master, Dao Pavilion chose to temporarily tolerate it.

The second-ranked group came out without making any noise.

The senior executives who came out seemed to be shrinking, and they were all waiting for the storm to pour down.

As for Feihua Palace, in fact, it has already put on a pair of pants with the alliance. The cooperation between the two parties has been made clear. It is just that Feihua Palace will not join the alliance. This is a rule that has been set for a long time. The current Feihua Palace The palace master does not have such great power to decide such things.

As time went by, the number of people in the alliance grew more and more in Tiandao Academy.

The indifference of Dao Ge and Kao Shi is the root cause of their expansion. As long as they continue to develop like this, it will be a matter of time to replace Dao Ge and Kao Shi.

And the gains in the past two months also made Wei Ying and Du Yingle smile from ear to ear.

Although their commission for every time they destroy the world is less, there are so many people who can't resist destroying the world.

Once there are more people, even if the commission is less, their gains will still be considerable.

As long as their real high-level strength improves, it is not impossible to replace Dao Ge and Qi.

Everything was developing in a good direction, which made Wei Ying temporarily forget about Yunfei and eternity.

He had forgotten who had forced their ferocious fangs into such a state of embarrassment more than two months ago.

Another month has passed.

On this day, Yunfei finally appeared in the eternal hall.

"Brothers, I kept you waiting."

This was Yunfei's first words after appearing.


Everyone asked Yunfei questions in unison.

In fact, everyone in Eternity was not too anxious, because they knew that their boss was not cowarded, but had something serious to do.

Yunfei is very diligent in taking the eternal people to destroy the world every day.

Today, the boss changed his mind and appeared in the cabinet hall, standing under the Eternal Liangzi plaque written by himself.

What is the boss going to do?

"Are you ready? Today is the day when we are going to destroy the alliance. Are you afraid?"

Yunfei's method of inspiring people is a bit cheap, but that doesn't matter. The key is that the eternal people know how to cooperate.


Yunfei nodded with satisfaction. Three months have passed. Although the strength of the eternal people has not improved much, their energy and spirit are very good. They are not decadent and have a better understanding of each other.

"Xingbo, go catch someone from the alliance. If you want to major in the rules of light, take him to the mission point."

Yunfei originally wanted to kill the people recruited into Eternity by Xingbo, but in this situation, he really couldn't do it.

At this time, Yunfei's control over the Rules of Destruction has reached 100 points, and his control over the Rules of Light has reached 99 points. He is only a little short of the control over the Rules of Light to complete the mission that was triggered long ago: Chaos. After completing the mission, he will truly Master the rules of chaos.

"It's the boss."

Xingbo has been enduring this for a long time.

Xingbo felt very, very unhappy as those enemies of Jieya were free outside of him every day.

Now the boss has asked himself to arrest people. This is the rhythm of causing trouble.

Xingbo licked his lips. He didn't know what was wrong with him recently, but he liked to cause trouble, even if it caused injuries all over his body, he would not hesitate.

This kind of passionate life is what he should live.

Xingbo went to arrest someone.

Nowadays, there is a mixed bag of good and bad people in the alliance. It is very simple to catch someone who majors in light.

And Xingbo may have been infected with some of Yunfei's arrogance. He didn't hide anything when he arrested people, he was so arrogant, and after arresting people, he returned to eternity.

Yunfei glanced at the person captured by Xingbo, then smiled coldly and thought to himself, little brother, you are in bad luck.

However, this man was still arrogant and didn't pay attention to Yun Fei's cold eyes.

"Eternal person? Why are you arresting me? I advise you to let me go immediately, otherwise you will die in an ugly way."

Look, any little kid in this league has already grown so big.

At this time, Kong Wei doesn't seem to dare to say such big words when facing Yunfei, right?

"Do you know who I am?"

Yunfei appeared in front of this man, faster than the ghost.

Looking at the face so close, the captured man swallowed.

"I know, I know."

"You are so brave. You know who I am and yet you dare to talk to me like this. Did someone from the Alliance give you the courage?"

Yunfei's question made this guy not sure how to answer.


Yunfei caught the unlucky guy, and then the eternal man followed Yunfei's footsteps and left the eternal headquarters.

Eternal's sudden action disturbed Tiandao Academy, which was already sleeping.

Tie Laosan watched Yunfei leave on the third floor of Eternal Headquarters: "I can't help you much. I just refined some small things to bring with them. I hope I can give some people some surprises."

After that, Tie Laosan continued to study his own things.

This kind of scene also happened in Daoge and Qishi.

Everyone who is waiting for this day has the same wish.

"It's about to begin."

How does Yunfei start his performance?

How do people in the alliance recruit people?

"Boss, someone was captured by Eternity, and now the Eternal people are heading to the mission point."

In the alliance's headquarters, in the branch hall where Fierce Fang is located, Wei Ying is refining a ball of energy, which is the power of the world that he has exchanged for his merits.

The person who was a little nervous standing in front of him was Kong Wei.

When Kong Wei faced Yun Fei, he was mentally disturbed. When he learned that Yun Fei was the leader of the eternal team this time, he immediately ran to find Wei Ying.

"Yunfei showed up?"

"Yes, he showed up and arrested someone from below. I don't know what he was going to do."

"If you go and take a look, you will know what he is going to do. It's time to let the alliance's reputation shock everyone. Go contact people and bring everything you can."

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